Sentences with phrase «general systems theory»

Family systems theory and therapy: A clinical application of general systems theory.
Any basis in general systems theory indicates the opposite.
If our proposed new general systems theory and therapy are effective, they ought to be able to create effect sizes bigger than the typical 0.5.
Prior training in general systems theory, family therapy theories, and therapeutic experience in family therapy required.
A new general systems theory and therapy is presented here, one which will have profound implications for powerful clinical work with both couples and families.
This book finally completes the old general systems theory of the 1960s, which metaphorically described processes but did not actually research them.
The theory of societies, like modern general systems theory, pictures a world made up of societies within societies (systems within systems) That is, societies do not just line up side by side like mosaics — they form «nested hierarchies» that go from subatomic particles through cells to animal bodies, or through stars to galaxies.
This math created nonlinear difference and differential equations of actual couple interactions, which was a fulfillment of von Bertalanffy's classic book General System Theory a book that started family systems therapy in the 1960s.
General systems theory sees autonomy in biology but also recognizes discontinuity in prebiotic patterns of organization.
(21) Based on general systems theory, this work «conceptualizes an organization as a system of interrelated components, and stresses the orchestration of these parts as the key to maximizing performance....
It is a problem that holistic approaches to biology such as general systems theory have been most interested in, and it is the problem that prompted C. Lloyd Morgan to speculate about forms of relatedness.
They also intuitively understand the core ideas from general systems theory — that you can get good models of system - level processes even when many of the sub-systems are poorly understood, as long as you're smart about choices of which approximations to use.
Julie: A lot of folks still rely on the thoughts of Murry Bowen and people who have a more general systems theory about families, where the emotions are pitted against rational thinking and one interferes with the other.
The revolution picked up speed and became an international movement following the 1968 publication of a book titled General System Theory by German biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy.
The book you hold in your hands finally completes the old general systems theory of the 1960s, which metaphorically described processes but did not actually research them.
This idea depends on developments in general systems theory, which views «all of nature and all of human activity as a hierarchically arranged structure of levels of interlocked subset systems in which the process of any particular subset system affects and is affected by other subset systems at its own level, as well as below or above it.»
The theory of societies, like modern general systems theory, pictures a world made up of societies within societies (systems within systems).
From the bestselling authors of 10 Principles for Doing Effective Couples Therapy and The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Drs. John and Julie Gottman present a new general systems theory and mode of therapy, one which will have profound implications for powerful clinical work with both couples and families.
Cf. Ludwig von Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory (New York: Braziller, 1968); Ervin Laszlo, The Systems View of the World (New York; Braziller, 1972).
2 For an excellent survey of the history and basic concepts of systems thought, see Joël de Rosnay, The Macroscope: A New World Scientific System (New York: Harper and Row, 1979) or Bertalanffy, «General System Theory — A Critical Review,» in Systems Behaviour, edited by John Beishon and Geoff Peters (New York: Harper and Row, 1972).
He called his paradigm «General System Theory
1 Bertalanffy's basic works include: General System Theory (New York: George Braziller, 1978) and Robots, Men, and Minds (New York: George Braziller, 1967).
General Systems Theory: Foundation, Development, Application.
Norbert Wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1954; New York: Avon Books [paper], 1967); Karl Deutsch et al., The Nerves of Government (New York: The Free Press, 1963); Kenneth Boulding, The Organizational Revolution (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1953; Chicago: Quadrangle Books [paper], 1968); Ludwig von Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory (New York: George Braziller, 1968).
Tagged with abstract art, art, Clement Greenberg, Cybernetics, general systems theory, Helen Frankenthaler, Jack Burnham, systems thinking, The Beer Game
In part, the problem of small effect sizes is bound up with the old general systems theory itself, which promulgates a set of concepts in couples and family therapy that have essentially eluded definition and remained imprecise metaphors.
First of all, family therapy was grounded in cutting - edge cybernetics, which eventually brought the digital revolution, and in general systems theory, challenging the field of biology.
Since the days of Freud, perhaps no movement has arrived on the therapy scene with the force and freshness of general systems theory.
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