Sentences with phrase «classical idea»

Her compositions clearly speak of photography and modern painting while visiting classical ideas.
One would be to insist — as Plantinga does in his reply to the Basingers» article (PS 11:25 - 29)-- that they are concerned only with showing that admitting the existence of evil is not inconsistent with adherence to a «C» - omnipotent classical idea of God.
On the other side of the exhibition, Sérgio Sister recontextualizes classical ideas about the canvas as a window in his exploration of the intricate relationship between colors when they interact with space and air.
QS: The right of resistance developed in the course of Reformation struggles was chiefly based on classical ideas, but mainly on the Roman law maxim that vim vi licet repellere, that it is always lawful to resist unjust force with force.
Quantum theory began to take shape in the early 20th century, when classical ideas failed to explain some observations.
Classical ideas as well as the great desire to continue what Mervyn Peake had begun but not finished led him to delineate his own world.
Mathew Zefeldt confronts the remaking of classical ideas at the juncture between the original and the replica.
He often incorporates plinths or pedestals into pieces, examining classical ideas of presentation and the relationship to where the piece begins or ends.
At a time when moralisers can not give any real meaning to classical ideas about right and wrong, they try instead to make people feel guilty about their impact on the environment.
Instead of promoting industrial capitalism, financial interests within the U.S. and European economies have sponsored a post-industrial counter-revolution against the classical idea of free markets, that is, markets free of unearned land rent, monopoly rent and financial interest and fees.
The emergence of significantly higher inflation and the traumas of the first OPEC oil price shock undermined the demand orientated Keynesian framework and cleared the way for a different strand of theory to emerge — one which had its origins in the classical idea of «money neutrality».
But if it were accepted, would there be anything left of the classical idea of God as omnipotent besides the term?
One was the classical idea of the perfection of God, which held that since God was perfect God must be unchangeable (and therefore unaffected in any real sense by the affairs of this world).
The classical idea of God's perfection is indeed problematic.
One can not prove anything by assuming the logical coherence of the classical idea of an ens realissimum or unsurpassable actuality, for this coherence is in no way known or knowable.
Not only does it seem that modern industry is at odds with classical virtue, but the classical idea of a virtuous citizenry seems to fit uneasily with modern ideas about the equality of persons.
The classical idea was that corals largely relied on a calcium - rich fluid slowly — one molecule at a time — adding minerals to the skeleton.
On the contrary, evolutionary psychology reintroduces in its own way the classical idea that there are inherent conflicts in human nature — both selfishness and altruism, both a desire to possess one's neighbor's spouse and a desire to get along with one's neighbor.
The grand special exhibition on occasion of the inauguration of the enlarged Kunstmuseum Basel will map the medium's extraordinarily dynamic evolution: the classical idea and form of sculpture grows more flexible and abstract as some artists integrate the trivial stuff of everyday life into their art or blur its spatial and conceptual boundaries, even as others return to the figurative tradition in an effort to set the genre on a new solid foundation.
The classical idea of photography as the suspension of a millisecond of real time is still present, but is being challenged by contemporary practitioners.
The script of that performance, published in book form, teases some of the themes implicit in the installation itself, with the classical idea of the philosopher who transcends the murkiness of material forms (à la Plato's parable of the cave) giving way to a more modern and subversive celebration of the underground (the naked truth of a dark pit or «the richness of mud,» as Kelley put it).
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