Sentences with phrase «useful compounds»

Who knows, there may even be useful compounds hidden away in alternative or traditional medicines that could be found through a good testing program.
It is a very useful compound everyone should get acquainted with.
There are at least 100 species of the bacterial genus Clostridia that exist in nature, a variety of which are employed commercially in the production of useful compounds like ethanol and acetone...
There are plenty of variations of these and plenty of other useful compound exercises as well (such as lunges and core exercises).
They contain high amounts of chlorophyll that is almost chemically identical to haemoglobin and one of the most useful compounds in the world for detoxification (especially heavy metals.)
However, efficient transformation of lignin, an integral and problematic component of lignocellulose, into useful compounds is a major challenge, primarily because lignin is a randomized aromatic polymer that is resistant to decomposition.
Researchers write in the Journal of Biological Chemistry that they have identified an enzyme that can add a nitro group to the benzene ring of tyrosine to produce 3 - nitrotyrosine, a potential first step toward using bacteria to create useful compounds in bioplastic development.
The exact mechanism is unknown at this point, but burdock root does contain some medicinally useful compounds like tannins, arctigenin, arctiin, beta - eudesmol, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid.
Various types of microbes break down pollutants, synthesize useful compounds and carry out photosynthesis and other metabolic processes.
In recent years, scientists have been methodically working out how to interpret useful compounds they've found in cetacean blow, which include DNA, microbes, metabolites, and hormones.
The researchers use bacteria to turn this mixture into an extract containing two more useful compounds: caproic acid (n - hexanoic acid) and caprylic acid (n - octanoic acid).
For more info on why adding myrosinase to isothiocyanates is useful, see this post on sulforaphane — which is a super useful compound which activates the NRF - 2 pathway, responsible for regulating around 200 different genes.
And as for greenhouse gases, we all of course know that plants turn various carbon molecules (and in some cases even methane and other greenhouse gases) back into other useful compounds and gases such as oxygen and carbohydrates.
The technology is allowing basic scientists and small companies to generate impressive libraries of molecules, on a scale once reserved for big pharma, and select from them the most useful compounds.
Since the majority of its 350 species have yet to be sequenced and analyzed, researchers are still at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding Aspergillus» full potential and the spectrum of useful compounds they may generate.
Besides, some fruits and vegetables such as cranberries, lemon, grape fruits, oranges, asparagus include rutin — a useful compound that can help you cure hemorrhoid significantly.
Unfortunately, such cell - based tests often leave open the question of how a useful compound works.
The «golden age of antibiotic discovery» began 65 years ago with a simple strategy: Scoop up dirt, grow the soil - dwelling bacteria in the lab, and screen them for useful compounds.
Basically, a luxury product whose very name (agave) means «noble» in Greek, and is fairly expensive, has no useful compounds for acne whatsoever.
Therefore, agave nectar is devoid of any of the health benefits promised to millions of customers, and any useful compounds for acne.
The Supreme Court noted that Pfizer had chosen an opaque method of drafting its patent and failed to explain why it had elected to suppress information that sildenafil was the tested and useful compound.
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