Sentences with phrase «huge amounts of carbon»

By eating and being eaten, they help support the ocean's food web and transport huge amounts of carbon from surface waters into the deep ocean.
Industry continues year after year not only to emit huge amounts of carbon pollution, but also to resist common - sense solutions.
When they burn, the stands of timber release huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.
But activists want to stop this, in part because coal produces huge amounts of carbon dioxide when it's burned.
Coal produces huge amounts of carbon dioxide when it's burned, and federal climate policy is silent on this potentially large source of emissions.
This permafrost is composed of Yedoma soil which has stored huge amounts of carbon for tens of thousands of years that is now is being released into the river.
This process is capable to sequester huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over longer time scales.
Tropical rainforests absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide, but because slash - and - burn deforestation releases so much of the greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, the tropics are a wash for carbon, according to a new study.
With biomimicry and innovation, we can pull huge amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere and lock it up as walls, roofs, foundations, and insulation.
Americans should be outraged that the Chinese are putting huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and changing our climate!
At the end of this post, there's more on one facet of the climate question that Mr. Dyson did examine in some depth back in 1976 — the prospect of pulling huge amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air with specially bred trees.
Perhaps more ominously yet, the possibility exists that thawing Arctic permafrost — known to contain huge amounts of carbon — could release large amounts of methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Washingtonians are doing their part as individuals to keep this state clean, but industries that emit huge amounts of carbon pollution are able to do it without paying a price.
If you're a regular TreeHugger reader you probably know that tropical rainforests suck huge amounts of carbon out of that air,
University of Washington research showed a decade ago that rivers exhale huge amounts of carbon dioxide — though left open the question of how that was possible, since bark and stems were thought to be too tough for river bacteria to digest.
Yet our results show how these disturbances can severely degrade the forest, with huge amounts of carbon being transferred from plant matter straight into the atmosphere.»
Also, I'd like to point out (just so it's clear to members of the audience) that coal generates huge amounts of carbon dioxide when it's burned as fuel, as a CENTRAL part of the process.
Inventories such as the deep ocean, sediments and rocks, on the other hand, store huge amounts of carbon accumulated over thousands to millions of years, but the fluxes of carbon in these reservoirs are comparatively very slow and occur via processes such as sedimentation and volcanic eruptions.
We know the vast amount of coal burned by China to produce manufactured goods (that could have been produced user cleaner energy if not for Kyoto) produces huge amounts of carbon soot that can change the albedo.
In the face of mounting support for clean coal and the billions being invested in carbon capture and storage, or C.C.S., technology, a new assessment from the University of Toronto's Munk Center for International Studies has a stern warning for policy - makers: there could be dramatic unintended environmental consequences to sequestering huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the earth's mantle.
But some, like Eelco Rohling, professor of ocean and climate change at the Australian National University's research school of earth sciences, now argue that this target can not be achieved unless ways to remove huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are found, and emissions are slashed.
We also must remove from the atmosphere huge amounts of carbon dioxide that have already been emitted (see «Paris Climate Agreement Rests on Shaky Technological Foundations»).
Nearly half of the forests lost were peat swamp forests, which store huge amounts of carbon and help protect against floods.
We have farmers at Rio able to increase small holder productivity by 100 % — as well as sequester huge amounts of carbon.
Tropical forests untouched by deforestation absorb huge amounts of carbon, more than all other northern hemisphere forests combined, the study found.
Most importantly, deforestation emits huge amounts of carbon stored in the trees and surrounding peat, while taking out the very mechanisms that help remove carbon from the planet: trees.
Agrofuels are being perversely promoted as a solution to climate change while the draining of peat lands and cutting down of tropical forests for their cultivation is releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Like its cousins, common forms of algae, cyanobacteria suck in huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the environment and convert it into other materials, such as biomass.
A third of all food produced in the world goes to waste and there is a huge amount of carbon and greenhouse gas emissions that goes into producing and transporting that food.
But by stopping the destruction of mature (old - growth) forests, we prevent a huge amount of carbon from going into the atmosphere, and by promoting Earth - friendly planting and management of young forests, we absorb large amounts of atmospheric carbon.
Huge amounts of carbon dioxide are retained as carbonate ions, and calcium ions represent a major contribution to water hardness.
Over the last few centuries, the ocean has absorbed huge amounts of the carbon dioxide spewed into the atmosphere by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels.
«By continuing to put these huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, we're gambling with climate and the outcome is still uncertain,» Zeebe said.
But additional buildup of coal - to - natural - gas projects could also create an environmental nightmare because producing the gas will emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide and worsen the water crisis in China's arid western regions.
While healthy and productive land can store huge amounts of carbon and help mitigate the effects of climate change, the degraded soil loses much of this capacity.
Tropical rainforests, and especially the Amazon, are another major worry — they, too, store huge amounts of carbon, but are already being heavily deforested, with concerns that climate change could also increase their vulnerability.
I'm suspecting that much oil burning cooked and covered the plugs and the combustion chambers in a huge amount of carbon.
I had wondered if the 1997 Indonesia fires, which put out a huge amount of carbon, had made a large impact on the 1998 anomaly, but with the ENSO adjusted data it doesn't seem to have had such an impact.
He noted that while there's a huge amount of carbon in Arctic soils and permafrost, «we're just talking about a smaller fraction of that pool.»
No - till farming NRCS Soil Health / CC BY 2.0 Soil has the potential to store huge amounts of carbon.
«This homeostasis is now being disrupted by our brief binge of fossil fuel consumption, which has released a huge amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
And that is a huge amount of carbon dioxide.
Between the Virgin lands campaign, the green revolution and the great leap forward, huge amounts of carbon have been released from the soil and no longer allowed to accumulate.
Thanks to soil microbes that break down organic matter, these ecosystems also contribute a huge amount of carbon to the atmosphere.
Terrestrial ecosystems, such as the Arctic tundra and Amazon rainforest, contain a huge amount of carbon in organic matter such as decaying plant material.
Humans are emitting huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere - 29 billion tonnes in 2009 (CDIAC).

Phrases with «huge amounts of carbon»

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