Sentences with phrase «by religious organizations»

It is a fact that charities that help the poor, sick, etc. were started by religious organizations.
Meanwhile, only 6 percent of voters overall said they were contacted by a religious organization about the election.
Not all charities are run by religious organizations, although a lot are.
Colleges controlled by religious organizations always have been eligible to seek exemptions from Title IX.
Some men contend that no governmental funds, local or Federal, ought to be expended by religious organizations in such welfare activities as homes for the aged, child care, orphanages, and hospitals.
Between the 1860s and 1990s more than 150,000 First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children were required to attend Indian Residential Schools, institutions operated by religious organizations funded by the Federal Government.
Parochial schools are usually funded by the religious organization with which they are associated.
This is the most recent salvo by religious organizations against the Affordable Care Act's mandate for comprehensive health care coverage, which includes some forms of birth control.
All the good works done by religious organizations of all kinds (Christian and otherwise) might get a mention in a human interest story sometimes, but decades of this media treatment have skewed public perceptions of what faith is about.
You don't think that people can be brainwashed into a belief system with the more subtle indoctrination techniques used by religious organizations and have it stick?
Shifts internal to religious organizations themselves are likely to focus on schisms and mergers, the resolution or reopening of conflicts between organizations, the assumption or abandonment of certain functions by religious organizations, or the emergence of new organizational forms.
But their main direction and directive, at least under their current president, is to block the attempts by religious organizations to set precedence in law regarding religion or religious symbology or religious laws.
«The government must stay out of hiring and firing decisions by a religious organization, even if a minister sues for employment discrimination, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday.
marriage is control by the government not by any religious organization and being «gay» is a natural order of life.
Since this month's earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, other types of organized aid networks have also largely been neglected by the news media, including the Japanese news: those managed by religious organizations.
Since when is one or two prayers by any religious organization representative at a specific function «forcing their «believes» (you mean beliefs) on others»
Labeling the current «government regulation of political speech» by religious organizations as «untenable,» the 60 - page document submitted to Sen. Charles Grassley — who has been investigating televangelists» finances since 2007 — is the work of the Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations (CAPRO).
«Although the memo does not overturn the Obama executive order prohibiting sexual - orientation discrimination by government contractors, it signals a hospitable attitude toward accommodating religious - liberty objections by religious organizations in the context of contracts or grants,» he said.
A thousand atheists whining on cnn and putting up billboards can not compare to 1 / 1000000th of the charitable activities performed around the world by religious organizations.
Trump's order to ease limits on political activity by religious organizations is being met with enthusiasm and dread from religious leaders, with some rejoicing in the freedom to preach their views and endorse candidates and others fearing the change will erode the integrity of houses of worship.
The centre was built by the religious organization in recognition of Governor Aregbesola's commitment to education.
Called «Many Heavens, One Earth,» the meeting is intended to generate commitments for actions by religious organizations, congregants and countries that could reduce emissions of greenhouse gases or otherwise limit the human impact on the environment.
That is not a problem caused by religious organizations or editorial writers but by the imposition of unwanted views by those in power.
Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that «High court grants exemption from birth control mandate; The challenge by religious organizations that don't want to be involved in birth control coverage is separate from another brought by for - profit businesses, which the high court will hear this spring.»
There are exceptions to the Title VII prohibition, which «does not apply to discrimination by a religious organization on the basis of religion in hiring and discharge.
Competing with the new properties were facilities owned by religious organizations and 20 - to 24 - bed private mom - and - pop properties.
Concern about potential peril resulting from involvement of the courts in religion did not prevent every state in this country from rejecting the claimed denial of responsibility for injuries inflicted in hospitals operated by religious organizations.
It is an idiotic point, but it is true that plenty of amazing art was commissioned by religious organizations.
Requests from religious organizations will not be considered; however, a community program sponsored by a religious organization will be considered (e.g. food pantry).
If you want god in your children's classroom, send them to a school run by a religious organization... public tax dollars should not be covering the teaching of god in any form, unless the church wants to start paying taxes.
«Congress did exempt from Title IX's protection institutions that are controlled by religious organizations, to the extent that Title IX conflicts with their religious tenets,» Lhamon said in a statement.
The FDA decision does not resolve other controversial issues swirling around the pills, including the refusal of hospitals run by religious organizations to offer them, of some pharmacies to stock them and of some antiabortion pharmacists to dispense them.
Ones written and brought to you by some religious organization?
She says the majority of those schools are run by religious organizations.
Grant attacked government support for schools run by religious organizations and called for the defense of public education «unmixed with sectarian, pagan or atheistical dogmas,» according to Mark Edward DeForrest, writing in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.
Most private schools in Indiana are run by religious organizations and feature religious themes in their curricula.
The ADA (1990) requires all educational institutions, other than those operated by religious organizations, to meet the needs of children with psychiatric disorders.
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