Sentences with phrase «ice collapse»

There's Something Rotten North of Denmark By Steven Goddard Just a few weeks ago, predictions of Arctic ice collapse were buzzing all over the internet.
Rob talks about insights from numerical modelling of the Antarctic ice sheets for future sea level rise as a consequence of global warming, including the need to incorporate recently recognised ice collapse processes.
«Antarctic model raises prospect of unstoppable ice collapse,» read the headline in the scientific journal Nature, a publication not known for hyperbole.
For my money, Ice loss is the biggest «in year» story if you are being purist about what constitutes a climate story (other stories are bigger if you take a longer view than the year just ended, but the effects haven't really hit yet - the ongoing ice collapse is happening right now).
West Antarctic ice collapse «could drown Middle East and Asia crops» [The Guardian, Suzanne Goldenberg]
Arctic Sea Ice Collapse 1979-2013/07.
The second unit was setting up near Base 2 when a wall of ice collapsed 1,000 feet above them, killing 13 sherpas and climbers.
These lakes could also be hotbeds for life, since molecules embedded in surface ice could easily get dumped into the water when the ice collapses.
The researchers attached tracking devices to 60 ringed seals and 67 polar bears overall, which allowed them to compare their movements before and after the ice collapse.
What is entirely possible is the weather itself and rates of ice collapse could be much more sensitive to even small changes in temperature, so low or medium climate sensitivity, than we thought.
But it is clear that further greenhouse gas emission will heighten the risk of an ice collapse in West Antarctica and more unstoppable sea - level rise.»
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