Sentences with phrase «diabetes rates»

Diabetes ratings increase with younger ages, longer times since onset, poor control, and complications.
As diabetes rates rise worldwide, as well as death rates associated with it, breastfeeding's potential effect on reducing this epidemic should not be underestimated.
It is not surprising that obesity and diabetes rates for those living in these areas are considerable higher than other areas.
We tend to have higher body mass indexes (BMI) and higher diabetes rates.
Despite billions spent on pharmaceutical research, diabetes rates continue to rise.
When you dig into the data on the health impacts of food deserts, you see that obesity and diabetes rates go up in areas with little access to healthy food options.
This may be part of the reason that cancer rates and diabetes rates seem to be rising at about the same pace.
That crazy 9.7 % diabetes prevalence figure that rivals ours is new — they appeared to have had one of the lowest diabetes rates in the world in the year 2000.
The prevalence model, developed by RTI for the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, illustrates some of issues the nation will face as diabetes rates increase and Americans live longer.
This is significant since white rice consumption in the US has increased in recent years — all while diabetes rates climb.
Compared with women who participated in neither strength training nor aerobic activity, women who participated in both strength training and ≥ 120 min of aerobic activity experienced a type 2 diabetes rate reduction of 65 % (HR = 0.35, 95 % CI = 0.28 — 0.44), whereas women participating in ≥ 120 min of aerobic activity alone (but no strength training) experienced a 48 % reduction (HR = 0.52, 95 % CI = 0.43 — 0.62).
Especially useful is the reporting of absolute differences between diabetes rates in the countries: «Rates of diabetes were 8 % in high - consuming nations and 6.7 % among low consumers — a difference of 20 %.»
To measure the future impact of increased diabetes rates across all sub-Saharan African countries, the researchers modelled three scenarios to show optimistic and pessimistic projections.
The study couldn't prove a cause - and - effect relationship between seasons and gestational diabetes rates.
According to the piece, «researchers found that increased sugar in a population's food supply was linked to higher diabetes rates independent of rates of obesity.
So diabetes rates were skyrocketing, while rice consumption was going down; so maybe it's the animal products and junk food that are the problem.
This could explain why China has almost the same diabetes rates as we do.
As Chinese sugar consumption started to increase in the late 1990s, diabetes rates moved in lockstep.
The clincher: Diabetes rates dropped when sugar availability dropped, independent of changes in calorie intake, physical activity, or obesity rates.
The study showed an additional 150 calories from any food source caused a 0.1 percent increase in the population's diabetes rate whereas an additional 150 calories of sugar caused it to raise a full 1 percent.
With the increasing rates of obesity in our pets in the United States, feline diabetes rates are also increasing.
Obesity and type 2 diabetes rates among Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders are accelerating rapidly, especially among those based in cities, where they are more exposed to western culture and fast foods.
With childhood obesity and diabetes rates rising, it's becoming urgent to encourage kids... Read more»
Diabetes rates for both adults and children are climbing out of control and one in four Americans either have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
While diabetes rates are on the rise and are having serious effects on millions of people's health, researchers studying grizzly bears have now discovered a natural state of diabetes that serves a real biological purpose and is also reversible.
I read some research that Skinny Asians have high Diabetes rate.
Despite BILLIONS of dollars spent on pharmaceutical research, diabetes rates continue to rise.
Health insurance — obesity and diabetes rates in Ohio have literally gone off the charts.
As diabetes rates increase (and especially as the number of undiagnosed cases of pre-diabetes and diabetes increases), the number of women who have trouble breastfeeding their babies is likely to increase too.
Diabetes rates in the U.S. and American sugar consumption have both skyrocketed since the recommendations were first introduced 35 years ago.
They had an obesity rate of 24.4 % and a diabetes rate of 8.2 %.
They also saw an obesity rate of 32.6 % and a diabetes rate of 12.2 %.
The lack of exercise and poor diet increases obesity and diabetes rates.
The best, purest foods are just out of reach for many who live in cities, and the result is rising obesity and diabetes rates.
«Given current trends for type 2 diabetes rates and with nearly 80 million Americans at risk, we believe that ingredients such as HI - MAIZE resistant starch can be important contributors in the fight against this disease.
And on widely comparable measures of health (longevity, heart disease, diabetes rates, low birth weight) they easily outperform the US... while expending 11 % of GDP.
Towne and colleagues also found that race and ethnicity, education level and income affected prevalence rates: People with lower income or lower educational levels had a higher prevalence of diabetes, and the diabetes rates were highest among American Indians or Alaska Natives, followed by African Americans and Hispanics.
The scientists discovered that the diabetes rate in the West Anniston group was more than double the U.S. average.
The worldwide rise in diabetes rates has turned DR into a global health problem, with the number of cases expected to rise from 126.6 million in 2011 to 191 million by 2030 — an increase of nearly 51 percent.
Diabetes rates have tripled in the same period.
«Our estimates also illustrate the economic savings that could be achieved if type 2 diabetes rates were halted or reduced in sub-Saharan Africa.
One - third of adults in the United States are obese, so regulators must balance the risks of a new weight - loss drug with the health consequences of obesity, including rising diabetes rates.
For example, the diabetes rate for black people is almost twice as high as for whites, and blacks have higher rates of cancer and heart disease.
The rising rate of adult, or type 2, diabetes is familiar and well documented, but just recently scientists have begun to realize that type 1 diabetes rates are soaring as well — around the country and around the world.
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