Sentences with phrase «healthy place»

Once I'd dealt with the things from my past, my divorce, my lack of confidence, my fear, then I was in a much healthier place for dating.
It provides a safe and healthy place where children can learn, play, explore and discover.
I am convinced that if we lift our expectations off of one another, our faith communities will become healthier places, composed of healthy pastors and healthy members.
It just became a beautiful playground and a very healthy place for a man looking to make a change with his life and find a creative outlet.
And after 8 years I'm still on the journey, but in a very healthy place now.
The goal, always, is to make your relationship a more joyful, more healthy place to be.
This recipe takes the almond to less healthy places and is therefore not to be considered a part of your daily diet.
Your students can adopt the techniques they see, and your classroom will be a happier, emotionally healthy place.
If so, chances are you grew up in a relatively healthy place.
Last night I had the opportunity to have dinner with several smart women at one of my favorite healthy places in town.
Instead of the government stepping in and saying how healthy a place has to be, the restaurants are doing it for them because they understand the market shift.
But I made some more changes this time, and got them to an even healthier place, and there had been some sugar confusion the last time, which I cleared up.
The transition from not being too involved to making home a safer and healthier place takes some time.
It was also reported that the vision for healthy places does not always translate into delivery of projects on the ground.
Get to know the destination you are traveling to, map out the closest healthy places to eat, health food shops and fresh juice stops.
Make the effort to plan ahead and make a list of healthy places near you.
A candidate should satisfy the three criteria below if he or she is to have a meaningful healthy place in your dating and love life.
Together we're making the world a happier, healthier place for pets.
I'm glad you're at a happier and healthier place now and I'm excited to follow your progress in 2014!
Sometimes that's a very healthy place to be.
Today is all about my favorite healthy places to eat between meetings when I'm out and about in the city.
Recommendations to create healthier places include making neighbourhood walking easier, encouraging the use of healthy transport modes, designing well connected places that provide access to amenities, offering better access to parks and reducing exposure to air and noise pollution.
Richard Jackson noted in Making Healthy Places:
Talk early and talk deep, and get things into as healthy a place as you can before you leave so you can part from a peaceful place, knowing that the relationship is as strong as you can make it.
Consistently ranked one of the happiest, greenest and healthiest places on Earth, it's no wonder Costa Rica has evolved into one of the world's top vacation and retirement destinations.
My goal is that one day there is an American Healthspital (TM) Association of healthy places of healing.
Until the abuser decides to stop the abusive cycle, find healthier places to play.
ULI's Center for Sustainability and Economic Performance and its Building Healthy Places Initiative undertook this project to showcase how the real estate community is using innovative approaches to food in real estate projects that can translate into enhancements in health, sustainability, economic opportunity, food system security, community economic development, and real estate returns.
«This community of care is going to happen and Staten Island will be a much healthier place because if it.»
Action for Healthy Kids is a national nonprofit, which fights childhood obesity, undernourishment and physical inactivity by helping schools become healthier places so kids can live healthier lives.
In addition to the killer line of furniture and accessories (that's the Luna changing table and Astronomer stool directly above, in addition to the Solare armoire, Stella stackable storage and Solare crib in the top image) Q Collection Junior wants to be a resource for greener, healthier parenting; they've got a great collection of resources and a glossary of terms that parents can use to make their homes healthier places to raise children.
If all fake fragrances (manmade smells or synthetic perfumes), which I call fakegrances, were banned tomorrow the world would be a dramatically healthier place by the following day.
IEL's Coalition for Community Schools is working with community school initiative leaders to enhance local capacity to make schools and communities healthier places for all by bridging the gap between the health and education sectors.
The Building Healthy Places Initiative leverages the power of ULI's global networks to shape projects and places in ways that improve the health of people and communities.
Another noteworthy and far healthier place in the neighborhood was Cha - Ya, a vegan Japanese restaurant.
Cali has the best healthy places
Community and Culture addresses Orland Park's «sense of place,» while Sustainability and Stewardship looks at maintaining a «healthy place with efficient and functional infrastructure that is balanced with nature and community.»
Finally, we used a weighted average of the three indices above to yield an overall healthiest places score.
She recently joined Healthy Place as a contributing writer for Trauma!
I tend to think that in itself would be rocky at first (open and honest communication from everyone), but you would eventually come to a much healthier place relationship-wise (think of a marriage).
Authoritative on the other hand involves responsible adults having control in general, and using that control to compassionately, and with appropriate recognition and accommodation for the needs and desires of the child, guiding and safely shaping an environment that will be a happy healthy place of all members.
There are so many amazing healthy places to eat in LA and that's why I love this city.
I believe all people can become happier and I work with clients to make families healthier places for everyone.»
Dr James added: «Our new findings suggest a potential co-benefit - improving health — that presents planners, landscape architects and policy makes with an actional tool to grow healthier places
In providing a green environment appropriate to the learning needs of the students, landscape architects are expanding schools» learning resource whilst creating healthy places where children's health and wellbeing is also addressed.
My wife and I have suffered greatly growing up in such an institution finally had the courage to leave a church that is all wrapped up in itself and find a more healthy place where we can be free.
«We are working to make our planet a greener and healthier place on which to live.
«I am deeply honored to receive the John P. McGovern award, and it further reinforces my belief that we must create safe, healthy places of learning that encourage and celebrate every aspect of each student's capacity for learning.»
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