Sentences with phrase «violence against others»

And yes, insert your standard «violence against other human beings is a bad thing» rant here.
It was my understanding that freedom of speech does not extend to advocating violence against other people, which is a crime no matter how unlikely such violence would be.
In fact, his biggest fights with humans have been over their habit of reacting in fear and violence against other life forms and possibilities.
When conscience seems to demand violence against others, we sometimes see sympathy on the basis of conscience.
The most frequently mentioned topic across the study period was violence (55 percent), with 38 percent mentioning violence against others and 29 percent linking mental illness with suicide.
Often, occupation orders are made when one party has used or threatened violence against the other.
Often this led to acts of war and violence against other people.
Where a parent who has been accused of domestic violence against the other parent or the child is granted primary custody of the child
Siblings who have to worst» I Hate You» stories when they grow up are -» irate siblings» - who used violence against each other as kids.
(So why do some Christians continue to travel to other countries and incite violence against other human beings?)
If there are accusations about domestic violence in a child custody case, the judge has to hold an «evidentiary hearing» (a trial before a judge without a jury) to decide whether a parent has engaged in one or more acts of domestic violence against the other parent, the child, or another family or household member.
Otherwise why would the elect Nazi Loving, Hate and War Mongering Regimes that enact laws to monitor and spy on their own people, isolate themselves politically and nationally and promote violence against other religions?
Wrath is when we engage in violence against others, and do so in God's name.
«An abortion - rights group is running an attack ad accusing Supreme Court nominee John Roberts of filing legal papers «supporting... a convicted clinic bomber» and of having an ideology that «leads him to excuse violence against other Americans» It shows images of a bombed clinic in Birmingham, Alabama.
An abortion - rights group is running an attack ad accusing Supreme Court nominee John Roberts of filing legal papers «supporting... a convicted clinic bomber» and of having an ideology that «leads him to excuse violence against other Americans» It shows images of a bombed clinic in
Exposing a child to family violence against other family members is itself regarded as abuse.
Turns out that several people are after this story, but rather than working together, a «la Spotlight, the way professional freelance journalists would be happy to do in pursuit of a greater story, they all seek to get the story on their own and commit violence against the other should it happen.
(that is the same «mentality» that lead to violence against doctors and nurses, violence against funerals, priests crimes, bishops crimes, Jame Jones in Guiana, Wacko (wacko), violence against other groups..
This meant a period of Christmaslessness — after all, the only birthdays mentioned in the Bible were those of Pharaoh (Genesis 40:20) and Herod (Matthew 14:6), and they both celebrated with violence against others rather than birthday cake, let alone mince pies and turkey.
William you are a sick individual who condones violence against others and should be investigated for making threatening statements about committing violence.
If we believe in a violent God then we can easily rationalize away violence against others who we see as threats.
Phil What you don't mention is that the large scale violence of Christianity and Judaism was centuries ago while Muslims still condone and encourage violence against other religions.
«When we talk about people that are making bad decisions, be it drugs, or violence against other community members, there's a reason why they are doing this and we need to be looking at the mental health of our community.»
Their lauded heartland stoicism doesn't give them solace or feed the soul, instead it results in the inability to articulate internal pain except through violence against others.
Yet Jimmy and fellow war vet Richard Harrow (Jack Huston) never hesitated to use violence violence against others, like scalping a foul - mouthed rich guy who ridiculed Jimmy and struck him in the face with his cane as his business ventures went south.
And these identities have become on occasion in the last half century the basis of murderous violence against others.
This mode is every man or woman for themselves, as players commit wanton acts of supreme violence against each other until the clock runs out.
Human rights protections for creed do not extend to practices and observances that are hateful or incite hatred or violence against other individuals or groups, or contravene criminal law...
Oftentimes, one spouse makes an accusation of domestic violence against the other spouse — and the results are immediate.
So you find traveling to Africa and inciting violence against other humans acceptable because you think it's part of the human condition?
So why do some Christians travel to other countries and incite violence against other human beings?
Alaska law also creates a «rebuttable presumption» (a legal assumption that has to be overcome with credible evidence to the contrary) that if an abusive parent has a history of committing domestic violence against the other parent, a child, or even a domestic living partner, the abusive parent must not be awarded sole legal custody, sole physical custody, joint legal custody, or joint physical custody.
Where a parent who has been accused of domestic violence against the other parent or the child is granted primary custody of the child
I love free speech but, those in positions of authority who advocate hate, bigotry and acts of violence against others should be held criminally accountable for what they say.
A completely biased, uninformed statement is made in such a way that it will incite orthodox on all sides to violence against the others.
How far Jesus himself would have extended this to wrongs done to others, to violence against others, or to political, economic, and social injustice is debatable.
You say our values are in conflict and yet I believe murder to be wrong and bad for human society as is any violence against other humans and I would bet you likely feel the same way.
I completely agree with you that we have wedded religion and politics so that God is seen to be blessing our violence against others.
We know that after the Rwandan genocide, Hutu mobs fled into Congo, pursued by Tutsies, and both groups committed appalling acts of violence against each other and local Congolese.
Self - defense implies abstaining from unjust acts of violence against others: unfortunately this requires both honest self - awareness and empathy (qualities that seem to be short supply).
«During that same period the violence against other inmates increased by more than 60 percent.»
Understanding what drives people to use their knowledge to serve destructive purposes, what about their life experiences leads them towards these various forms of violence against others, is essential to minimize those global risks.
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