Sentences with phrase «human authority»

Your dog must be dog friendly and Human friendly and respectful of human authority.
8 Do I say this merely on human authority?
Beneath the great law is human law, which represents rules articulated by human authorities, which are consistent with the great law and enacted for the common good of the comprehensive Earth community.»
If we look at the cross as mediation between humanity and God, we can also see this tone — that people can relate to and are accountable to God directly — it does not need to be mediated through human authorities.
To choose circumcision is to please human authority; indeed, it is to become enslaved to it.
The authority that Jesus questions is indeed human authorities (mostly relegious, but also political and the prevailing social / cultural norms), i.e. human constructions.
Paul adds that he did not consult human authorities (flesh and blood, apostles) about this, but went away to Arabia.
Truth absolute GOD, does Not condone hinduism, criminality, product of human hindu secular ism, criminal self center ism, but HE keeps HIS promise of human authority over their action in limited form, eventually to be held account able for.
But human authority always becomes inadequate as soon as people learn to challenge its pretensions.
It is not a time for establishing, promoting or preserving human authority or human institutions that require obediance, command and control.
To a modernist, who by definition relies only upon human authority, natural law in the Thomistic sense is no longer supportable because it would have to rest upon the unacceptable premise that nature was supernaturally created.
That may be an indelicate way of putting the matter, especially for Protestants who think human authority of any kind should stay out of the way of divine revelation.
Repressive measures taken by powerful human authorities, however well intentioned, can do no more than delay global disasters, and may instead exacerbate them.
We can pay our full respect to the tested structures of authority in our common life, but all conventional human authorities easily assume a finality beyond their competence, and this is nowhere more dangerously true than in the high forms of spiritual authority which belong to religion and its institutions.
In such a system, human authorities replace the Divine, thus reversing the direction of a truly biblical ethic, which always begins with God, who makes a moral claim on his people in the light of his transcendent reign.
The fact has been demonstrated that the natural conservatism of human authority in religion tends to domesticate the Holy Spirit.
Then he urinates to show his complete submission to the big human authority figure.
Though he became a Catholic late in life, he was, I think, in theological terms what one would call a «skeptical fideist»: temperamentally and through wide experience a skeptic, his skepticism took the form of an incapacity to believe in all merely human authority or power.
Every alternative rests ultimately on human authority, because that is what remains when God is removed from the picture.
Therefore, God does bring judgment and calamity (either directly or through human authorities) on those who rebel.9 God will ultimately judge all people, since rebels will not be allowed in the new, perfect creation.
Circumcision, which Paul identifies as a desire to please human authority, divides.38
1 Peter 2: 13 — 16: Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.
Even if such proposals are made by competent authority they can be only tentative impulses, while the ultimate actual line of development can not be defined by any human authority but must be left solely to the Lord of history.
Furthermore, despite the emphasis by such theologians as Augustine, Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and Reinhold Niebuhr (with whom Schlesinger enjoyed a personal association) on the need to distinguish between divine and human authority, it is a gross distortion of all of their views for Schlesinger to impute to them the kind of relativism which makes the existence of God and the reality of revelation (the basis of all western religious traditions) so utterly irrelevant for public life.
The apostles have joined Paul in a common desire to please God rather than any human authority (1.10).
The incident at Antioch shows that any other principle of fellowship, based on subservience to human authority and distinctions, ultimately brings division.36
To Paul, Peter was doing the same as the false brothers tried to do in Jerusalem (the word for compel is used in both 2.14 and 2.3).34 Therefore, if the Galatians choose circumcision, they will no longer be servants of Christ; they will be servants of a human authority, namely those who require circumcision.
The advocates of circumcision are like the false brothers who opposed Paul, and they too will bring the Galatians under bondage to human authority.
Again, the revealed circumcision - free gospel is set in opposition to human authority.
There is no submission to human authority, nor is there any of the competition that characterized Paul's former life (1.14).
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.
This is the foundation for our disposition to accept Him as our Shepherd since the words He speaks and the path He offers are not based on human authority but God's.
Outside of the book of Acts, Luke (who also wrote Acts) uses the word in Luke 7:8 to refer to human authority and control.
Above all else, God is sovereign over all earth and all creation, and no human authority is great enough to thwart His plan and good will.
The spiritual connection and the human authority to direct and guide creation became untethered from our control.
Borderline cases of animal abuse may include neglect cases that may be remedied by client education rather than reporting to the human authorities, or suspicious cases of non-accidental injury or illness.
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