Sentences with phrase «about humans»

We need to make public arguments that touch directly upon the truth about human nature as available to human reason.
Sure I am a christian, but I think about human rights first and foremost.
The characters certainly react, but the reactions reveal more about the human condition in general than they do about any one, specific fictional person.
One thing I've learned about human beings, including very tiny human beings, is that we are amazingly adaptable.
During the 18th century, philosophers began thinking about human rights.
The professional investor learns about human nature and realizes that people may not follow - up on commitments.
The doll gives us an opportunity to talk about the human body in a more natural way when we are ready or when she becomes curious.
And one universal truth about human bodies of all shapes and sizes is that they are incredibly adaptive and require powerful stimulus in order for significant changes to happen.
Reality mining: Using data gathered by cell phones to learn more about human behavior and social interactions.
There's talk about humans not knowing of the ongoing war.
The artists use different working methods to raise questions about the human condition in contemporary society.
I feel like that flies in the face of just about everything we know about human nature.
Why should we be concerned about human life or human rights?
It is to be feared that those who disagree with that proposition do not really care about human rights at all.
This brings me to one of the most interesting things about Battlefield 1: It's clear from the very start that the game really wants you to care about human life.
The attitude which these words suggest is central in what process - thinkers say about human nature.
Knowing something about human evolution tells us that we, as a species, have not developed that far.
What is most interesting is that he can not help but implicitly affirm that there is something about human beings that is beyond the patterns of purely material laws.
The assignment of HR case study is a key which unlocks various new information about human resource case study.
Through in - depth photo - essays, they tell stories about human experiences, the consequences of war and of the Egyptian revolution.
They are merely the backdrop for a series of stories about human nature.
This critique of economic life is based on teaching about human rights.
This debate is giving us all a good opportunity to ask more fundamental questions about human sexuality and to stay the course, or change trajectory.
We're bringing in new speakers to talk about human resources issues, leadership and communications.
It's all about human beings and emotions and relationships, how we feel how we love and how we hate.
Of course, many individual economists do care about how income is distributed on the basis of ideas about human beings derived from sources other than their discipline.
What about human behavior is ever balanced and not extreme.
We've learned a lot about the human condition in the past few hundred years — namely how pain can turn to hatred.
What we are learning from these studies adds important knowledge about the human brain in both health and disease.
This subject matter — painted big and painted simple, or so they claimed — was as much about the human condition as any figurative self - portrait.
The popular belief about the human brain running on sugar isn't entirely true.
Growing concerns about human health effects give rise to calls for labeling and alternatives.
Though I occasionally make posts about human trafficking, that is not the focus of this site.
Not only one of the best romantic films ever made, this is arguably one of the best films about human relationships of all time.
He is not worried about us humans just the animals on the planet.
It is the broad «situation» out of which any educated person today addresses some of his or her most important questions about human existence.
It also entails assumptions about human technological development, economic activity, the population level, advances in medicine, agriculture, transportation, and so on.
How, one might ask, can quantum mechanics have anything to say about the human mind?
All of his work — with children, parents, couples, abuse survivors, and families — has pointed him towards writing about human connections.
Far from being arbitrary, it reflects the truth about the human person and in that way helps build communion.
It is purely subjective and tells us more about human psychology than about life itself.
He is apparently going to answer questions about what dating app designers think about human behaviour.
He provides a new setting for discussions about human nature, sin and grace, and a broad context within which the dialogue with other religions might be carried out.
I thought that spoke wonders about the human spirit and what warm weather and sunshine means to us - happiness and life!
Hence, I begin with a brief statement about human existence in its cosmic setting when seen from a process perspective and interpreted in the light of Christian faith.
She is deeply passionate about the human animal bond, and giving our pets a great quality of life.
Most of what we know about human history has been passed down through oral tradition.
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