Sentences with phrase «as a major component»

Their works included technology as a major component of the story.
For a number of reasons, I'm guessing that few of you have used coconut oil as a major component in a salad dressing before.
The conversation between two people includes as major components the flow of experience of these two people.
The design studio serves as a major component of the program.
Direct costs, fixed costs, and variable costs are identified as the major components of a budget.
But if people have been consuming something as a major component of their diet for the better part of 10,000 years, then it has probably been beneficial on the net.
Writing a doctoral research proposal is an extremely important part of your academic experience as it ultimately defines exactly what kind of project you can pursue as the major component of your PhD qualification.
The adult formula contains potatoes, yellow peas, potato starch, green peas, apples, cranberries, carrots and broccoli as major components and is balanced out by the proteins.
Chondroitin Sulfate stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid which is the lubricant for joints as well as a major component of connective tissue in the skin.
UTLA leadership has opposed any use of test data in evaluations, while the district and many parent and community groups strongly support its use as a major component in evaluation.
FIU emphasizes research as a major component of its mission, with research expenditures of more than $ 100 million per year.
«There were something like 2,000 products launched in North America last year using pulse ingredients as a major component,» Al - Katib says.
Consider the style of some of our presidential candidates, who have employed what Balmer describes as the major components of the evangelical preaching tradition: the appearance of spontaneity, a cadence that appears to be leading toward an altar call, the reduction of complex problems to a simple delineation of good versus evil.
Then I remembered some delicious chicken tenders I recently made from a recipe by Allison Nicols of the Frisky Lemon that use ground up plantain chips as a major component of the breading and decided to apply that same principle here.
Port Fish stresses the importance of its modern technology as a major component of its success.
The Journal also encourages papers with chemistry and / or biochemistry as a major component combined with biological / sensory / nutritional / toxicological evaluation related to agriculture and / or food.
We hope that he does so in a manner that reflects the integrity of an agency that should go down in history as a major component of the revitalization that has occurred since 9/11.
The Project is being funded by Empire State Development and NYPA as a major component of Governor Andrew Cuomo's «Buffalo Billion» economic development initiative.
Vitamin E and aloe vera are also used as major components for treating certain skin diseases such as canine dermatitis and dandruff.
One promising study under way involves trying to use proteins from HIV as the major component of a vaccine.
The standardized boswellic acid preparations list their content as 50 - 70 % boswellic acids, though it has been suggested that these are actually total organic acids from frankincense, with boswellic acids as the major component.
Housing projects and factories have been the units in trials on AIDS prevention initiatives that had education as a major component.
The use of direct observation as a major component of an overall data collection system for evaluative purposes may be less reliable than thought.
Through Race to the Top, Teacher Incentive Fund grants, and No Child Left Behind waiver requirements, the federal government has pushed states to use student achievement as a major component in teacher evaluations.
Because of this record, Great Public Schools Now will unequivocally support the replication of successful charters as a major component of their efforts.»
That is why Dogs Love Kale's newest product introductions feature organic beef, turkey or chicken as a major component.
Home - prepared foods may contain rice as a major component, combined with egg whites, low fat beef, or boiled chicken etc..
My problem isn't the inclusion of luck in the game as a major component, after all it makes perfect sense given the theme of the game, but more how pure luck can often seemingly trump any amount of strategic play.
The dialogue choices and how Adam approaches the characters around him in general return as a major component not only to the story but also to the gameplay.
Other ambitious Abstract Expressionists, like Willem de Kooning and Robert Motherwell, were already experimenting with black as a major component.
In his more recent work, Color and Light, Pistoletto continues to experiment with reflective surfaces in order to integrate the spectator as a major component and participant of the work itself.
Sisson employs sound as a major component of the body of work, including the original score as the «tenth painting».
1968 - 73 and the large sculptural installation Lingotto 1968 have an important relationship to the practice of Joseph Beuys in their use of wax as a major component to the work, and reflect Merz's position in the wider European context during the 1960s.
Color of the Year is a group exhibition of original art works each utilizing the 2016 PANTONE ® Color of the Year as a major component of execution, and as a point of departure.The show recognizes the influence that fine art has on color use in the realms of fashion, interiors, graphic design, and industrial design.
Litecoin is often viewed as a major component in the push toward atomic cross-chain transactions.
As significant landholders, especially in northern Australia, the contribution of Indigenous peoples to mitigation efforts need to be recognised as a major component of the national mitigation response.
The Commission is pleased that the Government considers the commitment to closing the gap as a major component of land, economic and community development policy.
PARRISH: You are never going to replace movie theaters as a major component of entertainment.
We perform a visual inspection of basic components of the home as well as some major components including structure, foundation, roof, attic, heating and cooling equipment, electrical, and plumbing.
Soluble fiber should be added in highly digestible food; it should be soft, and contain water as a major component.
An ideal settings include a biopharma or biotech firm, university development department, business incubator or private investment firm, and can have clinical research as a major component.
Chrondroitin Sulfate stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid (a component of synovial fluid) which is the lubricant for joints as well as a major component of connective tissue in the skin.
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