Sentences with phrase «body as a whole»

Develop strategies that increase teacher capacity for the instruction of students with disabilities and, by extension, the student body as a whole.
I think it's so important to look at the entire body as a whole, rather than just looking at specific signs of illness.
For example, if certain areas of the skin and body as a whole do not have enough hydration they may start to swell.
As a health coach, I believe that abundant health incorporates both mind and body as a whole person.
The website is great and I appreciate your approach to body as a whole thing and not as systems connected accidentally.
By having input from these agents (and our agent body as a whole) we can adapt as a brokerage to thrive in all stages of the market.
But an excellent school's effects on mean test scores for the student body as a whole will not be dramatic.
Yet another extension of significance is the use of flesh in reference to the human body as a whole (Lev 13:13; 16:4; 2 Kings 6:30).
A great deal of muscle growth also results as the entire body as a whole is placed under stress and adapts on a holistic level.
My point to you is this, as clearly as I can make it; The scandals and sins of people involved with the Church have little or nothing to do with the Church body as a whole.
If we talk about the basic definition of hydrology, then it is clear that it is a branch of environmental science which is related to the study of water bodies as a whole.
With these relationships, our Resource Room becomes much more appealing to the student body as a whole.
Working in the physical therapy profession would give me a deeper understanding of the human body as a whole and allow me to combine my strength and conditioning background with a rehabilitative approach to examining, treating, and improving human performance in all aspects of life.»
Whitehead writes that the body as a whole is the organ of sensation: «There may be some further specialization into a particular organ of sensation, but in any case the «withness of the body» is an ever - present, though elusive, element in our perceptions of presentational immediacy» (PR 474f).
But, in fact, the actual occasions that constitute our bodies are constantly aiming at satisfactions directed to the healthy functioning of our bodies as a whole.
Contraception interferes «with the natural functioning and natural relationships of meaning of that organ relative to the processes of the body as a whole, for reasons extrinsic to the meaning and function of the organ» whereas using natural family planning does «nothing to obstruct the primary potential of [the] sexual act».
We belong to that body as a whole, but particularly to the earthly part of it.
He would lead; we would be equal, united and mutually beneficial members to each other, and the Body as a whole.
/ Be aware of how you feel about your body as a whole.
At different times Hartshorne has written of this as the body as a whole, the central nervous system, and the brain.
We are told that the soul - body relationship is such that the soul is the center of novel origination for the body as a whole and the body provides the requisite protective environment (PR 157).
The natural four week protocol is not scary and honors the body as a whole.
As a rule, holistic nutritionists attempt to look at the body as a whole and the changes you can make to various systems and not just one program.
Having stronger control over your muscles can help you feel in control over your body as a whole, even when your bundle of joy tries to prove otherwise.
«It's a small number of people with fairly large amounts that are really creating this problem for the body as a whole,» Lerner said.
That would give them individually, and the body as a whole, a democratic mandate.
We like our representatives, so this is not a referendum on their performance, but rather of the body as a whole.
These people can often benefit from drugs that target specific cancer - causing aberrations rather than attacking the body as a whole.
According to this theory, rampant oxidation mangles more and more lipids, proteins, snippets of DNA and other key components of cells over time, eventually compromising tissues and organs and thus the functioning of the body as a whole.
In a study appearing in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers at The Ohio State University and their colleagues have demonstrated how two separate effects of climate change combine to destabilize different populations of coral microbes — that is, unbalance the natural coral «microbiome» — opening the door for bad bacteria to overpopulate corals» mucus and their bodies as a whole.
An international collaboration has revealed that one common genetic risk factor predisposes the Shar - Pei dog breed not only to recurrent fever, but also to a spectrum of persistent inflammatory signs that affect the skin, joints, ears and body as a whole.
However, Joslin researchers are aware of the positive benefits of exercise for the body as a whole.
Strongmen and power lifters are training their body as a whole.
The hormone then binds to its receptor and creates an adequate biological response within the cell, and effectively the body as a whole.
As you can see, wellness relates to way more than the nutrition of the food we eat; it's how and when we eat, our positive outlook, and how we treat our body as a whole.
There is no question that my body as a whole feels so much better when I'm not eating carbs or sugars.
While supporting the body as a whole to improve immune health through diet and lifestyle is vital and should be addressed first, it is also important to address the colonization of harmful bacteria in the mouth directly to fight gum disease:
These additional factors like consuming enough minerals and fat soluble vitamins are important not only because they support the body as a whole, but also because they create more mineral - rich saliva, which is the body's delivery system for necessary nutrients to the teeth.
I immediately sought the help of a holistic practitioner at an integrative wellness center, and learned about nutrition and healing the body as a whole.
It's essential to think of your body as a whole.
Pilates embraces and emphasizes each component by looking at the body as whole, addressing posture, breathing, and, working out the body.
It is also important to remember that the condition of the hair and skin can be a good indication of the state of the body on the inside, so it is important address the body as a whole to improve hair and skin for the long term.
Try to experience and view your body as a whole, rather than separate parts that need improvement.
I practice a specialty area of nutrition called integrative and functional nutrition where I evaluate your body as a whole system and work with you to find the root cause of health problems.
If you have a copy of my book, I have more direction on how to approach the body as a whole.
Because compound movements use many muscles together, they leave our muscles more depleted than isolation exercises, which are much easier on the body as a whole.
We wish to assist you to achieve wellbeing by addressing the mind - body as a whole, and you will realize there is no division.
Instead, you need to see your body as a whole and approach the issue holistically.
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