Sentences with phrase «biblical idea»

One needs to be constantly praying through and be conscience that they are indeed sharing biblical ideas in biblical ways to fit contextual understandings.
We have to move carefully here, and put together two basic biblical ideas which, though they may seem contradictory on the surface, are not, actually.
It is written for the interested student and endeavors to build a bridge over which available information concerning developing Biblical ideas may pass into the possession of a larger public.
One to one is much more gentle, but the same biblical ideas are used.
But as a church theologian, criticizing central biblical ideas is a major challenge.
But it is of fundamental importance not only to see the similarities between certain biblical ideas and those found in its environment, but also to note the differences.
In its own way, each of these methods weighs biblical ideas on the scale of abstract statements.
The basis of Biblical ideas of substitution — one bearing the sin and penalty of all — was corporate personality, where in deepest earnest the sin of one was regarded as being the sin of all, the punishment due to one as being due to all, and the sacrifice of one, as in the case of Jephthah's daughter, as being offered by all.
The atheists are fighting a campaign against Fundamentalist Christians who are trying to run for President of the United States and change our laws to suit their ridiculous biblical ideas.
Modification is to bury Biblical ideas - Obama's support for gay and lesbian marriage, abortion even after advanced pregnancy etc., Obama attending church may be for political support.
The Old Testament's early idea of man in his social relationships could be inferred on a priori grounds from the early Biblical idea of God.
Its major interest is not expository but genetic; it tries to trace the highroads traversed by Biblical ideas from their origin to their culmination; when they have reached their culmination it makes no endeavor to give a systematic and adequate exposition of them.
So we can affirm the truth of passages like Psalm 143:2, that before God there is no one who is righteous, without having to add to this core biblical idea the unbiblical concept of total inability.
The few biblical ideas which may have circulated among the common people were so vague and often contradictory that they can not be the basis for the precision, extensiveness, unity, and vigor of the material in the Qur» an.
Just using biblical ideas and terminology here, so if my language is gutter language, then so is the Bible.
The book begins, properly, with Sacred Scripture, «the soul of theology», and examines biblical ideas of intercession, concluding that «the New Testament encourages human beings to intercede for each other, a possibility precisely because of the mediation or intercession of Christ.
It's a Line and even biblical idea, but I don't like to think of Jesus being so busy between his death and the manifestation of his resurrection.
Scriptural references interlaced expository paragraphs as documentation for biblical ideas described.
This is a deeply biblical idea; God «changes his mind» numerous times in the Bible, whether it's listening to Abraham's and Moses» pleas to halt divine plans for destruction or God's decision to undermine the same Davidic dynasty that he had put in place and consent for his chosen people to be scattered in the exile.
At the other extreme are theologies that take the best of contemporary thought as normative and then explain what sense can be made of basic biblical ideas in this context.
Biblical ideas of atonement root back in this basic soil and stem out from it; and while the development later carried them to branches far distant from the roots, there is no understanding the topmost twig — for example, «as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive» --(I Corinthians 15:22.)
Yes some Biblical ideas and actions might be contained and represented through this «holiday» but it is not stated anywhere in the Bible that this is any Christian act that anyone needs to, or is required to, participate in.
The two lines of development in the Biblical idea of man, which we have been considering, may be combined and summarized thus:
If anything, the prima facie evidence is in favor of the biblical idea that the universe was made with life and man in mind.
John 3:3 is not a verse which defends the Calvinistic teaching that regeneration precedes faith, but is rather a verse which teaches the biblical idea that regeneration precedes life in the kingdom of God.
One reason for this situation is that scholars, who know the fascinating story of the development of Biblical ideas, have commonly written of it in technical terms, so that while the average minister, the intelligent layman, and the college student may know by hearsay the outline of their findings, the books where the substance of the matter lies are often too recondite for general reading.
We believe «pro-life» is more than a bumper - sticker slogan; it's an ethic rooted in the biblical idea that all human beings are created in the image of God, and are, therefore, of immeasurable and equal worth in the eyes of their Creator.
An important result of thus seeing the Biblical writings in sequence is ability to study the development of Biblical ideas.
It tends toward over-clarifying the picture and, in the end, it may even draw a diagram, rather than reproduce in the reader's imagination the total struggle involved in the working out of Biblical ideas.
All too few, however, have any clear and specific conception of the ways in which the Biblical ideas unfolded from their beginnings until they became one of the most potent influences in Western culture.
The biblical idea of covenant embraced by earlier Americans is something deeper and more profound and more binding than a contract; it also engages another party, a party who transcends the agreements that we strike among ourselves.
As Paul Tillich once observed, the biblical idea that mates become «one flesh» (Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife and they become one flesh, Genesis 2:24) goes beyond intercourse in its full expression.
Foles is an outspoken Christian, and recently, he and several other NFL players teamed up with WorldServe International and YouVersion to create a special devotional series about the biblical ideas of humility and surrender.
Lots of Christians teach this, but it is not a biblical idea.
It may be argued that these doctrines represent the development of Biblical ideas, but neither of them can be found in Scripture in their orthodox form.
Recovery of the biblical idea that all Christians are gifted for ministry required attention to the spiritual formation of all Christians, not just those called to priesthood.
Dietrich Bonhoffer once described his theological task as «giving a non-religious interpretation to Biblical ideas».
«Now with that out of the picture, and people getting the impression that they have a right to perfect certitude and perfect clarity and perfect order every step of the way, you've basically — I'm gonna say it strongly — you've basically destroyed the biblical idea of faith to begin with.»
These were by no means the only places where Greek philosophy, based on the ontology of ousia, blocked the more natural expression of biblical ideas, but they should suffice to indicate the problem.
That is, universal sinfulness is a biblical idea, but the way Calvinists use this idea to form other doctrines causes me to reject total depravity as Calvinists understand and define it.
It is basic to the biblical idea of judgment that God punishes in order to redeem.
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