Sentences with phrase «grams amounts»

In order to translate the caloric increase to a precise gram amount of carbs, divide the increase by 4 (carbs have 4 calories per gram).
However, we do not recommend that you select protein - rich foods solely based on total gram amounts.
Do not get caught up in the exact gram amounts of each macronutrient.
Hi Chris, I'd have to make the recipe again and measure it out myself to know the exact grams amount so I've googled some numbers and it would approximately be — 30g oats, 85g cashews, 190g apricots, 70g shredded coconut.
For labelling purposes, the total protein gram amount listed on the product is based on the total nitrogen content.
Some manufacturers will actually divide a designated gram amount of sugar in the form of more unrecognizable sugars, in attempts to list them lower on the ingredients list, making the consumer believe the total amount of sugar on the label is lower than it actually is.
OR, you can sub the cashews with equal gram amount (150g) RAW oil - free cashew butter.
Minerals can be classified into three major categories: macrominerals (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) required in gram amounts / day, trace minerals of known importance (iron, zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine, selenium, chromium) required in mg or mcg amounts / day, and other trace minerals important in laboratory animals but that have an unclear role in companion animal nutrition (cobalt, molybdenum, cadmium, arsenic, silicon, vanadium, nickel, lead, tin).
If you use the gram amounts currently listed, you will end up with a more mascarpone - y ratio, and there won't be enough filling for the crust.
Is it possible for you to put the gram amount when you ask for a scoop of protein powder?
You'd know which ingredients are included, the gram amount of the blend as a whole, but you'd have no idea as to how much of each individual compound is present.
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