Sentences with phrase «about issues like this»

«Make it a point to sit down with your children and talk about issues like finances, retirement planning and elder care,» he said.
We care about issues like online privacy, but we don't care enough to actually do anything about it.
You may also want to make amendments to the closing paperwork if you're worried about issues like roof failure or shorts in the electrical system.
We also need to think about issues like security vs privacy, and liberty vs control.
I'm more concerned about issues like schools and housing.
They found that, unsurprisingly, women tend to worry more about issues like pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and getting a bad reputation.
Laws about issues like gun control are very important to the state.
«Make it a point to sit down with your children and talk about issues like finances, retirement planning and elder care,» he said.
Members receive email updates about issues like plastics in baby bottles, paid leave as well as topics related to the environment.
Thankfully, employers are becoming increasingly open minded about issues like maternity leave and breastfeeding.
Talking about issues like hunger, being homeless as well as poverty will expand your child's mentality and he will see life in a better perspective.
Talk openly and honestly about issues like alcohol, marijuana, drugs, peer pressure, and sexuality.
But, those who turned out were very vocal about issues like buildings locked up in the afternoon, not enough gym teachers and no public vote in the process.
Maybe they don't care about issues like water that concern not only city residents but also others in surrounding towns.
A study proposes that fear - based messaging about an issue like global warming may encourage the audience to dismiss it.
Will I find relevant info in your book about issues like this, or do you have any opinions / resources to share?
That's why we need to have a more honest debate about issues like this, something I'm sure you as a writer can appreciate.
Hard to complain about an issue like that though I suppose.
However, I am not a nutritionist and have been wrong about issues like this before.
Government officials in intelligence and national security have long used the «red team» approach to stress test policy and intelligence conclusions about issues like Russian military strength.
Once those details are tackled, disputes about issues like search terms often come into play.
They're less concerned about issues like having enough money for retirement or unexpected medical expenses.
Little features like this make sure that you don't have to constantly worry about issues like this.
It is a valuable tool, however, to begin the process of untangling two intertwined lives and talking about important decisions that must be made about issues like child custody, child support payments, property and asset division, and alimony.
In general, the cynical leaders of the backlash» as distinguished from the true believers at the grass roots who really do care about issues like abortion, religion, homosexual marriage, and the rest» are often moderate cultural modernists themselves, but they are perfectly happy to reap the benefits that accrue to them from red - state Americans losing sight of the material issues that ought to dominate their political imaginations.
Nuttall does this well personally, ridiculing Labour for obsessing about issues like climate change and Palestine when their core voters care about immigration, the NHS and jobs.
Spitzer twice referred to Cuomo as «presumably» the next governor, but said he won't endorse the AG until after he answers questions about issues like health care and charter schools and» shows the fortitude to answer them the right way.»
Critics sometimes claim that America's bishops talk too much about issues like abortion and religious freedom while they overlook the poor.
Finding the right answers to these questions becomes more challenging when parents and teachers are concerned about issues like attachment and healthy development and do not want their discipline methods to undermine or sabotage these processes.
Cameron said: «I would say to those people that I totally understand the frustration people have felt about issues like immigration where they want more done, and we will do more.
And though he's often seen as safe in his district, he does have a primary challenger: Democratic lawyer Blake Morris, a longtime Brooklynite and member of a group that has been increasingly harrying Felder about issues like Felder's attempt for a higher speed limit to speed traffic on Ocean Parkway, which critics say is too dangerous.
In a Wednesday column by Maureen Dowd, McCray was quoted as saying Christine Quinn was not «the kind of person I feel I can go up to and talk about issues like taking care of children at a young age...»
She wrote her thesis about millennial voters, concluding that unless her party radically changed its message — as well as some of its attitudes about issues like gay marriage, immigration, and feminism — they'd better settle in for a long period outside the White House.
Many of his works raised awareness about issues like gun violence and the AIDS crisis, a disease that took the artist's own life in 1996.
When couples argue about issues like household duties, child - rearing, sex or money, the origins of these arguments are often some form of protest from one partner about not feeling connected, not trusting, or not feeling safe or secure with the other partner.
How you see the world and how decisions are made about issues like monogamy, raising children, sharing a home, etc. are all cultural matters.
You should be on the same page — or at least open to your significant other's viewpoint — about issues like marriage, kids, and religion if you want to have longterm potential.
My angle in that regard is primarily going to be that of an app developer (thus I care particularly about issues like deceptive demand letters and ways to fend off bogus patents), though I will also draw on my experience as a long - time patent litigation watcher.
When we pursue real understanding, we can progress beyond knowledge about an issue like child hunger or poverty to being moved to address the core issues that result in so many children not having a home or bed or even a toy to call their own, who wake up or go to sleep hungry, insecure or fearing for their own safety.
Foucault says French socialists are waiting for Strauss - Kahn to talk about issues like unemployment, multiculturalism and pensions with a socialist tone.
It was touted by her as a place where «lawyers and geeks» could interact, and users found it often had some of the liveliest discussions about issues like trademarks and patents.
Many of the frantic rapture - ready also appear to have given up hope for their having a future on this planet, and seem entirely unconcerned about issues like overpopulation, the environment and poverty.
Certainly we can tell others at the water cooler and in our churches what we believe about issues like this, but it's important that we talk and listen and trust God to help us wrestle through the seeming contradictory pros and cons involved.
We'll cover the history of the church there, consider what we can learn from our Asian brothers and sisters about issues like contextualization and holistic mission, and finally, we'll discuss how we can apply what we've learned to our own churches and communities.
As women open up with each other about issues like dual callings, sexuality, gender, body image, and more, they have more freedom to make a statement and challenge assumptions than if they were tied to an organization.
Yes, I understand that and agree - a person hacking away on a computer about issues like this has to be taken with a grain of salt.
We use «mystery shopping» to examine the reality of what services are offering fathers, and to think about issues like how welcoming the settings and frontline staff are.
They share everything from fairy tales like «Rapunzel,» to very timely stories like «The Moringa Groove» to open the conversation about issues like racism.
The book gives lots of practical tips and troubleshooting, including common issues dealing with pain and latching as well as less - talked about issues like thrush and mastitis.
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