Sentences with phrase «excessive cardio»

The phrase "excessive cardio" means doing too much cardio exercise. It refers to when someone does cardiovascular activities like running or cycling for longer durations or at a higher intensity than what is considered healthy or balanced for their body. Full definition
However, these serious problems from doing excessive cardio are quickly and easily reversible.
One problem to be aware of is that excessive cardio exercise such as long distance running can have tremendous impacts on the joints.
And it doesn't involve dropping your calorie intake to dangerously low levels or burning through your muscles with excessive cardio.
If you think that your joints are immune to damage and your heart won't be damaged by excessive cardio, this is NOT for you.
And in many respects that's true of long, excessive cardio bouts.
Increasing resistance training and limiting excessive cardio will help decrease cortisol, optimize the conditions for more effective fat loss, and increase calories burned at rest thanks to that hard earned extra muscle!
The reason for this is that excessive cardio causes your body to produce too much cortisol (stress hormone).
Avoid excessive cardio and instead enjoy a relaxing 30 - minute walk.
Because I'm in maintenance and muscle build mode, and doing excessive cardio has burned me out in the past, even to the point of adrenal depletion.
Reams of data suggest interference effects of excessive cardio on strength (and muscle mass gains); I won't even bore you with the molecular mechanisms here (you can read AMPk: Master Metabolic Regulator for the details).
Last year, I found keto and your podcast and have been on the journey of high fat, low carb, whole food, grass fed / finished meats, dairy free, NOT tracking, no more excessive cardio or hormone replacement therapy, I now take more baths, walks, early bedtimes, and listen to my body.
In order to maintain muscle despite in the midst of excessive cardio activites, a protein - rich diet high in amino acids is essential according to BioMed Research International.
On one hand, since bodybuilders want to achieve extreme muscularity, they are ready to chastise anything that could harm their precious mass gains (many studies have shown that excessive cardio leads to catabolism), but on the other, even the highest level of muscularity is kind of pointless without razor - sharp conditioning.
Everyone had dieted (often ultra low carb and obsessively clean) and exercised (excessive cardio combined with weight training), with such focus and determination to bring their best physiques to the stage.
With long duration excessive cardio exercise, you can actually go into a catabolic mode and the body starts to produce excess amounts of cortisol.
Steer clear of excessive cardio, including long (over 5 km) runs.
In fact, doing excessive cardio is actually working against your results because you are stimulating excessive cortisol production in your body and breaking down lean muscle tissue... all of which leads to the slowing down of your metabolic rate over time and deposition of even more belly fat on top of what you already have.
According to scientific research, no aspect of fat loss is more exaggerated and overrated than cardio and it's clearly evident that excessive cardio is detrimental to muscle mass.
Free, unlimited low - impact cardio exercise is where it's at in reducing abdominal fat, using our homo erectus muscles the way they were designed to be used and decreasing the stress of excessive cardio.
Excessive cardio will strip away muscle as it burns fat.
You LIVE by the 80 - 20, rule, which only makes sense because since calories rule, and weight is a math issue; a 20 % indulgence can easily be nullified by starving / excessive cardio.
Since my metabolism is incredibly high, there's not much need for more than 4 workouts a week, or excessive cardio.
You've come to the right place because I will give you a scientifically proven system that will get your metabolism back on track so that you can eat a healthy amount of calories and ditch the excessive cardio.
And here, Mark Sisson from Mark's Daily Apple writes about the negative effects that excessive cardio had on his health.
Everything she described was classic for adrenal fatigue, especially because of the excessive cardio and low carbs contributing to the problem.
I feel like over exercising has become popular, and not just for people who are doing excessive cardio.
That is a big misconception and potentially a counter-productive one at that — you can literally run your ass flat if you do excessive cardio and don't lift weights, as you will be losing muscle instead of building it!
So, unless you've lost significant amounts of muscle from things like starvation dieting or excessive cardio, your metabolism is working more or less as well as it did when you were in your 20s.
Metabolic damage is essentially a drastic slowing of the metabolism that is caused by excessive calorie restriction, excessive cardio, and stress on the body.
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