Sentences with phrase «about capitalism»

What is new about capitalism is that it is the first mind - centered system.
There are chapters about capitalism, religion, and happiness.
You're absolutely right about capitalism and the wealth it has created in the first and third world, it is a moot point!
What Pope Francis said about capitalism mirrors exactly what Saint Pope John Paul II said on the same matter!
It makes an interesting read in terms of the shifting definitions of capitalism current in the literature and reminds us that when different authors talk about capitalism that they are using the same term to refer to numerous different things.
At a climate change meeting in La Paz last December, Hosse spoke about capitalism as the root of the rupture between humans and the environment.
«The most amazing thing about capitalism is that it's not a zero - sum game.
Tomasi tries to deflect worries about capitalism in practice by claiming the high ground of ideal theory: the philosophical choice between free market fairness and its alternatives ultimately rests not on empirical and feasibility concerns, but rather on which vision of justice is most compelling at a moral level.
«I personally think we are going to see some of both,» Buterin responded to one woman's question about capitalism versus the blockchain community's cypherpunk philosophy.
Whatever your thoughts about capitalism happen to be, and even if you still believe that environmentalism is a continuation of socialism, it is worth recognising environmentalism's distance from the traditional Left.
The Pope didn't say anything about capitalism that Adam Smith didn't say before him.
Because at the end of the day, that's what the push for greater diversity is all about CAPITALISM for those of us MAKING games.
It's much like what he did with his first book in conveying what many may have already instinctively known or felt about capitalism.
oh, you forgot that part... and there is no inconsistency in the Pope's comments with Jesus» tenets... you are simply making an issue where none exists, because you'd like to believe that there is something righteous about capitalism... good luck with that
Such an account would make liberalism analogous to Marx's claim about capitalism: Liberalism is inherently unstable and is structurally disposed to generate the very forces that destroy it.
What about capitalism and living beyond one's means?!
People who complain most about capitalism are the laziest losers in society.
what does wealth redistribution and arguments about capitalism have to do with Church?
(CNN)- At least one wealthy donor in New York City is skittish about Pope Francis» comments about capitalism.
Paul Johnson and Amy Sherman wrote about capitalism and our need to put this successful system of economic development on a firm moral footing.
The scientists Read more about Capitalism may offer a fairer go than communism - Scimex
A consummately eerie film about capitalism, delusion, and obsession, Foxcatcher finds director Bennett Miller merging the homoerotic, opportunistic exploits of Capote's lead character with the insular sports - world insights of Moneyball.
As satires about capitalism go I'll stick with the sublimely grotesque American Psycho but The Wolf of Wall Street is not without its pleasures, most of them actor - based.
Boasting a direct approval from Stillman and digital transfers of each film that he supervised, «A Whit Stillman Trilogy» offers an in - depth look at one of the 90s» most unusual film series, albeit with lots of chatter about capitalism and philosophy.
I'll admit that as a socialist it's difficult for me to say anything nice about capitalism, so even my pro-capitalist arguments are thinly - disguised criticisms, but regardless of that, we can see how through the player's motivation to reach a dollar score to advance and through the way repeated actions are privileged, Diner Dash's gameplay system is analogous to capitalism.
This process of Creative Destruction is the essential fact about capitalism
I believe it's to be the subject of another, more in - depth article on Artslant, but I walked in to a giant video of a rat being dissected and various slogans about capitalism appearing on subtitles such as «the UK is switching to the Rat,» and «the Rat just fell in value against the Russian Ruble.»
Christopher Wright speaks with Canadian journalist, author and activist Naomi Klein about capitalism's impact on the environment and how it has influenced our responses to climate change.
Colbert and Klein sparred back - and - forth about capitalism's effect on climate change.
This is a thing about capitalism and not about the RTA.)
In the stock market, the random events are news stories about a company or about capitalism in general, and the resulting prices of securities.
We then asked two questions about capitalism — one, the overall system, the other about one specific post-election news story, Alan Sugar's resignation from the Labour Party:
Clinton said Tuesday night that when she thinks about capitalism, she thinks about small businesses, though she also argued that sometimes, «it's our job to rein in the excesses of capitalism so that it doesn't run amok.»
It is funny to hear a capitalist complain about capitalism.
There's a conversation, a serious one, to be had about fracking, about the machinations of energy corporations, about capitalism — but it's rich that these wealthy white guys think the best way to go about inspiring debate is by presenting straw men at play in the heart of hicksploitation U.S.A..
Is it about capitalism?
What chicken nuggets tell us about capitalism, breaking Steve Bannon's spell, and the power of left - wing melancholia: what to read this weekend
Mr. Feldmann said using crisp dollar bills could lead to the misunderstanding that the installation is about capitalism and power.
The name «Sherbet Marcuse» is an obvious reference to Herbert Marcuse and specifically his book One - Dimensional Man (1964) about capitalism and the working class (also related to Dolly Parton's lyrics.)
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