Sentences with phrase «eye field»

In 1997, he studied the effects of gently stimulating the frontal eye fields of six healthy volunteers.
These results demonstrate fundamental differences between the induced retinal cells and the embryonic eye field.
Through many rounds of analysis, both by amplifying and decreasing the levels of certain chemicals as well as knocking out the function of certain genes that code for proteins that regulate eye development (called eye field transcription factors), the scientists determined that E-NTPDase2 (although not E-NTPDase 1 or 3) was the only ectoenzyme that could drive eye development.
Interestingly, in addition to the tissues formed by EFTF - expressing pluripotent cells, transplanted eye fields also formed muscle and head mesenchyme (Figure 4J and unpublished data).
Therefore, we transplanted embryonic eye fields from YFP transgenic embryos to wild - type hosts.
«The activity of purine signaling in inducing eye field precursors,» he says, «might be a very useful tool for the culture dish — generation of progenitor cells for a variety of eye cell types.»
For mosaic analysis, 125 µm2 (∼ 1/2) of the left eye field was removed and a size - matched fragment of animal cap was grafted.
EFTFs may redirect pluripotent cells to a more restricted lineage than isolated eye fields, which may include additional tissues necessary for in vitro eye formation.
LE was isolated from stage 15 lateral flank at A — P coordinates midway between eye field and PNP.
Ascencio - Monteon J, Martinez - Trujillo JC, Crawford J. Frames of reference for eye - head gaze shifts evoked during frontal eye field stimulation.
Pretest patients for visual acuity, color vision, depth perception, visual field testing, and pressure inside the eye
Abbreviations: BrdU, 5 - bromo -2-deoxyuridine; CMZ, ciliary marginal zone; EFTF, eye field transcription factor; ERG, electroretinogram; GABA, gamma - aminobutyric acid; LE, lateral endoderm; N, number of animals or eyes; PNP, posterior neural plate; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium; YFP, yellow fluorescent protein
If this hypothesis is correct, transplantation of eye fields should yield similar results.
Localization of the human frontal eye fields: anatomical and functional findings from fMRI and intracerebral electrical stimulation
Embryonic eye fields formed mosaic and complete eyes at frequencies similar to those observed with EFTF - expressing pluripotent cells (mosaic eyes 68 %, complete eyes 16 %; N = 38; Figure 4I and 4J).
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging — a technique that monitors brain activity in real time — the Johns Hopkins group found reversing a decision requires ultrafast communication between two specific zones within the prefrontal cortex and another nearby structure called the frontal eye field, an area involved in controlling eye movements and visual awareness.
Paus's TMS / PET study confirmed that humans also have this connection, by showing that a small TMS pulse in the eye field also activated distant visual areas.
By comparison, only two of the 15 genes were not significantly different when comparing the eye field to PNP or LE data sets (Table S1).
These results indicate the eye field and EFTF - expressing pluripotent cells are more closely related to each other than to either the PNP or LE tissues (Figure S1).
These results suggest EFTF - expressing pluripotent cells share a common transcriptional profile with the eye field, and are consistent with the hypothesis that the EFTFs direct nonretinal pluripotent cells to an eye field - like retinal cell lineage.
While both eye fields and EFTF - expressing pluripotent cells generated epidermis, forebrain, and olfactory tissue when grafted to the anterior neural plate, transplanted eye fields also formed muscle and head mesenchyme (Figure 4 and unpublished data).
This interpretation predicts that transcripts expressed in the eye field should also be induced in EFTF - expressing pluripotent cells.
For experiments requiring complete eye field replacement (A and B), one half of the eye field was surgically removed from wild - type, stage 15 (host) embryos, and replaced with the donor cells from one half of an explant.
EFTF / YFP expressing pluripotent cells were transplanted to embryos from which only one - half of one eye field had been removed (Figure 3C).
In Xenopus, expression of the EFTFs pax6, rx1, as well as otx2 redirect ventral progenitors normally destined to form epidermis into the eye field where they form retina [20].
These observations prompted us to replace the eye field with EFTF - expressing pluripotent cells to ask if the induced retinal cells could generate a normal eye and if induced retinal ganglion cells would extend axons to and synapse with their normal tectal targets.
(D) Pluripotent cells from YFP transgenics form eyes when treated with Noggin protein and grafted to the eye field of stage 15 wild - type hosts (these stage 32 animals were photographed 1 d posttransplant).
Vertebrate retina formation begins in the anterior neural plate in a region called the eye field.
The majority of transplants created mosaic eyes (55 %), likely a consequence of the difficulty in surgically removing all traces of the eye field.
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