Sentences with phrase «wild salmon populations»

However, environmental concerns remain over the industries impact on wild salmon populations.
Add to this scenario the ongoing destruction of wild salmon populations by aquaculture farms, and we all end up paying a premium for the real thing.
He was awarded the Goldman Prize in 2007 for his efforts to protect dwindling wild salmon populations from over fishing.
Orri Vigfusson won the Goldman Prize in 2007 for his efforts to protect dwindling wild salmon populations from over fishing.
But in a study in the December 14th issue of the journal Science, researchers say these farms could drive wild salmon populations to extinction.
Throughout the latter part of the 20th century, the once - plentiful wild salmon populations in the chilly waters of the North Atlantic dwindled to dangerously low levels, affecting not only the sensitive ocean and river ecosystems of the region, but also the rural communities for whom salmon fishing is a long - held local tradition and source of income.
On behalf of the North Atlantic Salmon Fund (NASF), representing Icelandic and Faroese fisherman, 2007 Goldman Prize winner Orri Vigfusson wrote a strongly worded letter to all Members of Scottish Parliament accusing the country of contributing to a catastrophic decline in north Atlantic wild salmon populations.
«Farming salmon in this way — as opposed to focusing on nurturing healthy and sustainable wild salmon populations — is its own form of colonization.»
Bob Chamberlin, KAFN chief and representative plaintiff in the action, chided both the Canadian and B.C. governments Aug. 8, saying their continued support of the aquaculture industry ignores its environmental impact on wild salmon populations and has forced the First Nation to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Scientists say within another four years, just two salmon generations, wild salmon populations could collapse by 99 percent.
Wild salmon populations of the Pacific Northwest are potentially at risk due to the impact of diseases and parasites...
Wild salmon populations of the Pacific Northwest are potentially at risk due to the impact of diseases and parasites...
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