Sentences with phrase «damage to children»

The Catholic church has done far more damage to children.
A child whose parents are in denial is at - risk for being punished for his poor school performance, which is inappropriate and may cause psychological damage to the child.
Divorce carries an inherent risk of damage to the children involved.
Others, however, can cause severe physical and emotional damage to your child.
It has also been explained to her that such emotional abuse will lead to both short and long term damage to the children's mental wellbeing.
In fact, the prevailing opinion is that divorce itself isn't nearly as damaging to a child as the manner in which parents conduct themselves during the divorce process.
Never place a car seat in the front — it could cause serious damage to your child when the air bag pops out in a crash.
This is most damaging to children who need extra support and whose parents can not afford to supplement their education with activities outside school.
When a pregnant woman drinks excessively, fetal alcohol syndrome can do permanent damage to her child.
This is most damaging to children who have higher nutritional needs due to their rapidly growing bodies.
It is NOT damaging to your child... what CAN BE is if you let lack of sleep pile on lack of sleep.
Legal battles between parents are usually emotionally damaging to the children.
This suggests that it may not necessarily be divorce that is potentially damaging to child mental health.
Parental alienation is extremely damaging to the children involved; this is why it is considered child abuse.
This arrangement can be extremely damaging to children and problematic for family unity.
Is the potential damage to your child's self - image and emotional development worth it?
There is nothing to indicate there is lead inside these toys that could cause significant damage to your child.
Research shows that it is not the divorce itself that is so damaging to children.
It also caused ongoing damage to their children and their financial condition.
This parent guide provides parents with five steps to prevent unnecessary damage to their child.
We all need to take action to educate and help people who have this terrible problem that does such severe damage to children.
It is possible and should be pursued to limit more damage to your child's psyche.
This can do serious psychological damage to a child and cause them to experience mental issues for a long time going forward unless you are able to act quickly to restore your relationship.
The law can not state a presumption of any kind without incurring unacceptable risk of damage to children.
They say a raft of studies strongly suggest that the «crying out» method can cause long - term damage to children.
A 2013 study created a stir with findings that bone broth had high levels of lead, a metal that's toxic to human health and especially damaging to children.
It is not the fact of your divorce that will do permanent damage to your children.
This is very damaging to children (more on this in future articles).
Two women loving each other IS NOT damaging to the children.
A conflict divorce is the most damaging to a child's character and personality over time.
If anything, school leaders who suspend protesting students are actually doing more damage to children by meting out detentions and suspensions that keep them out of school (and thus, from learning) for hours and days at a time.
The Texas legislature is proactively working to reduce the emotional damage to these children from the fall out of their parents» divorce.
Physical altercations, insults, and tactics such as «the silent treatment,» will likely do some emotional damage to a child in the long run.
January is International Child Centered Divorce Month — a whole month dedicated to alerting parents about the effects of divorce on children and teaching them how to prevent emotional and psychological damage to children during and after a divorce.
She is the author of the upcoming book, Ditch Divorce Court: The New Way to End Your Marriage and Minimize Damage to Your Children.
The Barbie Dream House I mentioned earlier, for example; if a toddler sees the house in the store when mom was just running in to buy diapers, and she gives in and lets her child have it because she wants to make her happy or feels that her bond with her child will somehow be impacted, that can be seriously damaging to the child.
Many moms and dads may fear the foibles they sometimes commit are going to do irreparable damage to their children.
«When you think that we are measuring exposure in millionths of a gram, it really drives home how an incredibly small dose can do so much damage to a child,» said Stephanie Kellner, program coordinator for the Western New York Lead Poisoning Prevention Resource Center.
It is Dr. Winter's mission to empower families and minimize intense conflict and resultant damage to the children and families during the process of family re-organization, from pre-separation through the dissolution of the marriage to the creation of a new and blended family.
For example: «I have had a terrible day and I need a break» is far less damaging to a child than «You little so - and - so you always ruin my day».
You can still enjoy your activities without the fear of hearing damage to your child when you use these earmuffs.
Conduct and lifestyle are only considered if it is causing or may cause emotional or physical damage to the child (this will require strong proof).
Medical tools like forceps are meant to prevent damage to the child during birth, but these tools can be dangerous.
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