Sentences with phrase «at all time scales»

The climate models can not verified at the time scale of the policy decisions, so no skill can be determined.
This coastal melting has been operating at time scales of hundreds to thousands of years.
It's hard to find a site that gives charts of earth's temperature reconstructions at all time scales.
The variability of daily temperature over the U.S. is much larger than the anthropogenic warming signal at the time scales of local weather.
However, pastured systems that require significant synthetic fertilization, inputs from supplemental feed, or deforestation to create pasture, have substantially greater climate impact at all time scales than the feedlot and dairy - associated systems analyzed.
Yet even in the general case it appears completely clearly that the system doesn't follow any dynamics of the kind «trend + noise» but on the contrary presents sharp breaks, pseudoperiodic oscillations and shifts at all time scales.
Despite the complexity of the stimulus, the elicited brain activity patterns show remarkable similarities across different people — even at the time scale of fractions of seconds.
It sifts data at all time scales and extracts the underlying processes associated with them.
«We were able to observe kinetic processes that hadn't been observed at this time scale
Large scales battles are the focus in reach, with Halo 3 capable of having up to 20 AI on the field at a time while Halo Reach will be capable of having 40 AI and 20 vehicles at a time
The data set (s) available do not extend over enough time to be used for an accurate determination of periodicity at these time scales.
The smallness of that variation from peak to trough of a single cycle has caused considerable doubt as to how significant changes in the air temperatures could occur at time scales of up to a century but the net energy delivery effect of a change of length does not appear to have been properly investigated.
In summary, both historical and modern observations reveal real change in the extent of the ice shelf that moves at tidal, seasonal, and interannual time scales in response to both local and remote forcing at these times scales.
The orbital forcing (Milankovitch cycles) is also evident in the combined climacogram at time scales between 10 and 100 thousand years.
The principal component time series of the ENSO (M1) and North Pacific (M3) modes are coherent at time scales > 10 years, and their interaction results in the traditional PDO pattern and the dominant mode of Pacific multi-decadal variability.
It is demonstrated that a simple deterministic model in discrete time can capture the scaling behaviour of hydroclimatic processes at time scales coarser than annual.
The temporal variability of river and soil water affects society at time scales ranging from hourly to decadal.
I strongly invite people to give a look at the numerous figures in the supplement file to have a feeling about the real performance of these models in reconstructing the observed climate, which in my opinion is quite poor at all time scales.
That is, what is the driver that causes AMO to fluctuate at this time scale?
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