Sentences with phrase «cultural realities»

If theology is to be vital, it has to be responsive to the social, political, economic and cultural realities which are «real» to that society.
These works connect painting to the constantly changing cultural realities in which the works find themselves.
The effectiveness of Indigenous - designed rules and procedures is greatest when their legitimacy is derived from local cultural realities and they also support organisations to get things done and gain external confidence.
CoIP investigates cultural realities of navigating a global society across the real and imagined conceptual, environmental and socio - political distances that it spans.
This new cultural reality raises some anxieties, but it also presents many of us with an opportunity to rediscover Christian witness in a world that we do not control.
In terms of substantive belief, historical experience, and present cultural reality, the Christian connection with Islam is in no way comparable, and is in most respects antithetical.
Using traditional and innovative methods of production, he links the past with the present while exploring the geopolitical, economic and cultural realities affecting the world with humour and compassion.
Kurt Kauper's Diva Fictions are paintings of imaginary opera singers, invented characters of glamorous condescension and fashionable dazzle, excessive theatricality and overt emotionalism, transmitting a wide range of contemporary cultural realities.
They share divergent cultural realities, geopolitical and linguistic identities.
In the growth in knowledge and love of God, Israel develops as a religious and cultural reality deeply ingrained with the fundamental insights of God as the one creator who is infinite love itself and holds all things in being.
David Landry will go to the shelves later for help from commentaries and other critical tools in order to grapple with the historical, political, and cultural realities behind the lines of the text, and to wrestle with the literary and structural issues between the lines of the passage.
Abraham's position on cultural reality is illogical.
Shadows has presumably received the bulk of attention from film critics because Parajanov's subsequent experiments were linked to cultural realities far outside the competence of many a Western scholar.
Thus does «Star Trek» make a stab at keeping up with the times, nodding at a present - day cultural reality.
«American art by definition includes several aesthetic realities, several cultural realities and a broad geographical representation.
Van Hanos «paintings parodizing partisan preposterousness would be utterly comical if they didn't so mordantly reflect our circusy cultural reality.
These can be read in distinct but overlapping registers, evoking at once the raw internal spaces of the body and the psyche, the humanist and realist painterly tradition of Rembrandt, Soutine and Bacon, and the wider cultural reality of social and political upheaval, violence and trauma.
The artists» varied backgrounds contribute to an inclusive point of view on the larger cultural reality of the contemporary world.
It's key to recognize, though, that the canon of AbEx masters was also the product of societal biases, and that our subjective opinions are not always free from the influence of broader cultural realities.
Paquette's thematic interests interrogate the transformation of culture that occurs when two or more economic, social or cultural realities collide.
If you are a Democrat, what a great opportunity it would be to share that with your elected representaive and encourage some space for those who dissent from the new cultural reality.
Although functioning woodblocks, Yokono's works are without the conventional prints that have historically served as the final art object - rather, the woodblock itself is the art object; a subtle pushback against orthodox Japanese art - making that bridges past and present cultural realities.
He also served on several university committees that dealt not only with the usual problems of a startup, but also with the fundamental tensions between the king's vision and the political and cultural realities in the kingdom.
Using a variety of formal languages with both traditional and innovative methods of production, Ai links the past with the present and explores the geopolitical, economic and cultural realities affecting the world with humour and compassion.
But the risk is that without attention to the social and cultural realities of raising children in a country that does not offer paid parental leave, does not invest in quality child care, and in general does not significantly support parents or children, these recommendations may leave parents in a difficult or even untenable bind.
is anything but a rhetorical question at many a black church; it's a cultural reality.
If your business depends on the engagement, creativity and free thinking of your teams, you must do your part to move the creation of a culture of conversation from abstract ideal to cultural reality.
While she acknowledges this as the cultural reality, Welch herself is having none of it, and doesn't think other parents need to conform to it, either.
It is important to nurture mission activities which reflect the cultural realities of the churches and the hopes and aspirations of the people of the particular areas.
She saw that women are a disadvantaged group in our society and that this cultural reality contributes significantly to their individual psychological problems.
It is a revelation to find a novel exposing the commercial and cultural realities of pornography, contraception including the alleged suppression by the pharmaceutical industry of the Pill's connection to the incidence of breast cancer.
This entire covenantal process is the vocation of every individual in his personal, social and cultural reality.
Marxist analysis does not go far to explain this cultural reality.
«In every locale, in other words, the conscientious Catholic politician will seek the principled recognition of the state's interest in the protection of unborn human life and the maximum possible legal implementation of that principle, given local political and cultural realities.
It is not just the skepticism of intellectuals or the inadequacies of moral education but the structural and cultural realities of our society in this historical moment that make us doubt any kind of transcending narrative.
There is no way we can separate the media «s technological possibilities from its economic - political - cultural realities.
A contextual theology of the local church will begin from the cultural reality, from contextual experiences.
Globalization has a long history as a political and cultural reality and as a religious and cultural movement.
How do you see suburban churches already beginning to address their new socioeconomic and cultural realities?
The word may very well mean something akin to «authority» (which would mean Paul was simply observing a cultural reality at the time), or it may very well mean something akin to «source.»
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