Sentences with phrase «at one's spouse»

You may even get jealous when someone looks at your spouse in a certain way.
Have you ever felt so angry at your spouse you could just scream?
One of the concerns I've heard in the group is that some members get frustrated at their spouses for yelling.
The typical reason for revenge is that the spouse has had an affair and the other spouse feels some sense of justification to also have an affair, to get back at that spouse.
Even in those moments when you're mad at your spouse, stay committed to the relationship.
When you are in a state of yelling and screaming at your spouse, you are not in your logical, mature mind.
- It's easy to point the finger at your spouse for all that is happening and yet the issues may be with YOU.
Look at your spouse as a future partner, solely as a parent.
You have to choose what variety of «custody» to ask for, waving that battle flag at the spouse who will be served that petition.
Maybe you crack jokes at your spouse's expense.
It is «looking down» at your spouse from a superior place, believing you are a superior parent, cleaner, more intelligent, more knowledgeable, etc..
It also means that you can not post messages on social media directed at your spouse, knowing that he or she is likely to see those messages.
People whose marriages are in distress often feel as though they spend all of their time either fighting with or being quietly angry at their spouse.
When we're less stressed and have a shorter to - do list, we will naturally look at our spouse a lot differently and more favorably.
In the beginning, you may think getting back at your spouse will make you feel better, but it won't.
To diagnose and fix problems that come up in your marriage, sit down and look inward instead of pointing fingers at your spouse's errors.
Ever heard a comedian make a joke at their spouse's expense?
But then on Monday, we yell at our spouse, we cut corners at work, we mutter that whispered curse, and then close out the day by watching impure images on television.
The time you spend together outside of the bedroom can take a hit too, as the stressed - out person is likely to snap at their spouse when they have a shorter fuse at home, or feel slighted if they feel their significant other isn't showing enough sympathy.
We secured a withdrawal of an Assault with a Weapon charge in R v P.L [2015], where a City of Toronto employee was alleged to have thrown a key at his spouse.
When you get invited to a holiday gathering, whether it's a department happy hour, the company holiday party, or even dinner at your spouse's boss's place, just go for it.
What holds us back from looking at our spouse in the eyes and vulnerably telling them about our feelings and needs?
You can either keep the retaliation cycle going and continue to lash out at your spouse with a verbal backhand, or you can break the cycle and choose to be the one to take a blow.
You had better go ask the people who come home and snarl at their spouse and children because of how they've been made to feel, or the people who suffer silently while stress mounts and ulcers and high blood pressure take their toll.
And I have never consciously run a red light while racing to the kids» soccer practice, slamming a cinnamon dolce latte, and screaming at a spouse on the phone.
At the time of divorce, our Albany prenuptial agreement attorneys can advise you about the enforceability of a document that you have prepared or signed at your spouse's request.
Here's How the Process Works: The traditional method of initiating a divorce action requires your attorney to serve your spouse with the divorce action at your spouse's last known address, or in hand if your spouse can be located elsewhere.
You do not want the Judge to believe you reacted in a bad way or with retribution aimed at your spouse.
You might gaze across the table at your spouse over dinner and realize just how much each of you has changed over the years.
«Some people get upset at their spouse for very big things, like cheating and lying,» says Herbenick.
The state of Florida decided many years ago that requiring you to sling mud at your spouse in order to get divorced was not a good idea - especially when there are kids involved.
Ever woken up peeved at your spouse for the slights they committed in your dreams?
One moment you might feel euphoric at the realization that you have a chance to start over, the next you're in a rage at your spouse who no longer wants the marriage, or panic at the thought of going back to work fulltime.
Regardless of your custody arrangement, if your child is injured while at your spouse's residence, your spouse has the authority (and obligation!)
Sometimes people become angry or resentful at their spouse if they feel too much money is being spent or not enough time is being devoted to the family or a project.
Estrangement is also seen as a form of abandonment; for example, getting angry at your spouse without explanation and slamming the front door as you leave.
It's far easier for me to get mad at my spouse for making us late for a dinner reservation because he couldn't find his keys than it is for me to admit that if I hadn't waited to get dressed until ten minutes before we had to leave, we wouldn't have been late either.
For those who have woken up angry at their spouse for an injustice done in a dream, science suggests it's actually normal to want an apology.
Some people decide to divorce to achieve a certain goal while others do it to avoid painful feelings or to get back at their spouse for something.
In a WebMD article, Elayne Savage, a relationship coach, emphasizes the importance of looking at your spouse as a person and not as a «fixer - upper» that you are attempting to mold into the person you would like him to be.
Yelling at your spouse, not talking enough throughout the day, making nasty comments to express yourself are all unhealthy methods of communication that need to be ditched in a marriage.
We do other things — like distract ourselves with Facebook, snap at our spouse, paint a -LSB-...]
The Firm secured a withdrawal of Assault with a Weapon in its R. v. P.L. [2015], where the accused, a City of Toronto employee was charged with throwing a key at his spouse.
We hear a lot about the kinds of problems that are caused by out - of - control anger issues, and most of the images that appear in our minds are likely to be of men — losing their tempers in public, losing their tempers at home, yelling and screaming at their spouses and / or children, etc..
Instead, of focusing on what each of them can work on, they only point fingers at their spouse.
When you're mad at your spouse, you might say something hurtful and regret it later.
Author Armin Brott shares advice for men who feel left out at your spouse or partner's OB appointments during pregnancy and what to do to be more involved
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