Sentences with phrase «hydrate deposits»

The volume of methane held in methane hydrate deposits worldwide is immense.
Current marine hydrate deposits depend on the current configuration.
So far, these leaking hydrate deposits don't seem to be a climate danger.
MacDonald, I.R., L.C. Bender, M. Vardaro, B. Bernard, and J.M. Brooks, Thermal and visual time - series at a seafloor gas hydrate deposit on the Gulf of Mexico slope, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 233 (1 - 2), 45 - 59, 2005.
Furthermore, the project will investigate potential future climate effects from destabilisation of methane hydrate deposits in a warming climate, and will focus on scenarios in 2050 and 2100.
«The release to the atmosphere of only one percent of the methane assumed to be stored in shallow hydrate deposits might alter the current atmospheric burden of methane up to 3 to 4 times,» Shakhova said.
It's important to note that this response has nothing to do with Friday's tsunami, which is a «subduction zone earthquake,» whereas the tsunamis discussed by scientists cited here would be the product of catastrophic events — collapse of methane hydrate deposits at the bottom of the ocean on the continental shelf, for example — for which a tsunami would be but one of many negative impacts.
Methane escapes from hydrate deposits even when the pieces don't float to the surface intact.
A research team led by The University of Texas at Austin has been awarded approximately $ 58 million to analyze methane hydrate deposits under the Gulf of Mexico.
As for the present, there are reports of methane release from thawing permafrost on land [213] and from sea - bed methane hydrate deposits [214], but amounts so far are small and the data are snapshots that do not prove that there is as yet a temporal increase of emissions.
The methane released from ESAS does not become oxidized by microbes as it passes through the water column, unlike methane released from the oceanic hydrate deposits found at depths of more than 700 m. «In the ESAS this bio-filter does not work because the water is very shallow — mean depth is less than 50 m — and there is just not enough time for oxidation,» said Shakhova.
The 12/12/2005 RC article on methane hydrate (I'm sorry but I don't know how to provide the url) refers to large hydrate deposits along the Oregon and Gulf coasts.
Under most frozen hydrate deposits is a layer of free methane gas occupying the pore spaces in the sediment.
The «methane bomb» idea refers to deep water seafloor hydrate deposits.
And perhaps the methane, locked away for millennia in permafrost or hydrate deposits undersea, will begin to begin to reach the atmosphere in really significant quantities.
Or considering how much hydrates deposits in the ocean, it seems a future generation could greatly benefit knowing whether mining such deposit is or is not economically viable.
Sometimes the methane moves around in the earth, and collects someplace, forming what are called structural hydrate deposits.
It would be quite a coincidence, Berndt said, to find methane emissions in a place where the water is warming and where there are known hydrate deposits — and to have those three things be completely unrelated.
Not the least of the challenges is that marine hydrate deposits are located in ocean mud up to a kilometer below the seafloor.
A research team led by The University of Texas at Austin has been awarded approximately $ 58 million to analyze methane hydrate deposits under the Gulf of Mexico.
As for the present, there are reports of methane release from thawing permafrost on land [213] and from sea - bed methane hydrate deposits [214], but amounts so far are small and the data are snapshots that do not prove that there is as yet a temporal increase of emissions.
The consortium will coordinate scientific input and develop plans for future marine hydrate expeditions to conduct research drilling, recovering samples of the formation, logging and analytical activities to assess the geologic occurrence, regional context, and characteristics of methane hydrate deposits along the continental margins of the United States, likely focusing on the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic margin.
«Moreover, Arctic shallow hydrate deposits are three times more sensitive to warming than oceanic deposits,» said Shakhova.
The time needed to destabilize large methane hydrate deposits in deep sediments is likely millennia [215].
Recent estimates indicate that just 1 percent of Earth's hydrate deposits could yield enough natural gas to meet American needs for 170,000 years at current rates.
But these methane hydrate deposits are fragile, and the gas that escapes from them may exacerbate global warming
Key hypotheses of the origin of this soil include hydrothermal activity generating sulfate - rich, hydrated deposits on early Mars similar to what is found along the flanks of active Hawaiian volcanoes on Earth.
Given the vastness of the world's marine methane hydrate deposits — more than twice the carbon reserves of all other fossil fuels combined — it's not surprising that government agencies and the petroleum and natural gas industries have long been interested in harvesting this new energy supply.
There are large gas hydrate deposits, and many crater - like structures, so - called «pockmarks», on the seabed.
Furthermore, the project will investigate potential future climate effects from destabilisation of methane hydrate deposits in a warming climate, and will focus on scenarios in 2050 and 2100.
In fact, only one source of carbon that is isotopically light and available in large enough quantities has been pinpointed so far, this is the reservoir of methane hydrate deposits (Figure 2) buried on the continental shelves of the oceans (Figure 3).
The resultant global warming eventually was enough to melt the methane hydrate deposits on continental shelves of the world - ocean.
The US Department of Energy (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory has issued a solicitation (DE-FOA-0000891) for up to $ 20 million in funding for projects that focus on the following three technical topic areas: (1) characterization of methane hydrate deposits; (2) response of methane hydrate reservoirs to induced environmental change; and... Read more →
What this exciting new research vessel will allow us to learn about seafloor spreading, earthquakes, magma flow, gas hydrate deposits, continental drift, and more, will expand scientific knowledge about the Earth and contribute to our ability as humans to withstand its extreme forces.
The time needed to destabilize large methane hydrate deposits in deep sediments is likely millennia [215].
The first project will focus on preparing detailed scientific and operational plans and recommendations for all aspects of a future offshore drilling, determining the hydrate deposit characteristics through electronic measurement, and recovering samples of hydrate under pressure so its characteristics may be more closely studied.
Methane is a greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide, and it is thought that some gas hydrate deposits could become unstable if disturbed.
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