Sentences with phrase «dog digging»

So why do dogs dig in the yard to begin with?
The point about dogs digging holes in yards because they do not have adequate cover to keep cool and escape from the sun.
But by and large, most dogs dig for the sheer fun of it.
In this article we'll try to understand some of the reasons why dogs dig.
Responsible dog owners should build fences to keep animals at home but be aware that dogs dig under fences.
However, one overlooked reason dogs dig is because they're too hot.
And while that may be true, many dogs dig just for the fun of it; nothing beats the excitement of digging in hopes of unveiling exiting sights and smells!
More often than not, we hear of dog digging as a tremendous problem.
Make sure there is plenty of water and shade available for your dog in the summer months; many dogs dig just to feel the pleasure of sprawling in the cool soil.
We know that cool dogs dig so much more than just holes in the garden, am I right?
Other dogs dig just for the fun of it.
Wild dogs dig holes or find small areas to curl up in and sleep.
I had always just assumed that dogs dug holes in order to escape their yard.
There are a number of reasons why dogs dig.
Dogs dig for many reasons, a few being boredom, hot, or trying to make the rabbit hole bigger.
As mentioned, boredom is one reason dogs dig.
Digging is ultimately not a bad behavior; it just becomes annoying when dogs dig in unwanted areas.
They heard about rescue dogs digging through the rubble for survivors in the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake.
Don't put up with your dog's constant digging any longer, free stop dog digging tips from expert dog trainer Colin Pederson.
Other things to consider before you decide if this is the right breed for you... If you don't want to deal with dog digging, too much barking or your dog chasing small animals, the Jack Russell Terrier is probably not for you.
Although most dog owners can attest to numerous cases of witnessing our beloved pet dog dig in to socks, paper bills, cellular phone cases, or anything that is not food.
Some pets simply dig naturally; however, other pet dogs dig because they're lonesome or want a cool place to lay down when it's hot outdoors.
She is a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner (KPA CTP), certified trick dog Instructor (CTDI), scent games instructor (DN - FSG), Tellington TTouch practitioner, DogSafe Authorized Instructor, and co-owner of Dogs Dig It Training & Services Ltd..
In general, most dogs dig for these reasons:
Dog digging problem is only a problem for you, your dog loves it.
The prairie dog digs its own burrows.
Discouraging dog digging and limiting his access to certain areas is also a way to keep a dog safe.
You'll find lots of information on dealing with many behavioral problems, including dog digging.
People often associate dog digging with dogs burying valued treasures such as bones or favorite toys.
(Passive dogs lay down to signal a find, active dogs dig when they have a find)
Kyla Hillard co-founded Dogs Dig It Training & Services Ltd..
Some time the female dogs dig in the earth, prepare their nests and even collect toys or other objects and defend them as if they were a real litter.
«Dog digging behaviors can be corrected by channeling this natural self rewarding behavior to solutions that work for both your dog and yourself.»
Protective eyewear also guards against debris and other foreign objects getting into the eyes as dogs dig on sandy beaches or nose along dirt hiking trails.
Cats may decide to go exploring if a door is left open, dogs dig under fences or «take a walk» through broken gates; animals «escape» from parking lots and rest stops.
As I've shown, there are various strategies to resort to in order to stop dog digging.
Mick answers questions about why puppies chew on fingers and shares the «ouch technique» and why dogs dig holes after chasing a squirrel.
This is a pretty harsh method, and it won't be much fun for the dog (or for you, really - the primary reason most dogs dig is an excess of energy and not enough stimulation, so if you take that outlet away, he's REALLy going to be wired); but it does work.
There are many reasons why dogs dig, however, and none of them have to do with spite or destructiveness.
For example, dogs dig in the back lawn because they are bored and this behavior temporarily relieves the boredom.
Many dogs dig for the fun of it.
Dogs dig for multiple reasons, such as boredom, attempts to escape, hidden toy or bone search and many more.
It's possible that one of the reasons dogs dig petting so much is because their heart rate and blood pressure are lowered by human petting.2
To determine the tunes the dog digs, shelter staff tested out a number of playlists to see what resonates with a particular pup.
So if you get mad at your neighbor when his dog digs through your trash, or if you are not completely honest with your boss about why you were ten minutes late for work, God's justice demands that you get punished the same as if you were serial rapist and mass murderer.
So it is wrong for me to get angry at my neighbor when his dog digs through my trash, but it is perfectly righteous for God to be eternally angry at me for getting angry at my neighbor?
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