Sentences with phrase «during classroom observations»

The information collected during the classroom observation can be uploaded on the Principal's desktop for use in compiling the final evaluation document.
During whole group professional learning sessions we addressed areas of need as observed during our classroom observations.
The number of standards on which teachers are measured during a classroom observation was reduced to 18 because teachers found a checklist of 22 indicators too long and confusing.
During a classroom observation in fall 2008, Cassie expressed that she had already forgotten how to use CMap tools that she learned two months prior in the summer course.
In their first year, Cohort 2 principals received just two days of initial training on how to collect evidence on teaching practices during classroom observations and how to rate these practices using the Danielson framework.
During a classroom observation of a teacher's lesson, the observer (usually the principal, but sometimes an assistant principal) would check one of three boxes (Strength, Weakness, Does Not Apply) next to each of the practices.
This question prompted our study initially, and it led us to sample schools based on the proportion of teachers who were rated high or low on Standard 1 of the Newmann scale during classroom observations.
We selected the 12 schools initially based on one aspect of teachers «instructional practices, assessed during classroom observations collected in the first round of site visits.
While Jenny reported confidence in skills such as saving files, moving files, and downloading images, it became apparent during classroom observations that even these skills required instruction and continued practice with the guidance of the researchers throughout the course of the project.
Data gathered during classroom observations and pre - and post-conference discussions with teachers become meaningful through association.
Local educators say they chose the D.C. observation method — essentially a list of standards that teachers must demonstrate during a classroom observation, such as promoting critical thinking among students or managing classroom behavior — after looking closely at three different options.
One of the key areas of congruence throughout the state data from Florida, Tennessee, and Georgia is the generally high scores given to teachers during classroom observations, a finding that comes right as new research is revealing clues about the properties of such observations and how they are shaped by the norms within schools.
Ted Christensen, 47, a seventh - grade English language arts teacher who has taught at Valor Middle Academy for six years and has been a teacher for 18 years, said the evaluations he gets during classroom observations make him feel valued.
All professional practice data (such as data collected during classroom observations or walk throughs) is collected by individuals who have been trained and certified to properly implement the observation / assessment tool used at their school (either Marzano or Danielson Frameworks).
You can see how aligned the longer - term positivity data on Kickboard is with the amount of student praise you observed during the classroom observation.
All professional practice data (such as data collected during classroom observations or walkthroughs) is collected by individuals who have been trained and certified to properly implement the observation / assessment tool used at their school (either Marzano or Danielson Frameworks).
A few years ago, after a number of professional learning experiences on the topic of assessment, several principals in my district asked how they might recognize strong assessment when they saw it during classroom observations or walkthroughs.
During classroom observations, Oyler often finds teachers under the constant threat of scripted curricula, with every classroom expected to be on the same page, every day, no matter what.
During the classroom observations, IDRA representatives reported that each teacher knew the exact status (task and skill level) of every student.
The information collected during the classroom observation can then be uploaded on your desktop or stored in the iCloud for use in compiling the final evaluation document.
During classroom observations, leaders also should assure that what was discussed in PLCs is implemented during the instructional period.
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