Sentences with phrase «graph someone present»

So, the correlation graphs presented here cover many different time periods and are generally biased towards more recent history.
The above graph presents a single anomaly which occurred in 2005.
On each company graph presented, please recognize that the orange lines on each graph are drawn at a P / E ratio of 15.
Once you get the hang of what you're looking at, it should only take a few seconds to examine each of the numerous graphs presented.
All three of those comparison graphs present the anomalies using the base years of 1981 to 2010.
The above graph presents a single anomaly which occurred in 2005.
Manfred, I have graphs presented by M.A. Vukcevic that shows that the increase in in average temperature mostly is caused by higher temperature in the winter while summer temperatures are fairly constant.
The last graph presents the average of the GISS, HADCRUT and NCDC land plus sea surface temperature anomaly products.
It's entirely right and proper that the most crucial graph presented to guide policy makers in TAR, the document that has already cost us all so much money, should be debated thoroughly.
Whoever is at fault, the temperature graph presented on BBC Sunday Politics was not accurate, and exaggerated the surface warming slowdown.
Again, this is a good spot for a graph presenting operating income, operating expenses, investment in capital expenditures, funding and closing cash.
Don't forget to include an x and y axis on any graphs you present.
In fact, this graph presents the level of pension wealth at any point in a representative teacher's career as a percent of cumulative earnings up to that year.
This income seeking behavior caused dividend stocks as a group to go from being unloved and undervalued to overvalued relative to the broader market, as shown in this graph presented by Meb Faber.
Here is a graph presenting an analysis like the one in Article 8, but with regular spending withdrawals added into the mix.
It's history as an example of the toxic relationship between wealthy publisher and wealthy shareholders to the detriment of the customer has already colored it as an experience to be avoided at all cost, undeserving of a fair shake on its own merrits, since the only thing these dick heads understand is a dip in sales on the graphs they present at investor's calls.
From the graph presented by Scripps Institute CO2 measured from ice cores had risen 20ppm by 1900 or 16 % of the CO2 rise to date.
Those two datasets offer much better evidence than the graph you presented.
If you go back to the CO2 Science site and look closely at all the graphs they present, you can clearly see this.
Their nemesis was a graph presented in the 1990 Report (Figure1).
BTW — I know Hansen is a clever guy, but the graph you present is not contemporay with his 1988 speech.
When I first saw this graph presented in London I thought there must be a mistake because it showed that all emission scenarios resulted in a simple linear dependence on anthropogenic CO2.
The maps and graphs presented are based on pre-release data from ECMWF's ERA - Interim reanalysis of observations from 1979 to the present.
The maps and graphs presented are based on publicly - released data from ECMWF's ERA - Interim reanalysis of observations from 1979 to the present.
The graphs present the data, so I have to conclude you disagree with my description of what the graphs show.
I don't know whether Drs Spencer and Christy did this alignment out of an error of confirmation bias or as a deliberate «trick», but either way the graphs they presented with that 60 - month baselining are deceptive.
«The graph we presented illustrating the temperature plateau was not constructed by the Sunday Politics but taken from a website, produced by Phil Jones, a leading figure at the Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia»
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