Sentences with phrase «academic analysis»

It also provides academic analysis to legal issues in this area of law.
One of the most striking undermines the capital - asset pricing model, the basis for academic analysis of the markets.
A common thread of the meeting's analysis was that real estate operates in different ways from that depicted by the usual academic analysis of investment in manufacturing.
The study is believed to be the first formal academic analysis to measure the scale of this growing problem.
I have an issue with analyses (especially academic analyses) of games whose themes are incredibly obvious.
Solid academic analyses require much better data than is available currently.
A collaborative project between Politics in Spires and the Oxford China Centre, this blog provides academic analysis on the economic, political and cultural transformations taking place in China.
I've read plenty of studies & white papers in my time that blithely ponder far more academic analyses (potentially in data - mining).
Moreover, the three - member panel chosen for the review had little recent experience in academic analysis of research policy — the mission of the Wollongong centre.
Others are astringently academic analyses of survey research data accumulated by the National Opinion Research Center, with which he has been connected for decades.
The data is also used by the Reuters Institute and others to provide in depth academic analysis.
On Saturday night, Robert Ford, who co-authored a recent academic analysis of Ukip support with Matthew Goodwin, Revolt on the Right, said the findings raised new questions about next year's general election, and suggest Ukip could be even more of a threat in subsequent ones.
A new academic analysis finds conservatives expressing more and more distrust in science in recent decades, particularly educated conservatives
The study - «Mass Shooters in the USA, 1966 - 2010: Differences Between Attackers Who Live and Die» by Adam Lankford, published in the June 2013 issue of the academic journal Justice Quarterly — is the first largescale academic analysis of «active shooters,» defined by the US Department of Homeland Security as: «an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.»
Ndalianis describes experiences as a gamer, movie / television viewer or fairground attraction goer that make her book feel more like a personal account crossed with incredibly illuminating academic analysis.
So I'm tired of the lack of leadership and the overly academic analysis of what are the actions of basically thugs.
Academic analysis suggests that Bitcoin needs a block size limit to guarantee miner income in the long - term.
This post is part of OxOn China, a collaborative project between Politics in Spires and the Oxford China Centre, this blog provides academic analysis on the economic, political and cultural transformations taking place in China.
A more academic analysis is to be found in Matthew Goodwin and Caitlin Milazzo UKIP Inside the Campaign to Redraw the Map of British Politics (Oxford University Press # 16.99, 1 September)
What Trump supporters told me to an extent echoed media and academic analyses of Trump's popular appeal.
With all of the academic analysis and ongoing media coverage about Millennials, you would think that company executives might have a better understanding of Generation Y by now.
The CMI believes this role is unique among policy institutes, focused as it is on issues affecting Canadian capital markets and the combination of academic analysis and stakeholder input.
What is fascinating about this evolution — and especially most of the academic analysis (and in some cases advocacy) of it has been the degree to which it has ignored wider debates about presidential versus parliamentary forms of government.
Wang clearly wrote this book as a character study, not as an academic analysis of the grad school experience.
One academic analysis of the anti-cholinergic alkaloid cocktail sums things up rather nicely: «No other substance has received as many «train wreck» negative reports [with] the overwhelming majority finding their experiences extremely mentally and physically unpleasant and not infrequently physically dangerous.»
Folk Culture and Masculine Identity in Charles Burnett's To Sleep with Anger An academic analysis from African American Review, by Karen Chandler.
If I were to suggest just two sources from the huge body of education research that supports their early childhood effort, it would be the real - world work of Gordon MacInnes and the academic analysis of David Kirp.
The academic analysis offered free - of - charge so that all scholars have access to the best assignment writing service, irrespective of social environment.
The primary thrust of most academic analyses would be to measure the past total return performance of the fund holding Toyoda Common, versus indexes or other funds with the same investment style.
Here, far from the cold climate of academic analysis and the hated epithet «neo-Romantic», he translated his early love for the art of Blake and Palmer into a language ornate with vibrant sensuality, made kaleidoscopic by Cubism, cast in the colours of Byzantine mosaics, and outlined with a patterned, linear touch quite his own.
Indirectly, this bilateral representation intended to offer an academic analysis of the pictorial parts of each painting in relation to a «composition» or presumed «coherence.»
The report is the first independent, academic analysis to examine several longstanding questions that remain at the center of discussion over the cap and trade debate.
Among the first few hundred to be posted is a same - language subtitle projectFor an academic analysis of SLS, see Reading Out of the «Idiot Box»: Same - Language Subtitling on Television in India.
So when the right plaintiffs and counsel came along ready to launch a challenge in Carter v Canada, the foundation for the case had been laid (by these pieces as well as essential scholarship produced by others in Canada and abroad) and the academic analysis was ready for the litigation strategy (both to shape, support, and be used by it).
The individual criticisms of the article may be sound, but his conclusion — that the author «misperceives what judges need in the way of academic analysis,» which turns out to be more articles telling judges to be like Posner, to delete their ibids and unleash their ids — is ridiculous.
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