Sentences with phrase «valid conclusions»

Knowing what students know and drawing valid conclusions about their developing expertise should be based on strong, up - to - the - minute evidence.
They may also assist law enforcement agents in analyzing available information on crime suspects so as to arrive at valid conclusions.
I would imagine that if people met with a therapist for 3 - 4 months a more valid conclusion could be met.
You're making decisions about what ought to be the answer; what's the better answer among a number of valid conclusions.
Being a subjective statistic it is hard to get many valid conclusions from the data provided as the definition of a clear cut chance is up for interpretation.
Is he / she capable of taking in information, analyzing that information and developing valid conclusions?
The database needs to grow further before with statistically reliable amounts of data for each condition, before valid conclusions may be drawn.
Consultant are expected to analyze a particular situation, consider the different options available, understand the pros and cons of each and then draw valid conclusions.
Interpreting the results of adoption studies is very difficult for the aforementioned reasons, and it is also challenging to make valid conclusions due to the fact that adoptees already display a higher rate of antisocial personality disorder as compared to the general population.
To affirm NASSP's support for a global community of educators, offer recommendations for improving the relevance and significance of international comparisons, and promote appropriate comparative analysis of the data from international assessments to aid in reaching valid conclusions regarding the performance of public schools in the United States of America.
Non-whites were excluded, as there were too few non-white participants to draw statistically valid conclusions.
But the Nationwide data was not presented in a way that would allow for valid conclusions about that.
Ever the scientist begging for data on this point, I'd say that another equally valid conclusion from the article linked here is that perhaps the improvement in kids» behavior from improved food and drink is like the link between crime and graffiti.
(But then, can you draw valid conclusions without it?)
Currently Japan catches more than 1,000 whales each year; Dr Hogarth believes the nature of the scientific hunting clause encourages the taking of more whales, to get enough samples to draw scientifically valid conclusions.
However valid its conclusions, the report toys with our intuitions about science — that a number is more precise than a word, that a statistic is more accurate than a belief.
Observant and Logical: He / she must have the ability to keep a keen eye on assigned individuals or details, as well as be able to draw valid conclusions following observed traits and changes
Work with other law enforcement agents and analysts to arrive at valid conclusions on the outcome of tests
In this study, suicidal ideation was used as the indicator of suicide risk because too few patients reported a history of suicide plan or had made a suicide attempt for statistically valid conclusions to be made.
The method used by Beekman et al is sound enough for valid conclusions to be drawn from the results, although the extent to which medical interviewers were blinded to screening data is not clear.
Why not the equally valid conclusion that the instrumental record, post 1950, is corrupted and shows a rapid increase that isn't really there.
Age at marriage may be a risk factor with respect to divorce, but perhaps the more valid conclusion is in the opposite direction, that high divorce rates scare couples away from early marriage.
If he is just trying to «act» as though there are no gods he is proceeding from a position of belief and the experiment can not come to any valid conclusions.
Then again, his epistemology is probably too flawed for him to arrive at a valid conclusion on any thing, much less astrophysics.
Obviously from the review of what is required for Muslims to pray / meditate five times a day to / about Mahound and his and mythical friend Gabriel and probably mythical god Allah, the original conclusion that meditation is a waste of time and sometimes dangerous are valid conclusions.
That premise can lead you to a valid conclusion, in this case that g.ay marriage should be legally recognized, but the premise is still false.
My conclusion was a bit far - fetched based solely on this statistic, but in combination with our low xG / shot compared to City it seems like a valid conclusion.
I don't think that a single study is necessarily enough to make a valid conclusion, but it is a good start.
Suggesting that «building muscle doesn't require lifting heavy weights» would be a valid conclusion to draw only if training volume was identical in both groups.
«It seems the valid conclusion would be: People think they're doing something healthy [by consuming diet sodas],» says Dr. Hazuda.
«There are valid conclusions we can make from what we know about songs and chants — they teach,» observes Sharon MacDonald, an early childhood educator and teacher trainer.
First of all, 44 observations is a very small sample, so drawing any strong, statistically valid conclusions is at best difficult, at worst misleading.
- design experiments to test self - generated hypotheses and evaluate data to draw a valid conclusion.
In order to draw a valid conclusion, we need to be able to rule out alternative explanations for the results.
There are people who just assume and talk / write and there people who just do the analysis / testing / checking and come to a valid conclusion.
Conclude with a valid conclusion which gives solutions on the problems and issue discussed in assignment.
All of the methods described implicitly assume you have a lot of free time collect enough data from which to draw valid conclusions.
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