Sentences with phrase «act of faith»

I have made my peace with my body and I even write love letters to my own body as a radical act of faith.
But if you're a marketer, choosing one is still the most terrifying act of faith your business will ever commit.
But great cities are no less a product of communal acts of faith, hope, and love.
But it takes a high act of faith to believe that.
In a very real way, it's a classic act of faith.
For the developer, this requires a «giant act of faith» in your team.
To truly rest in Him is a huge act of faith.
The bleeding woman responded to the good news that her simple act of faith in touching Jesus» clothes had made her well.
If we insist in our evangelism that the hearers subscribe to all our orthodox doctrines and in the full understanding that we subjectively assert must be understood for salvation, we can invalidate for the potential convert the simple act of faith which does bring eternal life.
Despite its recent fling with science, marketing remains — and will always be — based on acts of faith.
Wholly to isolate flesh from Spirit, or light from darkness, or sin from grace, or the sacred from the profane, is to embark upon a path which must inevitably lead to a disintegration of the very act of faith.
A chapel in a theological school is a statement of intention that learning and vital piety are but the same act of faith in the reality of God and the new possibilities that are resident in attention to God's reality.
It, and the council's embrace of it, was an astonishing act of faith in the Holy Spirit's unfailing guidance of the Church.
They gaze, and, in drinking in the exhibition with their eyes, they are making one continuous and intense act of faith.
You are declaring in a defiant act of faith that there is no futility, not to God's economy where nothing — not even our failures and our discouragement and our disillusionment — is wasted..
The first act of this faith is the uniting act; and in its exercise the believer cordially receives Christ; is sincerely pleased with him, love those things which Christ loves; desires and seeks those objects which he seeks, and in affection becomes one with Him.
Nevertheless, there is a basic difference between the state which presup - poses and practices compulsory membership and the Church, in which the membership of responsible adults is constituted only by the free act of faith.
Just as the apocalyptic New Aeon of primitive Christianity appears only in the context of the seeming triumph of the Old Aeon of darkness, a total act of faith in Christ demands a dialectical movement occasioned by the presence of the radical profane.
A word must be judged to be non-Christian if it can not appear and become real in a present and human act of faith, and it is non-Christian to the extent that it can not become incarnate in the immediate horizon of faith.
Confronted with inadequate evidence for the deeper truths of life, one must conjure up a commitment to ideas for which the subjective act of faith can be the only ground, and one must believe not only in the content of faith but in the faith - act itself.
Carrie & Lowell is a trembling act of faith in the face of death.
There is in many Christian, and especially Catholic circles today a tendency to blame theology for the confusion and to demand a simple, unquestioning act of faith.
This does not mean that I am made confident of this claim through some suprarational act of faith.
While initially it might seem that Paul is referring to the initial act of faith in Jesus Christ by which people receive eternal life, the following verse shows that this is not at all what Paul is referring to.
In the end his claim that no religious scientist can ever provide a valid argument for their position sounds remarkably like a blind act of faith...
My great act of faith was to not only unschedule it, to not only put it back into Drafts, but to entirely and irrevocably delete it.
This requires cooperation with the Spirit through the personal act of faith.
Rightly was he acclaimed for his public accomplishments, yet it was with bonds of friendship, hewn from shared acts of faith, hope, and fraternal love that will forever anchor his place within the hearts of all who came to know him as pastor, priest, and friend.
Unlike the three women who went belatedly to the tomb, this unnamed woman braved criticism about wasting money and performed the Gospel's «first complete and unequivocal act of faith in Jesus» suffering and rising destiny,» according to John Dominic Crossan, known for his studies of the historical Jesus.
Critical analysis never leads us to the final act of faith, but it can and should eliminate roadblocks along the way.
Are not Nature's countless experiments all variants of a single act of faith, an obstinate feeling of the way towards an outlet leading forward and ever higher?
McGowan's film demonstrates how sometimes the strongest acts of faith can only occur entirely outside the church.
It is a magnificent act of faith in a project that will transform the building and provide improved facilities for the next generation of visitors.»
«Auto Da Fé» means acts of faith in Portuguese.
Going to law is not a form of failure or an act of deemed unreasonableness: it is better understood as an affirmative act of faith in the authority of the law.
On the argument between religion and science, McGrath considers that there is no contradiction since science itself works on acts of faith, not simply on logical deduction.

Phrases with «act of faith»

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