Sentences with word «underbrush»

Underbrush refers to the dense growth of low-lying plants, small trees, or shrubs that grow underneath larger trees or in forests. It can also be called undergrowth. Full definition
Clark has spent years all over the South crawling through underbrush and kicking up leaf litter to collect ticks that transmit infections.
He works to remove a lot of underbrush of misunderstanding and moralizing of the text, seeking to listen to it on its own terms.
Your Miniature Schnauzer is a wire haired dog, the hallmark of a dog that would normally work in underbrush, or other abrasive environments that would require this type of protection.
This build, in combination with a deep chest, heavy brow and powerful hindquarters, enables the dog to move through thick underbrush when hunting.
We have been scratching our way through dense underbrush in northwestern Australia, guided only by the dim light from a GPS screen.
They're found anywhere in wooded areas and underbrush as a general rule and aren't really very picky about from whose blood they get their nourishment.
I was paid ten cents a column inch by an editor who thought he was clearing underbrush when reading my copy; they all think that way.
The decision, said Albany Law School Prof. Vin Bonventre, will clear away underbrush.
That species, which some researchers consider a «native invader,» is spreading in areas of forest underbrush where deer are abundant.
Avoid tall grass, weeds and heavy underbrush where snakes may hide during the day.
With suppression, large amounts of underbrush accumulate on the forest floor, certain tree species can not regenerate (oak and pine, for example, need fire to crack their seeds), and trees that do flourish become densely packed.
Forest managers use controlled or prescribed fires under favorable weather conditions in an effort to reduce underbrush and fuel in forests, which can build up over time and cause more intense wildfires.
Remove underbrush from trees, and rake leaves where fleas and ticks may lurk.
Okay, I'll be the first to admit he's adorable, but from what we've been able to observe, he's gunning for Judd's spot as premier Turf War judge like a bloodthirsty tiger crouching in the jungle underbrush.
This keeps them from making any noise on the trail as well as preventing snags on underbrush.
The bulk of the 52 - acre property is undeveloped forest, part of the Tongass National Forest, where the dense growth and mossy underbrush makes it hard to explore by foot.
Trees and tangled underbrush alternate with dappled or streaming sunlight.
Incoming Chairman Pai, however, opposed those rules and has promised to «take a weed whacker» to the FCC's «regulatory underbrush
«By helping to clear away the «structural underbrush» of contemporary racism,» Levine and Harmon inform us, The Death of an American Jewish Community has «tried to foster understanding and, ultimately, new means of resolution.»
Any of these names makes sense in terms of the church's emphasis on the «fire» of God's presence and baptism in the Holy Spirit, a fire that is burning away the dead underbrush of cultural Catholicism; on the outward expression of this personal experience, especially glossolalia; and on the inner work of sanctification, which preachers describe as the process of being conformed to Christ or Christ being formed within us.
The 2010, although higher in alcohol, expressed the cool, challenging vintage with deeper earthiness and characteristic mountainside underbrush.
The law allowed the mayor to bring stability to a system where chancellors once flew in and out the door and to clear away the bureaucratic underbrush that had defeated his predecessors.
More than 120 million years ago, while giant dinosaurs crashed through the forests in fearsome combat, a quieter drama unfolded in the Cretaceous underbrush: some lineage of hairy, diminutive creatures stopped laying eggs and gave birth to live young.
This prevents smaller fires from burning underbrush and forest litter.
For instance, they have found that the spiders prefer to operate in dense, shady underbrush.
The verdant underbrush had been hacked down with K - bark nives to clear fields of fire for the defensive lines, and the jungle floor, once veined with rivulets of water, was now only sucking clay.
The best way through this thicket of digital underbrush is to spend a little time browsing ebook stores before you commit to a device.
The American Kennel Association says this about the breed: «Medium sized and bred to cover all terrain encountered by the walking hunter, the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon has been called the «4 - wheel drive of hunting dogs» as he will enter briars or underbrush without hesitation.
Both are appropriate as it is a small dog and, it was originally breed to hunt game in the low underbrush.
If you're around a dog long enough, you no doubt have seen that so much of what they do is instinctual, whether they are aware of it or not... We believe that pawing and spinning before lying down come from their ancestors having to flatten underbrush in order to make a comfortable bed.
So contrary to the UN warning, maybe it's just time to clear out some old underbrush.
The extra precipitation helped spur tree and underbrush growth, which has provided more fuel.
In this way it is less likely to have productive discussions get hung up in the emotional underbrush.
Curt suggested cutting down a big tree that blocked a full view of the front of the house and removing or trimming underbrush and mature other bushes.
Keeping animals from thick underbrush reduces their exposure to ticks.
A long, low, substantial dog, the Clumber Spaniels heavy brow, deep chest, straight forequarters, powerful hindquarters, massive bone, and large feet combine to give it the power and endurance to move through dense underbrush in pursuit of game.
In the Wild Discovery Zone, customers hear wild animals roaring and walking through underbrush.
Avoid tall grass, weeds, and heavy underbrush where snakes may be present.
Where practical, fires should be started during the wet season in order to clear underbrush, as we have learned to do in Yosemite and Yellowstone.
According to our observations, Li» l Judd is gunning for Judd's spot as premier Turf War judge like a bloodthirsty tiger crouching in the jungle underbrush.
The accumulated underbrush of bad debts doesn't keep building up until the eventual fire is impossible to control.
But the wildfires in Sonoma and Napa county were more like the hurricanes that ravaged Necker Island in that scientists attribute their ferocity to climate change: specifically, unprecedented heat waves that killed trees and dried out underbrush, leaving huge amounts of fuel for the flames.
and disappeared into the underbrush.
Ladders should be built only with high - quality bonds but — in municipals, especially — you never know when a snake is hidden in the underbrush.
Miley isn't exactly forging thought the underbrush, bushwhacking a new trail here... I think that this is less a virgin / whore dichotomy issue than it is not seeing her as being a grown up.
Just like a wild animal, it seeks safety in the dense underbrush, especially when other people are around.
However, today's cartoon, coupled with Valerie's exhortation on April 7, has flushed me out of the underbrush.
A deer crashes through the desert's underbrush, hunting for the water that can keep it alive.
Without commitment to the truth, the underbrush of falsehood quickly grows up and you become lost, unable to know where you are, let alone where you're going.
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