Sentences with phrase «heat increase»

Heat increases blood flow to an area, bringing healing elements to an injury site.
In recent years, the frequency of heat waves has been increasing in many parts of the world, and the risk associated with extreme heat increases with further warming.
These factors include some we've already looked at: atmospheric heat increases and increased ocean temperatures.
Is atmospheric sensible heat increase / or decrease just one example of climate change?
As the shock wave expanded and heated an increasing amount of matter, the temperature behind the wave of energy should have decreased.
What's the most convincing evidence that humanity's carbon emissions are contributing to the global heat increases?
Heat increases blood flow and gets the body going, providing a literal «warm - up» for your Yoga practice.
With such instant readings the app could prove incredibly useful on a track day, allowing you to make sure you don't overheat a tyre, or keep tyre pressures at a reasonable level as heat increases.
This is because heat increases blood flow to the painful area, which relaxes tight muscles and joints, and ice constricts blood vessels which numbs pain.
These toxic byproducts of heating increase inflammation in the body and are associated with diabetes.
By laying out months like a clock, his plot shows the spiral toward a 2 degree C heat increase since 1880.
Exposure to extreme heat increases something called heat shock proteins, or HSPs.
The reason for this is that moist heat increases circulation and improves vascular tone (meaning it allows the milk ducts to open rather than constrict).
New crib mattresses release about four times as many VOCs as old crib mattresses, the team found, and body heat increases emissions.
The excessive heat increased the rate of water loss by evaporation and caused precipitation to shift from snow to rain, leaving a meager snowpack and parched reservoirs.
Either way, power sector emissions fell due to switching from coal to gas, while emissions from transport and heating increased slightly).
Excess blade heat increases wear on blades, dulling them more quickly, and can actually slow down the clipping process, as hot blades take longer to go through coat and lead to rough clipping.
Summertime heat increases the risk for pet hyperthermia (elevation in body temperature above the normal 100 - 102.5 ºF range).
The risk of malignant mammary tumors in dogs spayed after their first heat increases significantly, but if an owner waits to spay their dog until after their second heat, the risk increases to 25 %.
Although the direct heat increase is not enough to cause much climate change, the indirect influence of solar activity on cloud cover, wind and rain patterns may be large enough to have an important impact.
Using a linear regression method, you could construct a trend line over this period, implying a «long term» trend during which heat increased by ca. 8 degrees centigrade.
«The extra heat increases the odds of worse heat waves, droughts, storms and wildfire.
«We find that US population exposure to extreme heat increases fourfold to sixfold over observed levels in the late 20th century, and that changes in population are as important as changes in climate in driving this outcome,» they report.
The foundation of the claimed established science is this fudge factor: Heat Increase = 5.35 ln C / Cx
The 6 - year heat increase implies an average warming rate of 0.77 ± 0.11 Wm2.
While the land surface where we walk is relatively cool, geothermal heat increases with depth all the way to the core of the Earth.
I played the games Last Light, Skyfish, Skullgirls and Fern Flower for a little over 30 minutes and I never experienced any slowdown, frame - rate drops or any noteworthy heat increase.
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