Sentences with phrase «tumor area»

By observing glucose metabolism activity it may therefore be possible to identify solid tumors or very aggressively growing tumor areas.
(E and F) Representative H&E staining (E) and quantification (F) of stained tumor area of bone lesions.
The sesame seed lignan sesamin has been found to reduce breast tumor area in rats with hormone receptor positive (ER + / PR +) tumors.
(C and D) Representative H&E staining (C) and quantification (D) of H&E - stained tumor area of mouse tibias from each group.
The OPTiM investigators, in an analysis of lesion - level responses, reported that among 2,116 lesions in patients treated with T - VEC, tumor area decreases of ≥ 50 % occurred in 64 % of injected lesions, in 34 % of uninjected nonvisceral lesions, and in 15 % of uninjected visceral lesions.
Ultrasound is used for penetrating deeply into the tissue and can be focused on a tiny tumor area for activating a sonosensitizer, allowing for the non-invasive eradication of tumors.
Yet another recent approach from orthodox oncology proposes nanoparticle and liposomal technology applications to target tumor areas with — toxic pharmaceutical drugs.
(G and H) Representative H&E staining (G) and quantification of H&E - stained tumor area of bone lesions.
In order to enable a spatially precise sampling, the tumor areas in the PET and CT data for the examination are defined and transferred to a machine.
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