Sentences with phrase «use of corporal punishment»

Also, the biggest liberal concerns about Islamist practices and abuses involve matters that can only be implemented with majority control of the government (e.g. excessive use of corporal punishment in the criminal justice system), but which are much less harmful to non-Muslims, at least, when Muslims can only enforce their ideologies on co-religionists and can only do so via institutions of civil society rather than institutions of coercive government control.
In a similar vein, Xu et al, (2000), examined and tested an integrated theoretical model to predict the likelihood of parental use of corporal punishment on children in two - parent families.
Font states, «We found that the factors associated with parental use of corporal punishment also predicted the schools» use of SCP as part of its disciplinary system.
Research also reveals that the excessive use of corporal punishment has been associated with a number of adult social and psychological problems, including physical aggression and depression (Swinford et al, 2000).
Due to the limited amount of information regarding the conditions associated with the effective use of corporal punishment further research is warranted.
Many teaching and training systems are based on the school of hard knocks; many systems involve the deliberate use of corporal punishment — for incentive, or to assert the authority of school and teacher over the pupil.
His investigation revealed that at one institution, South Florida Prep, large numbers of students were crammed into rotating classroom locations in dingy strip malls, church foyers and public parks; open use of corporal punishment methods to tame students; 17 - year - old drivers with learner's permits transporting other students to field trips, which resulted in an accident and deaths in one instance; and other sad stories of neglect and abuse.
Read recollections from former students about the frequent use of corporal punishment in Indian Residential Schools.
According to the report, which contains data that school districts are now required to submit to the Department of Public Instruction, more than one in every five uses of corporal punishment in North Carolina was applied to a student with disabilities during the 2010 - 2011 school year.
This supports the promise of CPC - CBT to reduce parental use of corporal punishment, improve positive parenting skills, reduce children's PTSD symptoms, and strengthen parent - child relationships.
I have seen many instances of dogs that have become aggressive because of the inappropriate use of corporal punishment, and I've seen a handful of dogs that developed a grudge that then couldn't be changed.
«He denounces the use of corporal punishment with children.
They asked the kids» parents to complete the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire, which measures five aspects of parenting style: positive parental involvement, positive discipline techniques, consistent use of positive discipline methods, use of corporal punishment, and monitoring and supervision.
CED provides educational information on the effects and risk factors associated with the use of corporal punishment on children while offering healthy, effective alternatives.
Now, most, if not all, schools ban the use of corporal punishment and even designate their stance opposing it in their informational handbooks.
The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages any use of corporal punishment; however, the study acknowledges that most parents continue to spank their children.
More than 100 countries throughout the world have banned the use of corporal punishment in schools, and 24 countries have banned it in the home as well.
I understand that my participation in this project will involve questions about my experiences, attitudes and feelings regarding the use of corporal punishment and other discipline techniques.
The Ghana Education Service (GES) has banned the use of corporal punishment in schools but some institutions have maintained that they consider it as an indispensable tool in the enforcement of discipline.
The new regulations will allow the state to suspend or revoke a license for insufficient staff - to - children ratios, failure to obtain adequate medical treatment for a child, blocked egress, use of corporal punishment, poor sanitary conditions and refusing to cooperate with inspectors.
According to the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, at least 106 countries do not prohibit the use of corporal punishment in schools, 147 countries do not prohibit it within alternative care settings, and as yet only 16 countries have prohibited its use in the home.
An even clearer example is the use of corporal punishment.
The state board of regents, which has opposed the use of corporal punishment in disciplining students, will petition the legislature for the change, according to Christopher Carpenter, a spokesman for the state department of education.
Where legal, the use of corporal punishment is often decided at the school level.
Under a provision of the state penal code, he said, parents and teachers are exempt from any criminal assault charges stemming from the use of corporal punishment.
The Educator - Student Interaction Training Act would require training on sexual or romantic contact, social media interactions, interactions outside the classroom and the use of corporal punishment and physical restraints in classrooms.
A few weeks ago, Education Week released an analysis of federal civil rights data on the use of corporal punishment in schools.
There has been no use of corporal punishment, down from 24 cases the previous year.
State Rep. Jason Powell of Nashville has filed legislation to ban the use of corporal punishment on students with disabilities.
Even as legislative efforts to limit the use of corporal punishment ramp up, some Tennessee school districts continue to incorporate physical violence against children into their discipline policies.
After graduating in 1837 he taught briefly but resigned to protest the use of corporal punishment on the students, specifically whippings.
It turns out 19 US states explicitly allow the use of corporal punishment on students deemed unruly, but all 50 states allow it to be used if students are considered a danger to themselves or others.
Such mechanisms include: anger / hostility / overreactivity; family cohesion / coparenting / domestic violence; perceptions of the child as a problem, use of corporal punishment, harsh discipline and other aversive parenting behaviors, overall quality of parent - child relationships, self - centeredness and misuse of substances
Opposition to the use of corporal punishment The majority of research associated with the use of corporal punishment has presented this child - rearing method in a negative light.
The use of corporal punishment as primary and secondary responses was more likely for poorer families.
Despite the fact the literature which supports the use of corporal punishment is limited many of the studies which argue in support of such often consider the contextual factors associated with corporal punishment.
Their study reveals that the use of corporal punishment is primarily determined by cultural, human, and social capital that is available to, or has already been acquired by, parents (Xu et al, 2000).
Conservative Protestantism and the parental use of corporal punishment.
Conclusion Considering that the United States and parts of Canada remain the only developed countries to allow corporal punishment, various measures should be created and developed to ensure effectiveness and safety regarding the use of corporal punishment among youth (Robinson et al, 2005).
With regards to race, various studies regarding the use of corporal punishment suggest that physical discipline may promote rather than deter antisocial behavior.
Specifically, this analysis will explore the various definitions of corporal punishment, studies which offer support and opposition regarding the use of corporal punishment, characteristics of individuals who support the use of corporal punishment, and suggested conditions associated with the use of corporal punishment.
A particular focus of research has been parental use of corporal punishment.
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