Sentences with phrase «about the book»

I just ask that people talk about books more.
I know more about book marketing than most publishers.
A virtual book tour is a book marketing tactic that lets you share information about your book with blogs reaching your book's target audience.
Instead you'll now be appealing more to parents, teachers, librarians and mature teens that are interested in knowing about the books of their new favourite author.
But a lot of other times, an author gets feedback that is in line with general indie publishing thinking about book cover design (a lot of which is wrong).
She wasn't talking about book marketing when she said these things of course, but I heard them on my rides with her.
That's kind of when I got into learning about book covers as I'm learning about marketing.
... and that's if you're talking about your book on a store shelf.
BTW: I will be writing about your books on my blog today.
Share your ideas and questions about book titles below, as comments.
And get enthusiastic enough to spread the word about your book with their circle?
I think the most frustrating thing about book promotion for me is that sometimes something works and then the next time it doesn't which you mentioned a few times.
As in previous versions, users can view information about books in their library and search for books.
Something I love even more is talking about books with people who've read the same ones as I have.
The downside is you don't always have a say about book titles, covers or release schedule.
Would you appreciate the same thing said about your book?
It's made me ask the big questions about book publishing.
Most importantly, blog tours help to get readers excited about your book so they're eager to buy it on release day.
So now that title is complete, I need to start thinking about book cover design.
Some of the contributors have written posts about this book as well.
There are still many readers who will only buy print books in bookstores, or who hear about books through more traditional venues e.g. book clubs.
Let's say that you don't care about book sales, but you really wrote your book to get more speaking events.
Well it's quite simply a dedicated page or website with information all about your book.
And he does say a few words about the book as well.
I blog about my book marketing experiments while also investing in tools, resources and tutorials to help other authors publish better.
As you saw last weeks, we also published book reviews about books written by authors coming from all around the world.
Students start by writing a paragraph to describe why they liked or did not like about the book read.
If you love books or if you're curious about book bloggers, you'll definitely want to check it out!
I also deal with a lot of authors asking about book promotion companies and services.
I feel a wave of nausea just thinking about book promotion.
This can work if you're nervous about talking about your book at first.
Click image above for more details about the book sale and to see how you can help us!
The really important thing is to maintain professionalism in all instances of conversation about books — love, hate, whatever.
You can usually get a fair idea about a book by reading its reviews and ratings.
They can easily choose to share about your book on all or a select few.
I hadn't even received an offer on my novel and I was already worrying about the book getting released with a less - than - ideal cover.
Reviews keep buzz about your book from dying down and offer third - party validation.
One thing I really love about this book is that you can easily remove the pages you don't want or need.
As much as students need to learn to be good independent readers, they also need to learn how to respond to books and how to share their feelings about books with others.
What I liked most about this book is that every woman can benefit from the information provided, regardless where they are in their pregnancy or their nutrition knowledge.
• Blog tours (posting articles about your book on as many blogs as possible).
Try adding a hashtag of your genre when tweeting about your book, or hashtag specific phrases if you write about a particular topic.
When I speak about book covers or I show other folks my book cover, I'm always asked how much?
My husband and I are passionate about the book publishing industry, about web marketing, and about helping authors.
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