Sentences with phrase «creative act»

The floor thereby became an important site for creative acts, as is often the case with young children.
All are self - invented figures, consciously or otherwise, and self - invention is their best creative act.
Writing your profile is a significant creative act, you may have a sizeable audience reading your work!
Something, such as a sudden creative act or idea, that is inspired.
Here's my take: The last creative act of God was, «Let Us make man (kind) in Our own image.»
they say necessity is the mother of invention, but I think boredom can spur some fabulous creative acts as well.
Eros has been construed as a power which in itself is not rational, and since creative acts elude rationality, eros seems to be an appropriate source of power for them.
Or does it mean that the divine creative act giving existence to all things encompasses the negativity and disjunction of chaos as well as the lure of order?
Celebrating the spirit of innovation and the transformation of ideas through creative acts, the award honors both philanthropists and artists, for together they embody the invaluable alliance that shapes eras and defines cultures.
With vision our actions become creative acts of will, determination, exploration, transcendence, clairvoyance, expanding our ability to transform the conscious thoughts we have and attracting a higher vibrational frequency of light.
«What happens,» says Hartshorne «is in no case the product of (God's) creative act alone.
One of the most exciting releases of 2008, Dear Science, finds one of the most creative acts in music continuing their remarkable process of trying everything and succeeding brilliantly.
being a survey of friendly protests and other creative acts wholly illustrating the artist's verve, love, wisdom and wit forged through spiritual engagement with life and self ina climate of creative constipation, impotence and aspirational fear heralded and compounded by an insular, moribund and timid cultural and critical elite Paintings, records, books, pamphlets, placards, film, -LSB-...]
The earliest rhapsodes (of which Homer was a prototype) were agents of composition, poets for whom singing, performing, and composing were parts of the same creative act.
In the context of finite creative acts, the creator's love can not have the same structure that agape has in the context of the cosmos.
In harmony with his general philosophical principles Humboldt regards language, the single word as well as connected speech, as an act, «a truly creative act of the mind.»
Many Christians have held that the world had a beginning in time, although Augustine took over from Plato's Timaeus the suggestion that the world and time originated together in a single creative act.
This is vestigial evidence of a lingering nineteenth - century colonial mindset, which appreciates the contributions of non-Western cultural agents to science, spirituality, and the arts only as raw materials but never as conscious human creative acts worthy of artistic or intellectual recognition.
On the one hand, he seems to support the conceptualist notion that the real creative act is the idea, rather than the finished product.
Entrepreneurship can be associated with bold, independent creative acts in the business world that, if successful, culminate in value creation.
This realization returns us to a classical theological confession: that first and foremost God's creative act testifies to the love of God, to the willingness of God to make and bless that which is other than God.
The superjective nature, then, is God exercising his objective immortality by laying down a datum which conditions the form of all subsequent creative acts.
Each concrescence is an indivisible creative act; and so the temporal advance of the universe is not continuous, but discrete.
The creation myth was deemed appropriate at the New Year because it was thought that before the return of spring life was possible, the basic creative act had to be performed afresh.
Prehension is a present creative act open on both ends, to the past on the one hand and to further possibilities or novelty on the other.8 Causal activity in nature shares in this polarity.
Ultimately, as he states, the God creative enough «to make the entire observable universe in a dense dot of pure energy is incomprehensible, beyond human imagining,» but still «we can see the consequences of this unimaginably powerful creative act: a universe congenial to the ultimate formation of life, life giving rise to intelligence that can ask questions science can not answer.
On the other hand, what is essential to mind is the possibility of a fresh creative act of intelligent perception, which can assimilate knowledge from the past, but which is not dominated by this knowledge.
Hence, the existence of man must be understood as a further creative act of God.
Frye goes on: «Analogically, then, the symbol is a monad, all symbols being united in a single infinite and eternal verbal symbol which is as dianoia, the Logos, and, as mythos, total creative act.
Isn't the fact that we were created by God, by his breathing into us, the positive creative act at the beginning?
Through a crazy array of puppetry, machinery, very creative acting, and lots of post production, we get to see the landmark characters of Disney, Warner Brothers, and countless others grace the screen, interacting with each other and the human cast.
The most creative acting comes from the picture's scripter, Bob Homel, who's cast as the leader of a band of roving Christian hippies.
Sound often precedes image, as if inspiring it (in the archetypal creative act, the word of creation always precedes the object created): several sequences begin with a bridge of dark frames accompanied by a sound that will be explained only when the next image meets our eyes.
Inventing — building something new or making something better — is often thought of as a purely creative act.
Game - making is a fundamentally creative act and those that pursue it face the same dilemmas as painters, musicians, dancers, and poets.
Unexpectedly, what began as a meditation on the strategies of display, these paintings of galleries now considered the life of artwork beyond the unencumbered creative act.
With Rembrandt, art became synonymous with an individual creative act, to the point that David Hockney whines when Damien Hirst relies on assistants.
Art education — premised on the hope of training someone to do a seemingly untrainable creative act — is a necessarily tricky, contradictory endeavor.
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