Sentences with phrase «average energy»

However it may be that the change in length of a cycle creates a bigger difference in average energy delivered during each day, week, month or year of the particular cycle.
As such, they tend to be relatively intelligent compared to other popular breeds and have average energy levels.
Don't expect a high rate of fat loss if you have below average energy needs.
So he decided to target the below - average energy users with a special message.
Short walks and indoor play time should be part of their everyday routine to satisfy a higher than average energy level.
If you have higher than average energy needs, a small deficit can still help you lose fat at a decent rate.
The lowest average energy consumption per vehicle over one year was 10.4 kWh / 100 km, while... Read more →
Total baseline points = (points for average energy content) + (points for average saturated fatty acids) + (points for average total sugars) + (points for average sodium)
Since increased frequency of eating (i.e. mindless eating or snacking) is strongly associated with the United States» steadily increasing average energy intake, it's plausible that mindless eating leads to eating more food.
Those living with mental health problems are often prone to fuel poverty as individuals are often on low or fixed incomes, living in energy inefficient housing and spend more time at home thus have above average energy use.
The Earth's current average energy budget.
If the battery life of your portable Mac is shorter than than you'd like, check the «Average Energy Impact» column to learn which apps use the most energy over time.
Isaac Held here looks at how the simple two - box models relating the globally averaged energy imbalance at the TOA to the globally averaged surface temperature and concludes that a linear formulation deviates substantially from the behavior of GCM's.
If the atmosphere is warmer than the liquid, on average the energy transferred to the liquid by water molecules being absorbed will excede the energy transfer to the atmosphere by evaporation.
If we take a typical male age group athlete (70 kg, 180 cm) who manages to average an energy expenditure of about 800 kcal / h during an Ironman event that would bring him to the finish line in approximately 9,5 hours (1:00 swim — 5:00 flat bike course — 3:30 Marathon).
Wagg worker dog food supplies proper nourishment and keeps average energy level of your dog.
50kWh / d / p is a valid and reasonable forecast for an achievable average energy consumption which doesn't harm our average lifestyle at all.
Thus, if you want to talk about Total Energy in a volume of air = average energy x unit volume, you can use = Temperature x 5/2 RT x volume.
Web it is so simple it is painful:) You have a latent engine with 240Wm - 2 minimum average energy required, that is 50 % efficient, 120Wm - 2 work, That is maintaining the lapse rate, 120Wm - 2 wasted, radiated to space.
The EU average energy mix is shown for comparison, reflecting the 2013 pie chart shown above.
Aside from the ubiquitous symbols giving us the message that our conspicuous consumption was really OK (let us remember that the energy use to keep the Vienna Center open, funded by our presence, was orders of magnitude above the global average energy use), there was also GeoCinema.
Scott Mackenzie, Natural Power's Director of Asset Management, described his company's «total asset management» database and tools that define optimum performance, and Glen Benson, AWS Truepower's Manager of Performance Analysis, explained his company's new statistical tools (average wind speed to energy production ratio, downtime to average energy production ratio).
The A is a reservoir of gasses that at sea level, contains enough kinetic energy from solar radiation and convective friction, that it's average energy state can be measured at 288.4 ° K or 59.6 °F and those are equal values and represent wwT which is world wide Temperature (shorthand for the climate energy state)
And if the «Zero - Carbon Buildings» are only mildly above - average energy efficient, they present quite a demand for electricity!
Average energy bills have risen by # 300 since David Cameron became Prime Minister whilst Britain's big six energy companies have enjoyed a # 3.3 billion windfall in profits since 2010.
Like you I thought the maximum entropy was when each molecule of air has the same average energy.
When used as directed, fidget spinners can have benefits for people with higher - than - average energy levels, anxiety, or extreme sensitivity to certain environments, Pilar Trelles, MD, a psychiatrist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, recently told Health.
For the quarter, the average energy stock increased two to three times as much as the S&P did, and our portfolio wasn't as heavily weighted in those stocks.
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