Sentences with phrase «human ecology»

Human ecology refers to the study of how humans interact with their environment and the impact of these interactions on both parties. It focuses on the relationship between people and their surroundings, including natural resources, other species, and physical ecosystems. This field explores how humans adapt to their environment, how they utilize resources, and how they influence and are affected by their environment. Overall, human ecology examines the interconnectedness between people and their surroundings. Full definition
Quite clearly, a complete transformation of human ecology m universe is occurring.
Clearly the link between an authentic human ecology and environmental ecology has been lost.
A growth group is an experience in good human ecology.
The project includes the subjects of human ecology, philosophy, political science, sociology of law, social geography, economic history, physical geography and ecosystems analysis.
In human ecology - speak it's the «protected prospect,» cozy but connected.
Mick Womersley, a professor of human ecology at Unity College in Maine, has offered a provocative and powerful reaction to my post on new work pointing to the abundance of oil now that new methods have been developed to extract it from deposits that were previously too costly to tap.
Such an approach creates confrontation and division, disturbs peace, harms human ecology -LSB-...] There is thus an urgent need to delineate a positive and open secularity which, grounded in the just autonomy of the temporal order and the spiritual order, can foster healthy cooperation and a spirit of shared responsibility.»
Francis speaks to this authentic human ecology against which the same - sex marriage ruling strikes.
Researchers in linguistics, archaeology, molecular genetics, and human ecology explore an explanation for the present - day distribution of many of the world's languages and language families.
Mick Womersley, who teaches human ecology at Unity College, has blogged on earlier White House efforts to cut energy waste and weighed in with a Dot Earth comment laying out his argument for a big solar deployment push and expressing pride in his students» initiative.
We'll have to return to traditional human ecologies at a smaller scale: villages, towns, and cities (along with a productive rural landscape).
Using the cultural and human ecology models as a guide, we assessed the associations between fathers» age, family income, length of time married, educational level, dimensions of fathers» functional style within the family, social support, and fathers» involvement in basic caregiving of their preschool - age child in intact middle to lower middle income African - American families.
What was the situation of human ecology in Korea under the Japanese colonial government?
Debbie received a bachelor of science degree in human ecology from The Ohio State University and an associate of applied science degree in veterinary technology from Columbus State Community College.
It is time to promote persuasively a richer vision of authentic human ecology, not exclusive of gay Catholics.
For a time, even other degree programs started using D2 for their classes in human ecology and sociology.
Seeing yesterday's post on energy literacy, and the lack thereof, Mick Womersley, an associate professor of human ecology at Unity College in Unity, Me., submitted a particularly useful comment on smart energy choices in the home, which is excerpted below as a «Your Dot» contribution.
Eve Tushnet has written beautifully on a vision of friendship for gay Catholics, encouraging them to recover a fundamental aspect of the Catholic tradition of human ecology that has been missing in modern times.
He spoke those words precisely because this pope would never exclude a rich human ecology from gay men and women, a human ecology of friendship.
Such ideologies would eventually lead to the destruction of both human ecology and the biosphere in the Korean peninsula.
Such a violation of human ecology must be analyzed with regard to the domination of Korea by foreign powers and the divide - and - conquer strategies that continue to dehumanize the victimized people of the third world.
Is this destruction of the human ecology representative of the integrity of God's perfectly harmonized order of creation?
The animal no longer cooperates with the human ecology but is simply fodder for it.
The animal as sentient, embodied being no longer cooperates with the human ecology.
Nichols goes on: «When looked at more closely, this «human ecology» is in fact a series of interlocking ecologies, as indeed is the complex of ecological systems which make up our natural environment.»
Dave Norton's research, which is funded by the University of Alaska's Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research, examines the impact of chemical pollutants on the human ecology of four arctic marine communities.
One project helps communities to define and illustrate their own «human ecology» so that if contaminants are detected locally in marine ecosystems, the communities will have a better basis for knowing whether and how to react in self - protection.
«Hold on,» I imagine a reader asking, «human ecology, sea ice physics, dinosaur paleontology, history — is this guy a legitimate expert in any single field?»
The transition from a hunter - gatherer lifestyle to agriculture and sedentism was considered such a radical change in human ecology that the term Neolithic revolution was coined for it.
The highlight of his undergraduate education was a 4 - month trip to Kenya, during which two professors taught ornithology, animal behavior, and human ecology to approximately 20 students.
For example, in my human ecology class, learning activities require students to manipulate data and create several tables using Microsoft Excel.
I believe our only hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, one in which we start to reconstitute our conception of the richness of human capacity.
The figures are a combination of forms found in plant, animal and human ecology.
Presumably, the meeting will help inform Pope Francis, who, according to the National Catholic Register, is preparing an encyclical on «human ecology
In particular, we are interested in candidates who are developing novel insight related to environmental topics in areas including - but not limited to - computational ecology, ecological modeling, social - ecological systems, and the human ecology of infectious diseases.
Anke Schaffartzik, Ph.D., Researcher, Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna Area of Expertise: social and human ecology
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