Sentences with phrase «as a sentence»

Many lessons cover a range of levels as I teach mixed level classes, I use supportive techniques such as sentence starters, word banks and peer assessment and self assessment.
Always make sure to use verbs or action words as well as sentence fragments.
The case represents the more traditional use of custodial sentences for health and safety related matters as the sentence imposed on the business operator resulted from the intentional breach of a court order.
Those tests measured some important composition basics — such as sentence structure and the use of transitions.
There is a clear and student friendly breakdown of the new question types, including tips for how to answer each question as well as sentence starters.
As a branded marketing document, a leadership resume can use innovative conventions, such as sentence fragments that remove the verbs.
All of these words and phrases can be good, so long as the sentence or short paragraph they are in are descriptive to the point of interest.
A comic strip is a string of panels, just as a sentence is a string of words.
Occasionally, the main idea is implicit and is not stated as a sentence.
You should write out your work experience as sentences with very specific information, and remember to start every bullet point with an effective action verb emphasizing your achievements.
His practice also includes work as a sentencing & appeals and criminal records lawyer.
I wish judges were required to impose the last best plea offer as a sentence after a conviction.
Active voice is defined as a sentence that begins with an action verb.
Both contain subjects and verbs, but only independent clauses can stand alone as a sentence.
For productive written activities, students are given supports such as sentence frames to help them develop structured academic responses.
It's easy and can be as little as a sentence or two.
The same information, displayed as sentences within a paragraph, would be lost.
For some simple possession charges, a criminal record can be avoided if the judge imposes a discharge as a sentence, but that is not always the case.
Remember that the first sentence is extremely important as this sentence will determine if the rest of your resume is read at all.
Usually the main idea is explicit and stated as a sentence.
Writing exercises such as sentence and paragraph construction using the vocabulary further challenge students to understand the definitions on a deeper level.
This activity uses real - life pictures for easy recognition of common objects and sight words as sentence starters.
If my client were self - represented, she likely would have told herself that she was simply unlucky and that she would have to accept the cards she was dealt, namely, this Judge as the sentencing Judge.
However, a bind - over may provide evidence of a defendant's bad character pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act 2003 s 98, even if it was not imposed as a sentence of the court, following conviction.
Youth facilities serve as remand centres for those awaiting court, as well as those sentenced for repeat or violent offences that rule out serving a sentence in the community.
You collect extenuating and mitigating facts that may help negotiate a reasonable plea agreement and present those factors to the sentencing judge to call for a more lenient punishment before the judge as the sentence hearing, distinguishing this client and this case from more aggravated situations.
According to the regulator, the article (which has since been removed) also included a live feed from Dylon's Facebook page, as well as a sentence at the end that said «It's at times like these we are thankful that Dylon Colour Catcher is there to save us.»
People go into rest - and - vest mode, living out their days at Facebook as a sentence not an opportunity.
Carl previously served as a Sentencing Justice of the Peace and on the board for the mineral development assistance program for the Government of the Northwest Territories.
Simple as this sentence is, it exemplifies — for better and for worse — the Lannisters» Machiavellian - ism: the end always justifies the means.
All you have to do is send the Sunday Times a review of your school dinner — it can be as short as a sentence or as long as a side of A4.
In reading, educators usually determine the appropriateness of a text based on factors such as sentence length, vocabulary, readability, skill development, and content.
«NY Court: OK to Serve Servants on Sunday Main Saudi Judge Considering Spinal Cord Damage as Sentence for Assault»
It may be exercised as a sentencing option in its own right or as what I have termed a situational sanction against witnesses, or even victims.
People go into rest - and - vest mode, living out their days at Facebook as a sentence not an opportunity.
SEE MORE: Spurs star defender Danny Rose targeted by Man City Manchester City star aims poorly timed jibe at PSG ahead of Champions League clash Antonio Conte's match - fixing case rumbles as sentence is requested
But there is a lot of legal and factually uncertainty surrounding both cases as sentencing approaches.
It became abundantly clear as the sentencing proceeded that this would be no easy task.
This should be seen as troubling by organizations as sentences imposed on corporations for criminal negligence will not distinguish between the conduct of a relatively low level representative and one in the upper echelons of the management structure.
They can also tell you what the Crown is seeking as a sentence and what sentence you are likely to receive if you plead guilty.
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