Sentences with phrase «valid predictions»

First, we must narrow the range of statistical specifications which can be expected to yield valid predictions of teacher and school effects.
Predicted extinction times more than 100 years in the future are considered too uncertain and thus aren't considered as valid predictions of extinction, Koop says.
Climate science and climate models are nowhere near a developed state that permits valid predictions to be made.
Equally, it said, there was little reliable statistical information about the economic situation of the legal aid supplier base on which valid predictions of the impact of changes to remuneration or procurement arrangements could be based.
«Overall, Broeckerâ $ ™ s paper (together with that of Sawyer) shows that valid predictions of global warming were published in the 1970s in the top journals Science and Nature, and warming has been proceeding almost exactly as predicted for at least 35 years now.
Not just the belief in God, mind you, but the whole world view in which there is some Grand Plan (note the caps) that makes any sense at all of human history, let alone any valid predictions of humanity's future.
However, as the actual operations of oil companies in Sudan, particularly those of Chinese companies, are highly non-transparent, valid predictions are difficult to make.
Overall, Broecker's paper (together with that of Sawyer) shows that valid predictions of global warming were published in the 1970s in the top journals Science and Nature, and warming has been proceeding almost exactly as predicted for at least 35 years now.
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