Sentences with word «anabaptist»

That weighty tome tells the stories of martyrs, beginning with Jesus and the apostles, with special attention to the persecution and execution of Anabaptists in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.
The usual theological bedfellows are split: Lutherans have more in common with Anabaptists in being wary of politics, while Calvinism is more akin to a Catholic stance in favour.
In the 1970s and 1980s I spent considerable time in dialogue with Mennonite scholars about the differences between the Reformed and Anabaptist traditions on political and ethical questions.
Some social historians identify similar developments in the militant Anabaptist movements of the late medieval and early Reformation periods.
The drowning of anabaptists by baptists.
I think Anabaptists did form some background.
Not that I think bad theology is a good idea, but for Anabaptists, living the Kingdom and doing right (orthopraxy) has always taken precedence over theorizing about the Kingdom and being right (hyper - orthodoxy).
From Anabaptists running naked through the streets of Amsterdam to Celtic monks chanting psalms in the icy waters of the Shannon, from polygamous apocalyptics to ascetic renunciants, Williams treated each seriously and with sympathy.
I've been saying I've become more and more anabaptist in my walk.
Several other Anabaptist groups also exist, but I'm not connected to them personally.
They became known as Mennonites after the Dutch Anabaptist leader Menno Simons (1496 - 1561).
Join us for the Hutterites (German: Hutterer) are an ethnoreligious group that is a communal branch of Anabaptists who, like the Amish and Mennonites, trace their roots to
Back in the «70s, when evangelicals were debating Reformed - versus - Anabaptist perspectives on faith and politics, I participated in a forum in which a self - proclaimed «radical Christian» urged all of us to «stand over against everything this American political system stands for.»
Various Anabaptist groups created colonies from Pennsylvania to the Great Plains.
The first Christian conscientious objectors were from Mennonite and southern German Anabaptist churches.
Shetler credits Anabaptist theology for both shaping his simple, minimalist aesthetic and instilling a penchant for labor - based processes.
Today, many Anabaptist groups exist in North America and beyond.
I know Lutherans have several centuries ago killed anabaptists.
The only exceptions in the 16th century were among the radical reformers involved in the Peasant's Revolt (1524 - 25), and the militant Anabaptists of Muenster (1534)
Yet with the influence of Eastern Orthodoxy on the one hand and various Anabaptist influences on the other, this «forensic» or «juridical» understanding of justification is being questioned.
In all three of the major Anabaptist Mennonite denominations (Mennonite, Brethren in Christ, and Mennonite Brethren), women serve as pastors in various roles.
Then, during the Crusades, there is the widespread slaughter of the Albegensians, who held to a dualistic rejection of all things material in order to achieve spiritual purity, and John Calvin who burned Servetus at the stake for denying the Trinity, and Zwingli who had several Anabaptists drowned for their belief in getting rebaptized as adults.
There was no doubt in the minds of Anabaptist scholars such as Guy Hershberger that this was the case, and it was certainly the opinion of Eberhard Bethge.
Anabaptist writings made their way into American pulpits.
Needless to say, these years tend to cause tension within the tightly knit family groups that characterize these German - speaking American Anabaptists — will the children return to the faith, or will they fall away into the excesses of the world?
Essentially, I grew up Mennonite Brethren but not Anabaptist.
Today's Anabaptists continue to challenge commonly held beliefs about how Christians should relate to government (Caesar).
Anabaptist worship is the idea that everyone can bring a psalm, hymn or spiritual song.
Instead of compromising their core convictions about what it means to follow Jesus, thousands of Anabaptist men and women adhered to their freedom of conscience even as they were mocked by neighbors, burned at stakes and drowned in rivers.
During the Reformation, Anabaptists insisted on following literally Jesus» command not to swear any oath, while Calvinists and Lutherans adhered to the traditional Roman Catholic use of religious oaths as an important expression of the religious foundations of political obligations.
It was experiential religion, whether Catholic Holy Week liturgies in Rome, black Baptist call - and - response preaching and hymnody in Harlem, or Anabaptist communitarianism, that never failed to grab him.
Calvinism qua TULIP is much easier to delineate, articulate, and defend, than the Arminian, Lutheran, Catholic, or pre-Reformation Anabaptist equivalent.
He is the pastor of Little Flowers Community, a Franciscan - Anabaptist faith community in Winnipeg's downtown West End.
I can't speak for Neil Cole, but I know that Anabaptist ideas and teachings are somewhat in the background of Free Grace churches.
Osheta Moore is an Assembly - of - God - Methodist - Southern - Baptist - a-teryn turned Anabaptist living in Boston.
The Meeting House is a multisite Anabaptist congregation in Ontario, Canada where thousands of people connect to God and each other through Sunday services, online interaction, and a widespread house church network.
The problem to which Tillich refers is clearly evident in the writings of two contemporary individuals who have had a decided impact on the rising social and political consciousness of the evangelical community — namely, Jim Wallis, editor of Sojourners, and John Howard Yoder, whose book The Politics of Jesus is probably the most profound restatement of Anabaptist social theory in the past quarter of a century.
According to the subtitle of A Generous Orthodoxy, he himself is a «missional + evangelical + post / protestant + liberal / conservative + mystical / poetic + biblical + charismatic / contemplative + fundamentalist / calvinist + anabaptist / anglican + methodist + catholic + green + incarnational + depressed - yet - hopeful + emergent + unfinished CHRISTIAN.»
Writing in the July 8, 1974, issue of Christianity and Crisis, Marlin Van Elderen rightly singled out the differences between Reformed and Anabaptist political perspectives as a crucial item on the evangelical agenda.
Reba's participation in a network of similar Anabaptist fellowships in the Shalom Mission Communities also stands in contrast to Servant King's independent status.
In the 17th century, both Catholics and Protestants systematically executed Anabaptists for holding to the «heresy» that a confession of faith should precede baptism.
Tandamonium As an agnostic, a wife of an Active Duty Marine for over 20 years and mother of two Active Duty Marines, I thought the author did a great job getting to the nuance of the reason behind the decision and also on giving some insight into Anabaptists.
Disarming Scripture — Derek Flood Dying to Religion and Empire — Jeremy Myers A Living Alternative — Several contributing Anabaptist authors Crucifixion of the Warrior God — Greg Boyd Stricken by God — Several contributing authors
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