Sentences with phrase «good sermon»

My old old Cuisiart, oven timer, three really good sermons on the radio and perusing your very excellent blog and!
Equipping the Saints for Ministry What do you think is the reason people in the church are often content with the status quo, with being consumers of good sermons and spine - tingling worship rather than entering into the full inheritance of the people of God?
As most people go to church for only and hour on the Pagan sun god's day of worship, and only get a very watered down feel good sermon with a text book drummed into them interpretation, there is very little Bible and Scripture in church.
«He does give really good sermons,» my friend explained, when she told me this story.
Recently as I was sitting in church listening to a rather good sermon on the importance of «working for justice and peace.»
Maybe good sermons come from fertile soil.
A perfectly good sermon, content-wise, on «The Priesthood of All Believers» may in effect be contradicted by the method of presentation.
As Michelle Obama put it, religious faith «isn't just about showing up on Sunday for a good sermon and good music and a good meal.
Best Sermon: Nadia Bolz - Weber with «Sermon on Earthly Things, Wombs, and the Resurrection of the Dead»
All the candidates have to do is speak the god talk and they get followed... like the pied piper... the one who give the best sermon..
Best Sermon: Nadia Bolz - Weber with «Sermon on that special class of salty, light - bearing people to whom Jesus preaches»
It was genuinely one of the best sermons I had heard in years.
Best Sermons: Greg Boyd and Woodland Hills Church with «Who's The Boss?»
I go, hear a good sermon and leave to live my life.
A good sermon never leaves one dry (unless he is still dead), but what passes for sermons these days certainly can leave us bone dry.
I have often wished since then that I had asked him about what he would consider to be a good sermon for that kind of community.
Honestly, it was one of the better sermons I've heard in Texas so far.
I remember thinking, «That was the best sermon ever!»
Some of the things that Jesus had to say were downright disheartening, so edifying and encouraging isn't always the foundation of a good sermon.
Pastors are concerned with rising Biblical illiteracy, and so try to teach more and better sermons.
Best Sermon: Rev. Telley Gadson on 1 Corinthians 13 at the West Virginia Conference UMC Clergy School (if I can get my hands on the sermon itself, I will share it!)
They can read all the good sermons they want to.
«Our faith journey isn't just about showing up on Sunday for a good sermon and good music and a good meal,» she said.
Preach a good sermon on that theme and I guarantee that people will be touched.
Best Sermon (nominated by Preston Yancey and Jim Kast - Keat): Jes Kast - Keat's sermon on Romans 7 at West End Collegiate Church
While I have nothing against a good sermon (and, by «good», I simply mean I hope to find a flow of God's Spirit in the message), what I expect of my pastor is his knowledge that he is no more than a vessel for that Spirit.
I think people have lots of different criteria for what a good sermon is.
The minister preached a good sermon on it last Sunday.
They are one of the few teaching opportunities within the church, and a good sermon can become a thin place.
Most of the proposed solutions focus on preaching more or better sermons.
Think about it: What was the best sermon you have ever heard?
Pastors take note — if you are preaching through Romans 8, and need some good sermon illustrations, this book is all you need.
I don't remember what I said, but it was so bad, no one even tried to tell me «Good sermon» afterwards.
There is much to be said for building up a treasure chest of books, quotations and favourite authors which can contribute to a good sermon.
«If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap, than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.»
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