Sentences with phrase «credits roll»

And still after credits rolled I felt like the rest didn't amount to something.
By the time credits rolled, I realized that all the ingredients were there to have made this an awesome movie.
There's no big bang finale here, but what's really important here is the experience, and what will be left of it when credits roll.
As opening credits roll on black, the sound of a stand - up comedy routine bubbles out of the speakers.
By the time the final credits roll on this commentary, you'll want to bury The One in a hole in the ground.
Your heart races and the hairs on your arm rise during the requisite action set piece preceding every Bond opening credit roll.
As the closing credits rolled, my 7 - year - old announced she was «going to take care of monkeys» when she grows up.
Even though it can be finished to the point of credits rolling in about five hours, there's still more to return to and discover.
It's the downside of a romantic comedy - what we don't see after the end credits roll.
Once the final credits rolled, however, I had made my choice.
And he's surrounded in that endeavor by a talented supporting cast convincing enough to make it easy to forget you're watching actors, at least until the closing credits roll.
As the opening credits roll, we may be anxious and worried about our lives.
If you have lines of credit roll them into a fixed interest rate mortgage in the next couple of months and don't hold any credit that relies on the prime rate.
I'd put it down for a few months and play other games and then come back to it when the mood struck me, but I did not see credits roll on Mega Man until literally three years after I bought it.
«It's better than «Lincoln,»» my teenage daughter said, as the end credits rolled at a screening of Quentin Tarantino's «Django Unchained.»
The party continued long after the final credits rolled for the 2014 Bafta Awards on Sunday night and there were plenty of familiar faces standing out in the crowd.
One fault is that Pettigrew assumes a lot by believing or not caring if the viewer will recognize the many interviewees and the excerpts, as he doesn't identify either with clarity until the final credits roll by and by then connections are hard to make.
The end credits roll over a crackly old song that warns «Matrimony is the crime / For which they'll have you doing time» - a witty end to a film full of nice touches.
There's a unique experience I have every time with Anderson's work: I watch with a smile on my face the entire time, until the final moments, when the film's emotional undercurrent hits me like a ton of bricks and I watch the end credits roll with tears streaming down my face.
Comparisons between The Last Jedi and Empire have been flying around since credits rolled on The Force Awakens.
Foodbanks in areas of full Universal Credit roll - out to single people, couples and families, saw a 16 % average increase in referrals for emergency food, which is more than double the national average.
But when the movie credits roll, we will either find ourselves in bed alone or with our less - than - perfect spouse sans the advantages of professional lighting, flattering camera angles or an original star - studded soundtrack playing in the background.
Endgame objectives with gradually increasing difficulty keep opening up after the story credits roll, acting as a sort of second main course.
#SAGAwards credits rolling in on 80 degree LA day #Hardtofocus
In its first minute, the basic outline of the complex premise is made perfectly clear through a faux television credit roll and soundbites from Meryl, Marlon (or, rather, the actors who play them), and Christof.
And don't even think of leaving before the entire credits roll; it's worth the wait to see Pierce Brosnan look like a drag queen at Halloween.
The roar of applause as the closing credits rolled suggests I am not alone in feeling that Schneider and company have created a must - see for those who like their comedy spiked with a few inverted slasher tropes.
At least your brain doesn't check back in until the concluding credits roll after its 90ish minute running time.
If passed, Assembly Bill 942 would amend the state's Revenue and Taxation code, take effect immediately, and remain a law until 1/1/2023, at which time it could be repealed, with any unused credits rolling over.
If you've ever had any doubt about that, just watch the endgame credits roll.
All - in - all, while the main campaign remains the primary draw of Sniper Elite 4, there's a robust collection of ancillary modes and a fully - fledged multiplayer suite to keep would - be snipers busy long after the initial credits roll, even though some of these modes could use a few more maps.
The game houses five missions in total — with ten stages in each of those missions — and I «got caught» 1686 times by the time I saw the end credits roll if you're keeping track.
His 2010 wall painting Credit Roll reproduced the names of blaxploitation films of the 1970s in white text over brown paint.
Of course, this is the sort of game that you could probably play forever (and if not forever, then at least several human lifetimes) but I'm going to call it done after credits roll.
As the final credits roll at this year's film festival, a contentious lineup has left audiences with more questions than answers
When the end credits rolled for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron I was pretty sure High Moon Studios was actively engaging in fan trolling.
The opening credits roll over shots of children playing soccer in the middle of New York City's Central Park.
For a spell, it feels as if the film will transcend the unpromising irony of its title with a female protagonist painted as unflattering and tortured, but by the time the final credits roll after an unforgivable third act, Murder by Numbers washes out as just another imminently forgettable movie starring Sandra Bullock.
For instance, we'll be more impressed if you max out every character in Final Fantasy XIII (disclaimer: please don't play Final Fantasy XIII) than if you watch the end credits roll in the latest incarnation of Tetris.
The opening credits roll as Martine makes her way from the airport, gazing out the window to take everything in as the city rushes by.
This — the disappointed outcry from an audience member as the closing credits rolled on Paranormal Acvitity: The Ghost Dimension — only scratches the surface of the problems with this film.
When the closing credits roll on the gorgeous, horrifying, almost indescribable new film from «Sexy Beast» and «Birth» director Jonathan Glazer, you suspect you've seen something remarkable, but you're not quite sure: you're still processing, unpacking and puzzling over it.
2nd Oct 2017: Universal Credit is «a disaster waiting to happen» but Teresa May says Universal Credit roll - out WILL go ahead.
But as the end credits rolled after the main story, I found myself teary - eyed playing a video game for the first time.
That happened several more times before I saw the credits roll.
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