Sentences with phrase «as a secure base»

Parents serve as the secure base from which adolescents seek comfort, advice, support and encouragement in exploring these new opportunities.
Parents are important as the secure base for toddlers to return to when they need it.
This caregiver serves as a secure base and provides support and protection in times of threat and distress.
At this point, the child can then rely on the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore the world.
Children with a secure attachment see their parent as a secure base from which they can venture out and independently explore the world.
There may also be a great deal of sadness — we are highly attached to our partner and want our relationship to act as a secure base.
This effect is also found in parent - child bonding: human infants use their caregivers as a secure base when it comes to interacting with the environment.
Parents are important as the secure base for toddlers to return to when they need reassurance.
Children with a secure attachment were likely to seek and savor contact with their caregiver, to use that person as a secure base for exploration.
During the second year of life, children begin to use the adult as a secure base from which to explore the world and become more independent.
They check in with her daily — when things are going well or badly — and they use her office as a secure base when all else fails.
Using attachment theory as a secure base, they provide insightful reviews of theory and research and offer practical advice for working with attachment issues in groups.
They experience their parent or caregiver as a secure base from which they can venture out and independently explore the world.
When they experience disruption of attachment, children's mental models of attachment become insecure, which means they develop difficulties with entering into new intimate relationships that they could use as secure bases for exploration, risk - taking, and perception of themselves as separate persons.
Using the therapy relationship as a secure base from which to explore, clearing away the clutter and loosening a few knots, we often find that our history has obscured who we really are.
But like that wine devotee, he can use his specialized knowledge as a secure base from which to surprise us with magnificent expressions on many topics.
Out of this experience, children form an enduring affectional bond with their caregivers that enables them to use this attachment figure as a secure base across time and distance.
It is important to find a play therapy paradigm that you jive with as your secure base, but don't limit yourself there.
Emotional significance of a nation and its perception as a secure base in times of distress can also be linked to its personification as a super family [1], [2].
They were used as secure base consistently more than fathers or peers for all age groups, and regardless of whether or not participants had romantic partners; but were used less for proximity and safe haven by the two older groups.
Bowlby suggested that a child would initially form only one attachment and that the attachment figure acted as a secure base for exploring the world.
When you have a partner as a secure base, you are able to go inside yourself and gently embrace all the beautiful and scary parts of who you are as well as approach the world with far greater curiosity and confidence.
Affect regulation: a) Provide developmental guidance regarding how children regulate affect and emotional reactions; b) Support and label affective experiences; c) Foster parent's ability to respond in helpful, soothing ways when child is upset; d) Foster child's ability to use parent as a secure base; e) Develop / foster strategies for regulating affect.
But using the therapy relationship as a secure base from which to explore, clearing away the clutter and loosening a few knots, we often find that out history has prevented us from being who we really are.I especially enjoy working with adult adoptees, and others with early attachment issues.
These surrogate mothers are often used as a secure base when opportunities to venture and explore were presented.
In fact the child might then work to disengage very much in the tenor of «exploring from mother as a secure base», the process by which younger children begin to become independent.
Securely attached infants exhibit little avoidance or resistance to contact with the caregiver and use the caregiver as a secure base for exploration.
Bowlby suggested that a child would initially form only one attachment and that the attachment figure acted as a secure base for exploring the world.
The caregiver serves as a secure base from which the child can explore and as a safe haven to which the child can return for connection in times of stress
The term «maternal deprivation» was coined by John Bowlby, who theorized that infants form one attachment that serves as a secure base from which they explore the world and serves as a model upon which they build all their future relationships.
Monkeys in the presence of their mother would use her as a secure base to explore the room.
Learn how to use a group, or belief in a higher power, as a secure base.
Therefore, when referring to attachment figures as «prepared» safety stimuli, the idea is not that a specific person is a prepared stimulus but rather that the prepared stimulus is a schema or placeholder in the attachment behavioral system that then becomes occupied by a specific attachment figure who serves as a secure base or source of safety (2).
The AEDP therapist acts as the secure base for the client so that the client can work through overwhelming experiences.
Learn how to use a group, or belief in a higher power, as a secure base.
He might not see himself as a child anymore, but he still looks to you as a secure base.
Secure (B) attachment can be characterized by the infants» open communication of emotions and their ability to make use of the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore.
This correlates with Ainsworth's (1967) finding that infants in Uganda use their mothers as a secure base to explore, occasionally leaving her sights, but periodically returning to ensure themselves that she is still there.
This concept has been supported by studies that measure infants» reactions in the Strange Situation, which closely resemble their use of the parent as a secure base and their response to the separation in the home environment (Blanchard & Main, 1979).
Secure attachment is hypothesized to allow the child to explore the environment in unimpeded fashion, because the child expects the caregiver to be available and responsive when needed (i.e., the caregiver serves as a secure base).
In designing this study, Ainsworth and her colleagues reasoned that if attachment had developed well, infants and toddlers should use their parents as a secure base from which to explore their environments.
Ainsworth expanded on Bowlby's work with the idea that the primary caregiver acts as a secure base for exploration.
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