Sentences with phrase «conversation between the characters»

In fact there are actual moments of legitimate story oriented conversations between characters.
The side quests vary radically between simple conversations between characters, to hunting for a missing animal or fulfilling specific conditions within a dungeon — kill x amount of enemy y for example.
Perhaps had the developers simply given over more time to writing conversations between the characters to flesh them out my criticism would be redundant.
Here, each character has their own ending and the story is loosely told via conversations between the characters.
In - game story content is voiced over (though the dialogue in hubs is not) which adds a layer of polish to the already ridiculous and entertaining conversations between the characters.
Only problem is you have to sit through some painfully long conversations between each character.
Jolie applies a bit too much focus on moments of suffering in the second half as well, making Unbroken feel repetitive and long at times; a few more conversations between characters in place of some of the beatings might have been a wiser choice.
uses conversations between characters, internal monologuing and its environments to recontextualise what readers of the comic already know for those who don't in a manner that remains just as engaging and interesting to seasoned readers.
There are unlockable support conversations between characters but they only happen when you reach the maximum A rank.
The resultant films centre on the naturalistic, at times inconsequential conversations between characters, often captured in only a handful of prolonged scenes.
The style of speech is weighty, formal and overwrought, and conversations between characters sometimes feel less like dialogue and more like people loudly proclaiming things while being in the proximity of others doing the same thing.
RPG mode is the option for anyone looking for the standard Mass Effect experience, while Action mode will make conversations between characters automated with answers chosen for you, allowing you to simply focus on shooting things in the face.
It is an Uncharted game after all so expect to find a lot of collectibles, note that tell you more about the story and also conversations between the characters that can be triggered at certain points.
Monaco also uses sound to great effect, from subtle conversations between characters, to satisfying footsteps that help reveal guard locations when you can't see them.
GRC: In Gravity Rush, conversations between characters usually happen by means of visual novel - like cutscenes.
Though for this game, where we normally would explain the historical background through narration, we've added new elements such as the Castle Towns which naturally depict conversations between characters.
They'll come back with cooking recipes, valuable items for selling to vendors and some interesting memorabilia from across the Tales franchise, prompting short conversations between characters.
Rather than assuming players will know everything about the world already, HIVESWAP: ACT 1 uses conversations between characters, internal monologuing and its environments to recontextualise what readers of the comic already know for those who don't in a manner that remains just as engaging and interesting to seasoned readers.
Some of the scenes take place on the screen, as we watch one side of a conversation between the character on screen and the person on the other side, in real time.
The conversations between characters are in rapid fire — containing a wealth of information, anecdotes, and heavy on the black comedy.
McTiernan's never duplicated the quality, influence or depth of Die Hard — the understanding of people relating to one another — but then, screenwriters Jeb Stuart and Steven E. de Souza have never even come close... because another sterling aspect of the film is the conversations between the characters.
Much like a few of the other films in competition at this year's Cannes Film Festival, Youth is relatively light on plot and focuses more on conversations between characters, uprooted emotions and recounted memories than a concrete narrative.
Conversations between characters that are emotive one moment veer off into goofiness the next, while scenes often look like they've been crowbarred in from other, equally terrible movies.
or I hear a piece of music that sparks a conversation between characters or an image of a world... I carry a notebook at all times because my head is a very busy place.
That said I found it at times difficult to keep track of all the characters and all the different story lines, I think there were at least seven, and in the conversations between the characters seemed forced and oftentimes stilted and awkward.
There were times where the camera angles got messed up, and I felt like some of the conversations between characters was at times underwhelming.
The conversations between these characters are legitimately terrible.
The conversation between characters is the main storytelling device, and the voice acting is nothing short of stellar.
The conversations between characters are very real and full of emotion; it doesn't feel scripted at all.
Additionally, we've been able to expand upon the story through the conversations between characters in the Castle Towns, allowing us to explain the historical background and show the daily lives of the characters.
Chronicle Mode provides greater emphasis on character interaction and development, giving greater freedom for exploration and alliances as your actions will affect affinities and conversations between characters
It can take several minutes to complete a conversation between your characters while you are just watching and not interacting.
Once a quest has been completed there will be conversations between the characters.
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