Sentences with phrase «constitutional scholars»

It's the kind of thing British constitutional scholars like arguing about.
This case poses some obvious questions for constitutional scholars.
This relative «openness to revision and correction,» as constitutional scholar H. Jefferson Powell calls it, should be appreciated by Christians.
«Coin toss could decide who takes state case to high court»: The Providence (R.I.) Journal today contains an article that begins, «A leading constitutional scholar said yesterday that only «childish and selfish» reasons would prevent former U.S. Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson from being chosen to argue for the state in an Indian land case set to go before the nation's high court Nov. 3.»
Daniel Farber, a moderate and pragmatic constitutional scholar at the University of Minnesota, finds the decisions «increasingly arid, formalistic, and lacking in intellectual value.»
So, the contemporary constitutional scholar Robert Lowry Clinton argues that it is a mistake to read the case as claiming a judicial power to tell the President or Congress what they can or can not do under the Constitution.
Former Libertarian Party presidential candidate and constitutional scholar Michael Badnarik has announced an endorsement of an independent candidate for Congress in Colorado.
With a story like that, you'd think that Gura would be celebrated as the toast of the town — respected by constitutional scholars and Supreme Court advocates for an extraordinary result or held out as an inspiration to young, unemployed lawyers languishing in document review jobs that taking big risks by starting a practice and handling compelling cases can yield big rewards.
Although the book is best regarded more as a presentation of the Supreme Court's religious - freedom work than as a direct study of the questions underlying that work» the work of constitutional scholars, for example, is for the most part only referenced, not engaged» it is, nonetheless, recommended.
Many constitutional scholars question the existence of a «right to privacy» in the United States Constitution.
At the same time, constitutional scholars from all points on the political spectrum acknowledge an escalating irrationality in the constitutional conversation.
Fan Yafeng, an influential constitutional scholar in Beijing, says, «We are seeing the intersection of law and religion in China.
The much respected constitutional scholar Peter Russell called Prime Minister Harper's use of prorogation, in 2008, to avoid a non-confidence vote and, in 2010, to avoid parliamentary scrutiny of the Canadian armed forces» treatment of prisoners in Afghanistan, «a tyrant's prorogations.»
We don't need yet another call for an Article V Constitutional Convention, which according to former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger and other Constitutional scholars, can not be limited to any one issue and could become a Pandora's Box.
Two other liberal constitutional scholars, Akhil Reed Amar at Yale and Sanford Levinson at the University of Texas, agree with Tribe in favoring an individual rights interpretation of the Second Amendment.
Constitutional scholars point out that Sharia law is religious law, and the first words of the First Amendment say, «Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.»
In lieu of a concrete law or a tidied up Amendment, the government can slip around the sides of Section 4, Article 14 regardless of whether constitutional scholars consider the section specific to the Civil War and future insurrections (that bothersome but neither conjunction) or general to all public debt.
So my answer is: There isn't a consensus amongst constitutional scholars as otherwise this question wouldn't be arising both on the Internet and in Washington *.
One of the nation's leading constitutional scholars contends that the Clean Power Plan would usurp the role of the states in violation of the 10th Amendment.
(Magnanimously, McConaughey said, like a true constitutional scholar, «Anybody has a right to boo.»)
In the same way that the old segregationist laws of the South forced blacks to the «back of the bus,» the California law amounts to «relegating minorities to the back of the courthouse under the subtle laws of the «New North,»» argued Laurence H. Tribe, a Harvard University constitutional scholar representing the minority - group plaintiffs in the Los Angeles school - desegregation case.
To begin, many legal historians and constitutional scholars seem to agree that the equal protection clause, as originally understood, did not prohibit segregation, because integration — including integrated schools — involved a «social» right, not a civil right, and therefore fell outside the ambit of that clause.
One of the nation's preeminent Constitutional scholars, Dr. Laurence Tribe at Harvard Law School, has denounced the rule calling it a «lawless EPA proposal.»
This is Bob Ambrogi and with us today is attorney and constitutional scholar David J. Shestokas, author of the book «Creating the Declaration of Independence».
So, in its judgment as to how the United Kingdom may withdraw from the European Union, has the UK Supreme Court finally endorsed the view of the UK constitutional scholar Sir William Wade that a «constitutional revolution» occurred in 1972 by which the European Union institutions as opposed to Parliament became sovereign in the United Kingdom?
Intending no disrespect to the Tucson Police Department, they are probably better Constitutional scholars than most of the officers in that Department.
Joseph Magnet has long been one of Canada's foremost constitutional scholars.
While I am no U.S. constitutional scholar, the American doctrine of overbreadth appears to be distinct from its Canadian counterpart.
The moderator, constitutional scholar Phoebe Haddon, noted that the expense of hiring a lawyer had been shown to be less a factor in self - representation than the sense a lawyer wouldn't be that helpful.
The seminar's faculty are leading scholars of American religious freedom: Daniel Dreisbach, constitutional scholar at American University and co-editor of the main text; Thomas S. Kidd, historian of American religion at Baylor University; and Gerald R. McDermott, theologian and scholar of religious history at Roanoke College.
The essay by the distinguished jurist and constitutional scholar Robert H. Bork on «lawless law» was an important part of that symposium, and he returns to that subject in a comprehensive and devastating article in the New Criterion, titled «Adversary Jurisprudence.»
Now, thanks to the efforts of Jamie Cameron and others at York University, the broader community will have access to the more than 200 articles by constitutional scholars and litigation experts.
At Law Talk, Bill Freivogel observes that many constitutional scholars are predicting that the Court will throw out the two diversity plans by a 5 - 4 vote.
In the 19th century, A. V. Dicey, a highly influential constitutional scholar and lawyer, wrote of the twin pillars of the British constitution in his classic work Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution (1885).
The government had to act in light of the controversy and Galati's challenge but it was aware of the issue and asked two former Supreme Court judges and a top constitutional scholar to weigh in.
In an unusually pre-emptive move, the government announced that former Supreme Court justice Ian Binnie had provided a legal opinion that there was no obstacle to Nadon's appointment; former Supreme Court justice Louise Charron and constitutional scholar Peter Hogg agreed.
Since NAFTA was approved by Congress under an implementing law, some constitutional scholars suggest the president would need to ask Congress to vote to withdraw from the agreement.
But the case's implications extend far beyond upstate New York and could have widespread consequences, according to constitutional scholars.
One need not be a lawyer or constitutional scholar to recognize that nowhere does the Charter describe abortion as a right, whereas it definitely guarantees religious freedom.
Ronald Dworkin, a welfare - state liberal and constitutional scholar, also endorses the principle of neutrality, claiming that «government must be neutral on what might be called the question of the good life.»
I am not a constitutional scholar, but let us consider the idea of the «freedom of religion» from several angles.
Just like with federal officers, constitutional scholars are fascinated with the judiciary and the supreme court in general, and pay pretty much zero attention to the legislative side of things.
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