Sentences with phrase «high northern latitudes»

Reduced sensitivity of recent tree growth to temperature at high northern latitudes.
The divergence problem is a physical phenomenon - tree growth has slowed or declined in the last few decades, mostly in high northern latitudes.
Models are known to have large biases in snow and ice cover over high northern latitudes [16].
This has been a general trend with the divergence problem - trees from high northern latitudes show divergence while low latitude trees show little to no divergence.
Climate models are known to have large biases in their simulations of ice and snow cover over high northern latitudes.
In light of the plausible structure of internal variability (and the relatively rich set of observations of the North Atlantic ocean) a focus on high Northern latitudes, asking if some of the observed trend in this region is internal, might be more productive that a focus on global means.
However, the plots also reveal some substantial differences at a regional level, notably over the North Atlantic Ocean, the sub-tropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in the SH, and at high northern latitudes during June to August.
Professor Chronis Tzedakis (UCL Geography) said: «The basic idea is that there is a threshold for the amount of energy reaching high northern latitudes in summer.
A group of scientists and representatives of indigenous Arctic communities has identified areas around the Arctic Ocean that they consider especially worthy of consideration for protection as sea ice recedes and industry poises to enter the increasingly accessible high northern latitudes.
As Cassini soared above high northern latitudes on Saturn's moon Dione, the spacecraft looked down at a region near the day - night boundary.
Isotopious @ 43 — It is generally agreed that orbital forcing [at high northern latitudes] is the cause of the changes between the three states of interglacial / interstade (mild glacial) / stade (full glacial).
«The results suggest that the winter atmospheric circulation at high northern latitudes associated with Arctic sea ice loss, especially in the winter, favors the occurrence of cold winter extremes at middle latitudes of the northern continents.»
In summary, the Eemian solar insolation increase in high northern latitudes produced pronounced Arctic warming and some GIS melt.
This work was broadened in 1998 using a network of over 300 tree - ring records across high northern latitudes (Briffa 1998).
Warming is expected to be greatest over land and at most high northern latitudes, and smallest over the Southern Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic Ocean.
In warm periods such as the present — freshwater inflow to high northern latitudes reduces the rate of water sinking to the depths of the ocean.
The tundra and much of the taiga — the sometimes swampy coniferous forest of high northern latitudes — were once a grassland ecosystem known as the «mammoth steppe.»
The magnitude and inter-model range of simulated warming over high northern latitudes are very similar in the high - end and non-high-end models, which indicates that the biases among the models are larger than the climate change signal.
«The basic idea is that there is a threshold for the amount of energy reaching high northern latitudes in summer.
The main reason for this warmer climate was an increased amount of energy from the Sun being received at high northern latitudes due to Earth's orbital configuration, plus Earth had an increased capacity to absorb heat due to vegetation changes and reduced ice and snow cover.
We have since found many bodies of liquid methane of varying sizes; for some reason, they mostly inhabit the high northern latitudes.
«The worst - case scenario would be folks in high northern latitudes being in a type of ultraviolet environment that people are exposed to all the time in San Diego.»
An 17O excess up to 7.5 per mil was observed in summer at high northern latitudes.
«Ever since the lakes and seas were discovered, we've been wondering why they're concentrated at high northern latitudes,» said Elizabeth (Zibi) Turtle, a Cassini imaging team associate based at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Md. «So, seeing that there's something special about the surface in this region is a big clue to help narrow down the possible explanations.»
Aurora borealis is usually seen in high northern latitudes — this photograph was taken in 2004 in Langhus, Norway — but it has been seen far south as Arizona, Texas, and San Diego.
CH4 ice appears on crater rims and mountain ridges at low latitudes and is abundant at Pluto's high northern latitudes.
When Kattenhorn and Prockter rearranged the icy terrain in the images, they discovered that more than 12,000 square miles (nearly 20,000 square kilometers) of the surface were missing in the moon's high northern latitudes.
[Response: High northern latitudes were warmer 5000 years ago (or even 9000 years ago) but the tropics were probably cooler, and in the mean the planet was probably not that different from now.
The Earth's natural orbital cycles [precession] were driving a simultaneous natural cooling trend, especially at high northern latitudes.
They also discovered that soil was more hydrated at lower southern latitudes and higher northern latitudes.
During the last deglaciation, and likely also the three previous ones, the onset of warming at both high southern and northern latitudes preceded by several thousand years the first signals of significant sea level increase resulting from the melting of the northern ice sheets linked with the rapid warming at high northern latitudes (Petit et al., 1999; Shackleton, 2000; Pépin et al., 2001).
It has long been realised that these cycles were paced by astronomical changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun and in the tilt of its axis, which change the amount of solar energy available to melt ice at high northern latitudes in summer.
It transported more warm, salty water masses to high northern latitudes, where Arctic winds cooled them until they became dense enough to sink to the ocean floor.
Peoples of the high northern latitudes (Greenland, Alaska, Russia, and Canada) were the first to invent wood - or whale bone - framed boats covered with a watertight skin.
The Eemian warming was due to higher solar insolation than today (13 %) on the high northern latitudes during NH summer (SH winter).
Qualitative indicators like sea ice coverage, spring thaw dates, and melting permafrost provide strong additional evidence that trends have been positive at middle and high northern latitudes, while glacier retreat suggests warming aloft at lower latitudes.
Also, the difference in annually averaged CH4 between Arctic and Antarctic latitudes is a sensitive indicator of changing CH4 emissions at high northern latitudes.
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