Sentences with phrase «essential condition»

«As a nation, we must support their dignity, rights and well - being as essential conditions for equity and justice,» he insisted.
It is important not to create unnecessary barriers, of course, but rather to provide essential conditions for advancing and upgrading the national financial system.
Remember, the two most crucial and essential conditions when it comes to feeding your dog pork.
It is, at a global level, a complex system connected to many essential conditions for human life.
In this way, the scale can be given substantive meaning and measures made with different instruments can be compared directly — essential conditions for the «measurement» of educational variables.
Based on the ISTE Essential Conditions, the Lead & Transform movement provides district superintendents, CTOs, CIOs, school leaders and other decision makers with a roadmap for planning and building a successful systemwide tech initiative.
Other essential conditions include time for teachers to meet regularly and adequate investment in training and facilitation.
For the preservice programs, though, much more research needs to clarify essential conditions for the development of TPCK and to develop guidelines for integrating technology and the development of TPCK through content courses, methods courses, assessment courses, and pedagogy courses as well as in student teaching.
Human rights represent essential conditions for sustainable prosperity in China, providing standards for official conduct and offering useful benchmarks for development.
What has repeatedly comforted me most in this work was the thought that we carry within ourselves the most essential condition for the understanding of other religions.
The third essential condition is to make sure stakeholders involved in assessment selection or development are prepared to create high - quality assessment systems, as indicated by their ability to:
Yet both are essential conditions of students» future success.
However, he also stressed that «it is important not to create unnecessary barriers, of course, but rather to provide essential conditions for advancing and upgrading the national financial system.»
The ISTE Essential Conditions are the 14 critical elements necessary to effectively leverage technology for learning.
Our commitment to advancing racial equity and economic mobility not only reflects our belief in a just and inclusive society; it recognizes that they are essential conditions for building broad - based prosperity in the region.
This workshop will provide you with the knowledge to: - understand what an essential condition is - be able to differentiate between a condition or warranty - know what to do when there is a breach of a condition or warranty - understand why any condition in a contract must be fair and reasonable
In short, extreme and enduring inequality of potential is the essential condition for assuming the aesthetic subordination of one kind of existence to another.
«The dominance of societies, harmoniously requiring each other, is the essential condition for depth of satisfaction» (PR 142).
It can not be too strongly insisted that a world which is to be a moral order must be a physical order characterized by law or regularity... The theist is only concerned to invoke the fact that the law - abidingness... is an essential condition of the world being a theatre of moral life.
Pacioni reads St. Augustine as conceiving of the soul and body in a relationship of reciprocal influence whereby the soul, though superior to the body, enjoys a natural and intrinsic appetite toward the body as an essential condition of its being.
Birth is an essential condition of all things in process.
Hence theology is an essential condition of the developing history of the Church's faith and creed.
Such situations demand dialogical existence of different religions, which is the essence of religious pluralism and an essential condition for mutual interactivities among religions.
An essential condition for the Church's communication of revelation is that it have a deposit of faith that remains in some sense fixed or finished in order to remain a continually reliable source to draw on in new circumstances.
But when attempting to outline exactly what this means, he then goes on to say that FWTs also believe that «pain and suffering are essential conditions to the realizations of many of the most important moral and spiritual qualities... [and often] are thus not counterproductive at all» (ER 15).
Like sacramentalism, mysticism, and action, silence is an essential condition for the reception of revelation.
In this case, my thinking is that one needs to understand what is necessary for a community to live peacefully and healthily in it's environment and with it's neighbors, and to resist with the minimum force necessary, any attempts to destroy those essential conditions.
Playing numerous games during the first years of a professional career is an essential condition in order to be able to compete in the top level leagues worldwide.
There is a fundamental change underway in the underlying drivers of humanitarian crisis and of humanitarian response that will become a reality in 2025 if we consider that an essential condition that defines a «humanitarian situation» is a communications crisis.
If Cameron does not win an outright majority, will he insist on an EU renegotiation and a referendum as an essential condition of a coalition with the Lib Dems or anyone else?
• He implied that, if the Tories had to form another coalition after the election, he would make a referendum an essential condition of a coalition agreement.
On 15 March, the American Chemical Society (ACS) in Washington, D.C., announced its support for march, «predicated on two essential conditions
I hope that this recognition will pave the way for Europe to embrace the benefits of this technology, an essential condition for global acceptance of transgenic plants.»
Kettlebells are an essential conditioning tool for modern Cross Training and HIIT.
Stress is an essential condition of life.
A well - fitted wedding dress is an essential condition for wedding day.
The post The Five Essential Conditions For a Good And Lasting Relationship Infographic appeared first on TheDatingGame.
This is one essential condition to think back, as you would not want your sensitive private selective information to fall into the wrong hands.
This is one essential condition to remember, as you would not want your sensitive private selective information to fall into the wrong hands.
This is one essential condition to remember, as you would not want your sensitive private information to fall into the wrong hands.
This is one essential condition to commemorate, as you would not want your sensitive private information to fall into the wrong hands.
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