Sentences with phrase «without feeling pain»

For this method, first you stretch a muscle to its limit without feeling pain.
I got a big pay raise in 2008 and simply didn't change my spending habits and increased my savings rate without feeling any pain.
But very few of them could cover the cost of a major repair without feeling the pain.
The high quality (read: expensive) carriers are comfortable, ergonomically support baby, and allow the parent to wear the baby for an extended amount of time without feeling pain in the shoulders, neck, or back.
Walked for a while without feeling any pain, so I totally recommend them!
How could he have healed without feeling pain, seeing it, surviving it & choose not to let it have its full grip on himself without activating who he really was & meant to be?
The reason is that I can't eat dairy without feeling pain in my breasts due to a condition called cystic fibrosis.
This is the super comfy nursing bra designed to provide you with maximum comfort so that you can wear it all day and night without feeling pain on your breasts.It's designed with folding layers, which provide superior support and suction.
You have no business doing sprinting if you can't even touch your toes or squeeze your hamstring without feeling pain.
None of this is true: RYC has taught me to move my body correctly in every movement I do, and I can finally practice different sports knowing the variations that will not put my core at risk, plus I can lift my heavy children without feeling pain!
Sitting properly helps one to meditate for a longer duration without feeling pain in the back and also prevents the legs from falling asleep.
In essence, you are providing your dog with well - lubricated joints, making them more flexible and easy to move without feeling pain.
New features and massive ergonomic improvements mean we are able to give Sony a thumbs up for the quality of the controller, without feeling any pain from that movement.
You can feel the burn without much movement and without feeling any pain.
I just don't feel like I can watch it without feeling some pain about how different it is to what I initially wrote,» she says.
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